Nathan the Wise Part 17

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Nor is that all -


Nor yet--speak then!



Since we have been expecting The treasure out of Egypt, she not only -


Why listen to him?


Has not had an asper; -


Good creature--but has been advancing to thee -


Has at her sole expense maintained thy state.

SALADIN (embracing her).

My sister--ah!


And who but you, my brother, Could make me rich enough to have the power?


And in a little time again will leave thee Poor as himself.


I, poor--her brother, poor?

When had I more, when less than at this instant?

A cloak, a horse, a sabre, and a G.o.d! - What need I else? With them what can be wanting?

And yet, Al-Hafi, I could quarrel with thee For this.


A truce to that, my brother. Were it As easy to remove our father's cares!


Ah! now my joy thou hast at once abated: To me there is, there can be, nothing wanting; But--but to him--and, in him, to us all.

What shall I do? From Egypt maybe nothing Will come this long time. Why--G.o.d only knows.

We hear of no stir. To reduce, to spare, I am quite willing for myself to stoop to, Were it myself, and only I, should suffer - But what can that avail? A cloak, a horse, A sword I ne'er can want;--as to my G.o.d, He is not to be bought; He asks but little, Only my heart. I had relied, Al-Hafi, Upon a surplus in my chest.


A surplus?

And tell me, would you not have had me impaled, Or hanged at least, if you had found me out In h.o.a.rding up a surplus? Deficits - Those one may venture on.


Well, but how next?

Could you have found out no one where to borrow Unless of Sittah?


And would I have borne To see the preference given to another?

I still lay claim to it. I am not as yet Entirely bare.


Not yet entirely--This Was wanting still. Go, turn thyself about; Take where, and as, thou canst; be quick, Al-Hafi.

Borrow on promise, contract, anyhow; But heed me--not of those I have enriched - To borrow there might seem to ask it back.

Go to the covetous. They'll gladliest lend - They know how well their money thrives with me -


I know none such.


I recollect just now I heard, Al-Hafi, of thy friend's return.

HAFI (startled).

Friend--friend of mine--and who should that be?



Thy vaunted Jew!


A Jew, and praised by me?

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Nathan the Wise Part 17 summary

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