Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 11

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17. Like 13th row.

18. Forty-six crosses.

19. Plain, without widening in the back.

Around the neck make s.p.a.ces for the ribbon by fastening in at end of foundation-chain, chain 5, miss 2, a treble in next, * chain 2, miss 2, 1 treble, and repeat. Now make a row of crosses entirely around the jacket, putting extra crosses at corners to keep the work flat, follow this with a row of trebles, widening by making extra trebles at corners to turn them nicely, finish with a row of of 8 trebles in a st.i.tch, miss 3, fasten, miss 3; repeat, and edge with the crochet-silk, making a double between 1st 2 trebles of sh.e.l.l, (chain 2, a double between next 2) 6 times, chain 2, double in double between, chain 2, and repeat.

For the sleeves:

1. Make 6 trebles on trebles under the arm, and 36 over the 12 crosses.

2. Fourteen crosses.

3. Plain, with 3 extra trebles under arm, 45 in all.

4. Fifteen crosses.

5. Same as 3d row, making 48 trebles.

6. Sixteen crosses.

7. Same as 3d row, making 51 trebles.

8. Seventeen crosses.

9. Same as 3d row, making 54 trebles.

Finish with and chain-loops, as described for the body of jacket.

Run one and one-fourth yards of ribbon in the neck, and divide the remainder, running it in the 7th row of sleeve and making a pretty bow on top.

Baby's Shoes in Crochet

[Ill.u.s.tration: Baby's Shoes in Crochet]

These little shoes may be made of crochet-cotton, or silk, white or delicate color, or of wool. They are very firm and neat, and shaped to the foot. The sample pair was made of No. 15 crochet-cotton; finer or material will result in a smaller or larger shoe, by the same directions.

Commence at bottom of the sole with a chain of 33 st.i.tches.

1. Miss 1st st.i.tch, a double in each of 31 st.i.tches, 3 in end st.i.tch, 1 in each of 31 st.i.tches down other side and 3 in last, join.

2. A double in 1st st.i.tch, 2 in next, 1 in each double down the side to within 2 st.i.tches of middle of toe, 2 in next, 1 in next, 3 in middle st.i.tch, 1 in next, 2 in next, 1 in each down side, ending with 2 in 3d st.i.tch from middle of heel, 1 in next, and 3 in next, join.

3. Chain 1, a double in each of 2 st.i.tches, 2 in next, 1 in each down the side to within 4 of the end, 2 in next, 1 in each of 3, 3 in middle st.i.tch, 1 in each of 3, 2 in next, 1 in each down side, 2 in 4th st.i.tch from the end, 1 in each of 3, 2 in middle st.i.tch of heel, join.

4. Same as 3d row, making an extra st.i.tch between widenings.

5. Chain 4, miss 1, a treble in next, chain 1; repeat, making 2 trebles with 1 chain between in each of the widenings of the toe, and 3 trebles, with 1 chain between, at back of heel.

6. Chain 1, a double in each st.i.tch all around, making 2 doubles in the widening s.p.a.ces at side of toe and in the middle of heel.

7. Chain 1, a double in each st.i.tch around, widening as usual on each side of toe and in the middle, also in middle of heel; join.

8. Same as 7th row.

9. Chain 4, * miss 1, a treble in next, chain 1; repeat around, join to 3d of 4 chain.

10. Chain 1, a double in each treble and in s.p.a.ce; narrow 11 st.i.tches from middle of toe by putting hook through 2 st.i.tches at once, or by missing a st.i.tch, also at middle of toe, join.

11, 12. Same as 10th row, making double in double, and narrowing as directed.

13. Like 11th row until you have reached the 3d narrowing on the vamp, then turn and work back across vamp, narrowing at the end, turn.

14. Chain 1, a double in each double across vamp, narrowing in the middle and at end.

15, 17. Like 13th row.

16, 18. Like 14th row.

19. Chain 1, a double in each double, narrowing at middle of vamp and on the sides.

20. Turn and work across top of vamp with a double in each st.i.tch.

21. For the upper part of shoe, slip to 1st double at side of vamp, 2d row back, chain 11, turn, miss 1, 10 doubles in 10 st.i.tches, catch in 1st double of side of shoe, a single in next double on side of shoe, turn; a double in each of 9 doubles, 2 in last, turn; chain 1, 2 doubles in 1st double, 1 in each following double, join to next double of side, a single in next, turn; a double in each double of last row, with 2 at end, turn; chain 1, a double in each of 2 doubles, chain 5, miss 5, a double in each following double, join to next double of side, a single in next, turn; double in each double, with 5 in 5 st.i.tches of chain, turn; chain 1, a double in each double; join, slip in next double of side, turn; work 5 more rows, widening 1 st.i.tch at end of every other row; then chain 4, turn; miss 1, a double in each of 3 st.i.tches and double in each double, join, slip in next double, turn; work back with double in each double, chain 1, turn, 2 doubles in 2 doubles, chain 5, miss 5, double in double, join, slip in next double, turn, work back with double in double, chain 1, turn, and work double in double around to within 14 st.i.tches of top of vamp on other side, turn; chain 1, double in double to edge of flap, turn; chain 1 and make a double in double around to the other side. Continue thus until you have worked 6 rows around top of shoe, then make a b.u.t.tonhole as before, and finish with 4 rows. The shoe may be made higher, if desired, and more b.u.t.tonholes added.

For the b.u.t.tons. Chain 3, join; 8 doubles in ring; 2 doubles in each double; a double in each double; a double in every other double; slip in a pearl or porcelain b.u.t.ton of requisite size, draw together, and sew to the shoe, matching the position of the b.u.t.tonholes.

Ribbed House-Slippers

[Ill.u.s.tration: Ribbed House-slipper]

Use 2-fold Shetland zephyr, or any similar yarn of moderate twist.

Commencing at the toe, make a chain of 11 st.i.tches, turn.

1. A double in 2d st.i.tch of chain and 1 in each of 8 st.i.tches, 3 doubles in end chain, 1 double in each of 9 st.i.tches down other side of chain, in same st.i.tches where the 1st 9 doubles were worked, chain 1, turn.

2. Ten doubles in 10 doubles, taking up back vein of st.i.tch to form the rib, 3 doubles in next, or center st.i.tch, 10 doubles in 10 doubles, chain 1, turn.

3, 4, 5. Same as 2d row, making 1 extra double each side of center, each row.

6. A double in each double, without widening, chain 1, turn.

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Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 11 summary

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