The Heart of Thunder Mountain Part 52

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"In Singapore."

"And then?"

"He's dead."

"And she?"

"I've sent her back to her people in Devons.h.i.+re."

Haig gripped hard the hand that was still clasped in his own, and there was a moment of silence.

"Well," said Haig, "we'll have a nip of whisky, and then--You've come back to take your ranch, of course."

"I _came_ back for that, but I can't figure out that it's mine now."

"How's that?" asked Haig, pouring out the drinks.

"I left three hundred head of cattle, and now I learn there are thirteen hundred head, almost."

"Don't let that worry you. I've sold enough of the increase to bring back all the money they cost me. So we're quits."


"Why not?"

"Be sensible, Haig. First thing, why did you do it?"

"For the fun of it, partly."

"And after that?"

"Well, your fine ranch here wasn't making much money, and I thought you'd need a good deal, perhaps, before you got through with your--affair."

"And yet you say we're quits!"

"I'm satisfied."

"But I'm not. You'll take a half interest, and we'll go partners."


"I say yes," persisted Thursby. "But I'm forgetting to ask questions.

How the devil did you get back?"

"I will a tale unfold will harrow up thy bones--and the rest of it,"

replied Haig, laughing. "But first: when did you arrive?"

"By the last stage in."

"And what have you told them--my pleasant neighbors?"

"Nothing. But they have the impression that I came for the final payment on the ranch, and that I remained because you were lost in the mountains."

"Good. Now, old man, I'll tell you how you can repay me in full for anything you may think I've done for you."

"Go on!"

"Are you ready to a.s.sume the responsibility for my acts? I mean in the matter of the land and cattle? The rest is still my affair."

"Most certainly."

"Well, then. I've very special reasons for needing peace with Huntington."

Thursby looked at him curiously. This from Philip Haig!

"And you want me to--"

"Don't misunderstand me. I've gone up there before, and I'm going again to-morrow. But I want to give Huntington a chance. So if you'll go to his house to-morrow morning, and tell him that I've finished, that the ranch is not mine, and--"

"But the ranch is yours--or half yours."

"Never mind about that now. We'll talk it over later. Just tell Huntington that the ranch is not mine, and never has been, and--whatever else you like. Then say to him that if he still wants to fight me I'll meet him anywhere, and we'll settle it. In any event, you will tell him, I'm coming to his place to-morrow afternoon, and I'll have no gun."

"I see."

"And you'll do it?"

"Of course. With all my heart."

And he made a thorough job of it. He told them--Huntington, Claire and Marion--that he had been in great trouble. What that trouble was concerned n.o.body but himself, but it was enough to send him around the world, reckless of everything but the immediate object of his pursuit.

Philip Haig, an old friend, had volunteered to look after his ranch for him, and to provide him with money when he needed it. So, if Haig had seemed too aggressive and selfish in his methods, all that he had done had been done in a spirit of--he might say a spirit that was almost quixotic. And having done all this, increasing Thursby's holdings of cattle four times, Haig refused to accept anything for his time and labor, and insisted that their account was closed.

Marion had known nothing of all this, save for the hints she had received from Smythe, following the conversation overheard by him.

Philip had told her nothing of it in recounting his adventures. With glistening eyes she looked from Claire to Huntington, where they sat open-mouthed, and was thrilled with pride and triumph. Claire at length turned, and looked at her, and smiled. As for Huntington, he was simply (as he explained afterwards, seeking to justify his ready acquiescence) flabbergasted.

"This has been a very bitter business, Thursby," he said. "It's cost me a lot of cattle and money, and I'll not take back a thing I've said about Haig's grabbing everything in sight, and ruining his neighbors.

But I will say, after what you've told me, that--d.a.m.n it, Thursby! he is a man."

"He's ready to fight with you or talk with you, as you wish."

Huntingdon eyed him suspiciously.

"Did Haig say that?" he demanded.

"He certainly did."

"Then tell him, if he's on the square, it'll be talk."

Claire, ignoring Thursby's presence, ran and snuggled close to Seth, while he put his arm around her. But it was at Marion, _to_ Marion, that Seth looked, seeking the approval that he had never before been able to get from her. Their eyes met, and she nodded, smiling.

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The Heart of Thunder Mountain Part 52 summary

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