Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 14

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ermigahd it’s unlimited anime work chapter 14, oh boy I hope n.o.body has uploaded this to NU yet.

Saeko and the gang made it to Misaka bridge, and they were met with a group of Zs, against the Zs they only had a choice available, flee the place, the modified vehicle could travel across the water surface, and since the Zs can’t travel well in water….

“What are we going to do? If we don’t leave quickly…”

is getting a bit fl.u.s.tered as she frowned.

 “Feng senpai is not yet here, how can we just go ahead like this..”

 rejected the idea, leaving behind comrades is not his way of doing things!

“What should we do then! How do we kill all this zombies? If we’re surrounded then it will be problematic in a lot of ways even if this vehicle has its plates and durability modified.”

pushed her while pointing out the consequences.

Zi Yue Ling (紫月凌) glanced at her Iphone 5, it didn’t indicate Feng Yu Chen’s death, maa, let’s give him a bit of a.s.sist here to show good faith, who know’s she might need his help one day.

“I believe he will definitely come back, rather than bickering over here, I say we prepare for battle!”

She grabbed her IthacaM -37 and started shooting at the group of zombies before her.


A shot hit a zombie in the chest and scattered the zombies close to it backwards.

“Wow, not bad, this gun sure hits hard, very impressive…”

She shot at the surrounding hostile while complimenting on the gun’s performance.

“You’re awesome!”

Looking at her shooting pose he expressed his opinion.

“Miss Zi is a genius, I only taught you once and you have already picked it up, that’s really awesome…”

Zhi fired another round before turning to him and grinning.

“Hehe, it’s not that great, I’m still not that used to it, this gun has quite the recoil, my shoulder’s all sore from the effects…”

“Nn, let the fight begin..”

Saeko did a front flip and then while grasping the bokken she smacked a hoe down on the ground before agiely landing on the ground, she slashed at her left and right quickly dispatching the oncoming zombies. Not letting up, she whacked a few zombies on the head instantly felling a few zombies…

“Busuima senpai, let me help you..”

Takas.h.i.+ jumped down from the modified humvee.

“Hehe, let me open up a path for you guys!”

Kohta sniped the zombies with his sniper rifle, delving into the fray as well.

“No helping it, we can only fight our way out, Feng senpai saved me multiple times, we can’t just ditch him like this, if it’s that , I would definitely drop him faster than a hot potato, Feng senpai is different, he’s a good guy!”

grabbed her spear and came down from the humvee as well.

Saya shook her head at the situation, she secretly prayed that Feng would make a hasty return, failing which would be their doom!

s.h.i.+zuka patted the side of her shoulder.

“Maa Takagi, since it’s already like this, let’s put our faith in Feng. Besides, if we leave behind one now, we might leave behind a second, and then a third… Sometimes, some principle should be held onto, even if it’s wrong!”

Saya is looked surprised by s.h.i.+zuka, who would have thought this cow t.i.ts ditzy teacher could say something that of a philosophical nature…

“Maa, screw it, fight!”

She pushed her


The others all nodded.

They engaged the hostiles for about a minute before Saeko heard a car’s engine roaring from afar, a car is heading their way at the moment, and in it is no other than Feng!

“Haha, did ya miss me…”

Being at Iron grade middle tier, his abilities are increased by about a half and his physique is improved as well. Power enhanced, he jumped down from the car while spinning in the air, cutting the surrounding zombies into halves like tofu.

He landed lightly on the ground before breaking into a dash and making mince meat of the hostiles in his path. Under the effect of [zombie hunter], his 30% damage up against undead made his attack that much more lethal, augmenting the blade which could slash apart a 1cm metal plate, it’s only natural the zombies became nothing but jelly in comparison.

“Why do I get the feeling Feng senpai just got that much cooler? Could it be my eyes are seeing things? Hallucinations perhaps?”

Saya pushed her while puzzled. (Tl: get a new gla.s.s, I tire of your constant gla.s.s adjustment)

“Isn’t he always a ?”

s.h.i.+zuka the ditz as always did her thing, no matter what changed she couldn’t discern the skill difference even when it’s smacking against her b.o.o.bies, or it might be that she’s not even trying to notice, the only thing she could see is how awesome the guy is.


Zi Yue Ling lifted the corner of her lips, this must be the reward from the System, the t.i.tle reward that could only be obtained by killing 500 zombies, so this is it huh?

She’s delighted he got stronger, they’re comrades now, if he gets stronger, it’s good for the whole group, it can minimize the risk of fatality occurring.

“He really became that much better…”

A hint of fancy flashed across her eyes, she still think he can’t hold a candle to her in terms of kendo skills but his power is definitely stronger than her, she conjectures that his explosive increase in power is due to a breakthrough, pract.i.tioners in times of dire strait are known to experience breakthrough into higher levels of skill.

Though she thinks so there’s no way to test out this hypothesis reliably, not that she has the time to do so anyway, as long as he got stronger their collective strength would increase as well, their safety is also proportionate to this increase. Plus, who wouldn’t like a strong man. (Tl: raw said a man’s power is a woman’s happiness. so.. yeah.)

In a cold blooded manner he slayed the zombies by the group, he jumped on board the humvee.

“Now that everyone’s here, let’s go, next stop: the other side of this river (东丁目 Tl: a.s.suming this is what happens after they save the girl, didn’t watch the show so I filled in the blanks with.)


Saeko, Takas.h.i.+ and Rei made it back on the humvee ending their skirmish.

“Welcome back…”

Zi Yue Ling extended her fair hand to him while smiling.

“I am the first one to fight you know? I believed you would return…”

Feng Yu Chen looked at her, is she trying to get on my good side? Maa, she’s a comrade for now.

He shook hand with her.

“Ok, thanks…”

“No need, you saved my life…”

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Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 14 summary

You're reading Unlimited Anime Works. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 晕血的羔羊. Already has 4931 views.

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