Nathan the Wise Part 10

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Well--to what?

I'm curious to observe how this man sifts.


The shortest way will be to tell you plainly What are the patriarch's wishes.


And they are -


To send a letter by your hand.


By me?

I am no carrier. And were that an office More meritorious than to save from burning A Jewish maid?


So it should seem; must seem - For, says the patriarch, to all Christendom This letter is of import; and to bear it Safe to its destination, says the patriarch, G.o.d will reward with a peculiar crown In heaven; and of this crown, the patriarch says, No one is worthier than you -


Than I?


For none so able, and so fit to earn This crown, the patriarch says, as you.


As I?


The patriarch here is free, can look about him, And knows, he says, how cities may be stormed, And how defended; knows, he says, the strengths And weaknesses of Saladin's new bulwark, And of the inner rampart last thrown up; And to the warriors of the Lord, he says, Could clearly point them out; -


And can I know Exactly the contents of this same letter?


Why, that I don't pretend to vouch exactly - 'Tis to King Philip: and our patriarch - I often wonder how this holy man, Who lives so wholly to his G.o.d and heaven, Can stoop to be so well informed about Whatever here--'Tis a hard task!


Well--and your patriarch -


Knows, with great precision, And from sure hands, how, when, and with what force, And in which quarter, Saladin, in case The war breaks out afresh, will take the field.


He knows that?


Yes; and would acquaint King Philip, That he may better calculate, if really The danger be so great as to require Him to renew at all events the truce So bravely broken by your body.



This is a patriarch indeed! He wants No common messenger; he wants a spy.

Go tell your patriarch, brother, I am not, As far as you can sift, the man to suit him.

I still esteem myself a prisoner, and A templar's only calling is to fight, And not to ferret out intelligence.


That's much as I supposed, and, to speak plainly, Not to be blamed. The best is yet behind.

The patriarch has made out the very fortress, Its name, and strength, and site on Libanon, Wherein the mighty sums are now concealed, With which the prudent father of the sultan Provides the cost of war, and pays the army.

He knows that Saladin, from time to time, Goes to this fortress, through by-ways and With few attendants.


Well -


How easy 'twere To seize his person in these expeditions, And make an end of all! You shudder, sir - Two Maronites, who fear the Lord, have offer To share the danger of the enterprise, Under a proper leader.


And the patriarch Had cast his eye on me for this brave office?


He thinks King Philip might from Ptolemais Best second such a deed.


On me? on me?

Have you not heard then, just now heard, the favour Which I received from Saladin?

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Nathan the Wise Part 10 summary

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