Monster Factory Chapter 591

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Chapter 591: Energy core.

When the Colossus and the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p met, it was already three in the morning, the storm had already subsided and the waves on the sea surface had turned into acceptable big waves.

However, only the Colossus dared to dock in the two-kilometer sea zone, while all the other s.h.i.+ps were in shock and waited for the weather to improve before daring to leave.

The Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p stood a thousand yards deep in the twilight, above it was the Colossus, and below it, every three hundred and thirty yards was a Squid Deep-sea Searcher quietly waiting. Twelve Squid Deep-sea Searchers were arranged horizontally, deep in the seabed.

When the three contraptions were together in a straight line, the Colossus again activated the enormous steel arm frame, and the six giant claws plunged into the water.


The giant claws continued to sink after brus.h.i.+ng past the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p, and eventually submerged in darkness, only thick steel cables moved in the pouring rain. Then the detector of the Squid Deep-sea Searcher N ° 12 captured the movement of the steel claw, then on the 11th, the 10th...

Squid Deep-sea Searcher numbers continued to help Steel Claws correct coordinates. While waiting for Squid Deep-sea Searcher N °1 to capture the image of the steel claw, the six huge steel claws hovered above the wreckage of this fighter plane.

When the six steel claws appeared on the screen, the image of Detector N ° 1 was all muddy. Flakes of volcanic dust filled the entire screen. After tens of minutes, the dust settled. The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk strike plane that had been sleeping here for decades and the nuclear bomb that the United States had lost and was struggling to find became very clear.

Over the sea, the Colossus made a mechanical noise that echoed across the sky.

As the twenty-four taut steel cables rose, the giant claws gradually rose. Pa.s.sing past the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p, Ye Qing exploited it and floated with the twelve Squid Deep-sea Searchers. The two "Juli" monsters, the hard work monsters, once wore hard lead-plate suits and were standing on the bridge waiting.

When the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p floated to the surface opened the hatch and revealed the specially constructed heavy-walled lead storage cabinet inside.

The giant claws grabbed a pile of wreckage and moved towards the bridge, and the two giant workers immediately used brute force to pull out the wreckage of the plane that had been corroded down the hole. The wreckage was gradually emptied of the water, and soon a metallic object in the shape of a semi-ellipse covered with a thick layer of marl was exposed on the bridge.

Just it with an iron plate, and the silvery-gray metal will be exposed. Even after decades of submerging in seawater, the metallic surface was still s.h.i.+ny.

Half an hour later, the nuclear bomb of the explosive power of 500,000 tons was transferred to the hold of the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p.


The Colossus threw the entire wreckage and continued along its predetermined way, and the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p plunged into the sea and returned to Shanghai with the nuclear bomb.

Someone arrived a little earlier than the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p, they are more than one. These are the congratulatory groups of major media around the world, as well as those of the United States and j.a.pan.

After the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p traveled over two hundred nautical miles, it floated on the surface and sailed on the surface of the sea. Ye Qing's satellite phone continued to receive calls from the company.

The nuclear bomb has been picked up. How could Ye Qing save time to deal with her first? So he asked the company to receive them first. No matter who has come, they have to wait for him to finish his job.

It was already nine in the morning when he arrived at the Longxitan Beach factory, and the Lord Duan Battles.h.i.+p entered directly into the underground wharf.

Coming out of the cabin, Ye Qing ordered 'Juli' monsters, the monsters of hard work to lift the nuclear bomb, then bring in two hundred kilograms of transparent crystal and high purity metallic tungsten that the Master Metal Experts have devoted half a month of effort to extract, high purity palladium, a jumble of metal and a thousand tons of combustible ice.

Combustible ice was loaded into several sealed pressure vessels, and the cold store did not stop cooling.

With the addition of the nuclear bomb placed in the heavy lead cabinet on the floor, Ye Qing will have finally prepared all the materials needed for the energy tower.

Ye Qing took out the Geiger counter and tested the intensity of the radiation around the lead cabinet. Fortunately, although the meter can detect the slightest amount of radiation in the air, it is only 0.5 millisievert, which is less than the safety standard requires. He pulled out the Monster Factory cell phone and took a deep breath; anxiously he chose to recruit the energy tower.

The rest of the materials can be guaranteed to qualify, but the nuclear bomb alone cannot be guaranteed. Although public information describes this type of nuclear bomb, the internal charge of the plutonium core is 15 kilograms and the purity is 96. But that's paper data after all. Who knows the purity of this nuclear bomb, if there is a problem?

Namely that during the year of the Cold War, the frenzied American and Soviet arms race, both on the number of productions up to several tens of thousands of nuclear bombs as much as, if only to save funds, on the purity joke...

[Material or breakage.]

[Didi ~ After testing, the materials on-site will meet the manufacturing requirements of the energy tower. Please confirm if you want to build an energy tower.]

[Legendary Building Energy Tower: It can generate 100 million kilowatt-hours of energy every day. At the same time, it has the capacity to absorb and transform various energy sources and can store up to 20 billion kilowatt-hours of energy.]

[The construction time is five hours, and the construction period is irreversible. Once canceled, no material will be returned.]

"Yes... confirm!

At that time, Ye Qing was relieved and finally stopped worrying about the material inconsistency. At the same time, he also admired the United States during the Cold War. The purity of the military-grade plutonium was uncompromised at all.

It should be noted that the purity of the plutonium was over 90%.

[In the future, for each purification point, you will have to pay 20% of the total energy consumption.]

A row of blue light falling from the sky hit the row of rough materials near the wharf. It was as if a source of the warm light s.h.i.+ning on the snow. Whether it was the large transparent crystal in the metal frame or the high purity metal on the tray, which is soft enough to be cut with paper, it slowly melted and vanished. Although the combustible ice in the container and the high purity plutonium inside the nuclear bomb was not visible, they must have melted together.

The Monster Factory also has an additional progress bar.

Ye Qing didn't go anywhere, just waiting for the completion of the energy tower construction.

Five meters further ahead, a beautiful beam of purple light descended. Inside the beam of light, countless metallic particles of starlight were gathered by magical power, slowly forming a metallic color Ye Qing had never seen before.

An hour later, the base of the energy tower filled with mysterious electrical patterns formed. It wasn't as huge as Ye Qing imagined; the mysterious base in front of him was only two meters in diameter, which is very small.

Two hours later, the outer wall of the transparent energy tower condensed. Three hours later, the condensation at the top was over, and the energy tower began condensing liquid energy like thunder and lightning.

Five hours later, a five-meter-high metal base with mysterious electrical patterns, a transparent crystal body and an energy tower made up of two metals, one black, and one silver stood in front of Ye Qing.

It was a legendary building that has been out of current technology for so many years, slowly approaching this tall tower with a continuous discharge inside.

Ye Qing felt his breathing should stop because he suddenly thought of a possibility. As long as the energy tower in front of him is not huge in terms of volume, it is, therefore, possible to move it.

Whether it will move it to the giant 10,000-ton s.h.i.+p and serve as a power source for the giant 10,000-ton s.h.i.+p? No, no, the technological content of the giant 10,000-ton vessel is too low. What if it serves as the aircraft's power source?

Ye Qing thought about the sixth stage of the Monster Factory and black technology sound-absorbing steel that can swallow all sound waves and detecting electromagnetic waves.

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Monster Factory Chapter 591 summary

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