Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management by Ontario Part 2

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Coloured granite ware is best for most of the cooking dishes. Where tin is necessary, it should be of a good quality. Crockery is desirable for some bowls, jars, and serving dishes. Spoons and serving forks should be of Nevada silver, and knives of the best steel with well-made wooden handles.

The cost of this part of the equipment and the number of articles purchased must of course depend on the funds available. The following list is intended to give what is really desirable in a specially equipped room, at prices which are a fair average.



I. CLa.s.s TABLE


24 plates, enamel, 9 inch $0.70 14 " white crockery, 7 inch .80 24 bowls white crockery, 7 inch 3.60 24 " " " 5 1/2 inch 1.20 24 enamel bowls, 6 inch 2.40 24 popover cups 1.80 24 bakers, crockery (oval) 1.20 24 platters, " (small) 1.50 24 sieves (wire bowl) 1.30 24 spoons, wooden 1.92 24 spatulas, wire handle 7.20 24 knives, paring 2.00 24 forks, Nevada silver 2.50 24 spoons, table, Nevada silver 2.50 48 spoons, tea, " " 1.20 24 cups, measuring, tin 2.40


12 boxes (for flour), tin 10.00 12 " (for sugar), " 7.50 12 cheese jars (for salt) .68 24 shakers, gla.s.s 2.40 24 bread tins 4.32 24 biscuit cutters .72 13 safety match-box holders 1.62


12 double boilers 5.76 24 stew pans, tin cover, wooden k.n.o.b 4.56 24 frying-pans 1.20 24 saucepans 2.16 12 knife-boards 1.80 12 meat boards 3.00 6 scrub basins 1.50 12 dish pans 6.00 12 rinsing pans 3.00 12 draining pans 3.00 6 tea-kettles 3.00 12 scrub-brushes 2.00 12 vegetable brushes .30 12 soap dishes .75 12 garbage crocks .96 24 asbestos mats 1.10


1 garbage pail, galvanized iron 1.00 1 waste-paper basket, willow (large) .75 1 soap dish .11 1 brush, hand .03 1 brush, scrub .17 2 basins, hand, enamel .40 2 basins, scrub, enamel .50 1 dish pan .70 1 crock for was.h.i.+ng soda .30 2 towel racks 1.50 1 clock 5.50 12 tablets for housekeeping rules .70


2 kettles, granite 1.50 1 tea-kettle, granite .85 1 saucepan .28 1 saucepan .35 5 covers, tin .25 1 pie pan .10 1 coffee-pot .32 6 saucepans, 1 qt. size, white enamel 1.08 1 double boiler .59 6 covers, tin .30 1 soup ladle, enamel .09 2 pudding dishes, white enamel .40 12 strainers and mashers 1.80 1 kneading pan .85 3 steamers .67 10 graters 1.00 2 vegetable baskets .30 6 potato mashers .48 4 m.u.f.fin pans .60 24 patty-pans .20 12 Dover egg beaters 1.20 1 spice box .50 1 j.a.panned tray .25 24 wire toasters 2.40 1 egg spade .15 1 scale 3.10 1 freezer 3.00 1 cast-iron frying-pan .40 1 dripping pan .25 2 roasting pans .60 1 quart measure, granite .60 1 pint measure, " .45 1 funnel, tin .05 4 baking sheets 7" 17" .92 6 " " 10" 10" 1.08 24 cups and saucers 1.30 24 tumblers 1.50 6 platters .36 6 plates .34 6 pitchers, 1 1/2 pt. 1.00 3 brown bowls, 2 qt. .75 2 brown bowls .25 nest of mixing bowls 1.00 6 gla.s.s measuring cups .60 6 gla.s.s lemon reamers .60 6 tea-pots (pint) 1.50 1 covered crock .25 1 doz. 1 qt. fruit jars .65 1 " 2 qt. " " .75 1 " 1 pt. " " .55 1 meat chopper 3.10 1 bread knife .25 1 bread board .25 2 knives, French .85 2 spoons, granite .21 1 fork, large wooden handle .15 2 can openers .20 1 corkscrew .25 1 bunch skewers .15 1 brush, pastry .05 1 knife sharpener .25 3 graters, nutmeg .09 1 box toothpicks .05 1 pad tissue paper .05 3 scissors 1.25 1 doz. jelly .35 1 cream and sugar .30 24 rolling-pins 3.00 1 b.u.t.ter spade .15 1 file and catch .65 3 doz. test-tubes .90 1 " thermometers (Dairy) 2.50 2 lamp chimneys .30 1 bell .40


36 yards towelling (3 doz. dish towels) 5.40 16 " " (4 doz. wash cloths) 2.40 13 " check towelling (3 doz. dish cloths) 1.60 6 " towelling .75 6 " " (6 meat cloths) .60 1 1/2 " flannelette (oven cloths) .23 12 " cheesecloth .60 1 3/8 " denim (stove ap.r.o.n) .27 2 " flannelette (for polis.h.i.+ng silver) .20 chamois .25


1 stove ap.r.o.n .27 1 stove brush .25 1 dauber .10 3 whisk brooms .45 1 dust-pan .20 1 pair stove mitts .30 1 broom .45


