The Mother of Parliaments Part 30

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Brydges, Sir E., Memories of the Peers of England. 1802.

Bucher, L., Der Parliamentarismus wie er ist. 1855.

Buckingham, Duke of, Memoirs of the Court of George IV. 1859.

Burke, E., Works and Correspondence. 1852.

Burke, E., Correspondence of. 1844.

Burke, P., Life of Edmund Burke. 1853.

Burnet, Bishop, History of His Own Time. 1833 and 1838.

Burton, T., Diary of. 1828.

Butler, C., Reminiscences. 1822.

Buxton, Sir T. F., Memoirs. 1848.

Byron, Lord, Letters of. 1886.

Campbell, Lord, Lives of the Chancellors. 1846-69.

Carlyle, T., Letters and Speeches of Cromwell. 1845.

Castlereagh, Lord, Memoirs and Correspondence. 1848-53.

Charlemont, Lord, Memoirs (edited by F. Hardy). 1812.

Charley, Sir W. T., The Crusade against the Const.i.tution. 1895.

Chesterfield, Lord, Letters. 1892.

Chesterfield, Lord, Letters to His Son. 1901.

Christie, W. D., Life of Lord Shaftesbury. 1891.

Churchill, Rt.-Hon. W. S., Lord Randolph Churchill. 1907.

Clarendon, Lord, History of the Rebellion. 1826.

Clarendon, Lord, Life of. 1827.

Cobbett, W., Parliamentary History.

Cobbett, W., Annual and Weekly Registers.

Cobden, R., Speeches. 1870.

Cobden, R., Letters (edited by Sir E. W. Watkin). 1891.

c.o.c.kburn, Lord, Life of Jeffrey. 1852., Sir E., The Fourth Part of the Inst.i.tutes of the Laws of England. 1648.

Colchester, Lord, Diary and Correspondence. 1861.

Collective Wisdom, The: Sights in St. Stephen's. 1824.

Cooke, G. W., History of Party. 1836.

Cooke, E. W. R., Four Years in Parliament with Hard Labour. 1890.

Cornwallis, Lord, Correspondence. 1859.

Courtney, J., Characteristic Studies of Distinguished Speakers. 1808.

Courtney, L., The Working Const.i.tution of the United Kingdom. 1901.

c.o.xe, Archdeacon W., Memoirs of Lord Walpole. 1820

c.o.xe, W., Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole. 1798.

c.o.xe, W., The Pelham Administration. 1829.

Cracroft, B., Essays, Political and Miscellaneous. 1868.

Creasy, Sir E. S., Rise and Progress of the English Const.i.tution.


Croker, Rt. Hon. J. W., The Croker Papers. 1884.

Curran, J. P., Sketches of the Irish Bar. 1855.

Dalling, Lord, Historical Characters. 1868.

Dalling, Lord, Life of Palmerston. 1874.

D'Arblay, Madame, Diary and Letters. 1846.

Daunt, W., Recollections of Daniel O'Connell. 1848.

Delany, Mrs., Autobiography. 1861.

Denison, J. E., Notes from my Journal when Speaker of the House of Commons. 1900.

D'Ewes, Sir S., Autobiography and Correspondence. 1845.

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The Mother of Parliaments Part 30 summary

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