14 pony wash-boards 1.75 6 doz. clothes-pins .10 1 clothes-line .25


1. China and Gla.s.s:

1 flower vase .25 1 dinner set, Limoges china 15.50 1 doz. water .80 1 gla.s.s fruit set 1.50

2. Silver and Steel:

2 doz. teaspoons 4.20 1 " dessert spoons 4.00 1/2 " tablespoons 1.15 1 " dessert knives 4.50 1 " dessert forks 4.50 1 " dinner knives 4.50 1 " dinner forks 4.50 1 carving set 2.00 1 b.u.t.ter pick .20

3. Linen, etc.:

1 silence cloth 1.50 1 4 yd. table-cloth 5.40 1 doz. napkins 2.75 1 centre-piece .40 2 doylies .50 2 tray cloths 1.00


1 "First Aid" cabinet 10.00 1 fire blanket 2.00


In some schools it is impossible to set aside a special room for Household Management work, and the ordinary cla.s.s-room is all that is available. In such cases the equipment must be a movable one, and gas stoves and plumbing are impossible. Table tops may be placed on trestles or laid across the ordinary desks, and oil or alcohol lamps must be used. These and the necessary utensils may be kept in a cupboard in the room.

With certain restrictions, the Department of Education a.s.sists in equipping special rooms in villages and rural districts and also in maintaining instruction in this subject.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Modified equipment for rural schools]

The in these schools are usually smaller, so that an outfit suitable for individual work with a cla.s.s of twelve will generally suffice. The following, suggested by the Macdonald Inst.i.tute, Guelph, is a good basis and may be modified as desired:

12 bowls, brown $0.85 12 bread tins .95 12 tea cups and saucers 1.25 12 tin measuring cups 1.25 12 egg beaters .30 12 forks .40 12 case knives 1.25 12 paring knives 1.25 12 plates .85 12 saucepans 1.68 12 tablespoons .50 24 teaspoons .40 12 wooden spoons .60 12 stew pans 2.40 12 strainers .65 2 trays .80 1 bowl, yellow .25 1 " " .35 1 " " .45 3 scissors 1.50 5 trestle tables 20.55 6 frying-pans .90 3 tea strainers .15 3 match-box stands .24 1 emery knife .20 3 soap dishes .25 12 pepper shakers 1.50 12 salt shakers 1.50 1 bell .50 4 lemon reamers .40 6 stoves, kerosene 6.00 12 plates, dinner 1.25 6 plates, soup .60 4 jugs .60 1 jug .45 1 butcher knife .30 1 French knife .60 2 spatulas .80 6 teaspoons .10 3 tablespoons .13 4 brushes .20 2 stove mitts .50 4 asbestos mats .20 1 corkscrew .25 4 egg beaters .60 4 wash basins .92 3 draining pans .69 4 dish pans 2.00 6 broilers .48 3 cake tins .35 4 graters .40 3 strainers .75 24 patty pans .20 2 tin dippers .40 2 fibre pails .70 1 colander .35 1 pail, enamel .70 1 pan, enamel .18 3 tea-kettles 2.70 1 saucepan .30 1 saucepan .25 1 saucepan .23 1 saucepan .30 1 double boiler .85 1 kettle, covered .60 [A]1 stove to burn coal or wood 30.00 -------- Total $100.05


[A] The above may be replaced by a twenty-dollar wood stove or a ten-dollar, two burner, coal-oil stove.


When even the expense of the modified equipment is too great, the ingenuity of the teacher and the pupils may be used to provide a "packing-box" equipment suitable for six pupils. The outlay for this will vary according to what is provided, but it can in no case be large. The following equipment used by the Department of Domestic Science, Teachers' College, Columbia University, will be suggestive:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Packing-box equipment]

FOR CLa.s.s

3 bread boards $0.15 1 rolling-pin .05 3 baking-powder can tops, for cookie cutters ..

1 flour sifter .10 1 large frying-pan .25 1 double boiler .50 1 quart kettle .25 1 tea-kettle .50 1 broiler .20 1 garbage can .25 2 pitchers .25 2 apple corers .10 1 chopping knife .10 1 chopping bowl .05 6 m.u.f.fin tins .12 2 layer-cake tins .10 3 dish pans .45 3 rinsing pans .30 1 strainer .05 6 china plates .30 3 mixing bowls .30 6 sauce dishes .15 6 cups and saucers .30 1 coffee-pot .25 1 tea-pot .10 3 bread pans .15 6 quart jars .30 3 wooden pails with covers .30 6 dish towels .48 3 dish cloths .15 3 hand towels .15 1 broom .30 1 dust-pan .08 1 scrubbing-brush .10 1 scrubbing pail .20 1 Dover egg beater .09 1 pepper shaker .05 1 salt shaker .05 1 baking dish .10 1 bread knife .25 1 corkscrew .10 ----- Total $8.02

1 packing-box table 1.00 1 packing-box cupboard .50 Large blue-flame oil stove $10.00

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Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management by Ontario Part 2 summary

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