Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 10

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30. Fasten color at top of left front, * chain 4, fasten in s.p.a.ce between trebles, repeat from * around the jacket, collar and all; fasten off neatly.

For the sleeve:

1. Fasten wool where you started the underarm chain, make the required number of stars (not widening) across shoulder, and 9 stars on the chain under the arm.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Same as 1st row, making star over star of previous row, and joining underneath the arm.

12. With color, work the cuff in star-st.i.tch, only omit taking the st.i.tch under the back loop of star in last row, and take a loop through each of 2 eyes of stars instead, thus drawing in the sleeve, and making only 12 stars in the round.

13. With the color, make star in star.

14. Using white wool, make 2 trebles in eye of each star.

15, 16, 17. Same as 28th, 29th and 30th rows of border.

This makes a dainty, soft little garment. If one likes, treble st.i.tch may be alternated with star-st.i.tch, on the return rows; that is, after making a row of stars, instead of breaking the wool, turn, chain 3, and make trebles across, or the trebles may be crossed to give a more fancy effect, making a treble in 2d st.i.tch, then a treble back in preceding st.i.tch.

Run ribbon matching the colored wool, or cord and ta.s.sels made of both white and color, in the s.p.a.ces around the neck.

Girl's Jacket

[Ill.u.s.tration: Girl's jacket]

Materials required are 12 skeins of gray Germantown yarn and 1 skein of blue. Make a chain of 52 st.i.tches.

1. A double in 8th st.i.tch of chain, * chain 3, miss 3, 1 double in next; repeat from * 10 times, making 12 loops in all, turn.

2. Chain 4, 3 trebles in 1st loop, * chain 1, 3 trebles in next loop; repeat from * across the row, ending with 4 trebles, turn.

3. Chain 4, a double under 1 chain, * chain 3, a double under next; repeat to end of row.

Repeat 2d and 3d rows 23 times, making 24 rows of blocks in all, alternating with rows of loops. Divide the width into three parts, 4 blocks for back of neck and 4 for each front. Work same as 3d row until you have made 4 blocks, the last block of 4 trebles, turn and work back same as 3d row. Repeat these 2 rows twice more; in next row, to widen, make 6 trebles under 4th loop, chain 4, turn, miss 3 of 6 trebles, a double between next 2, chain 3, fasten under 1 chain, and continue across. The next row will consist of 5 blocks, and there are 20 rows of 5 blocks each, in all, making the same length of back. Make the other front in exactly the same way.

For the border:

1. Fasten in at corner of neck (at end of 1st row of 5 blocks), work in blocks down the front, across the bottom, putting 3 extra trebles at each corner to turn smoothly, up over shoulder and down back, and so on around to opposite corner, omitting the st.i.tch between blocks.

2. Fasten blue yarn at right front and work a row of loops as described, fastening the chains between groups of 3 trebles.

Make 3 more rows of blocks, same color as body of jacket, with always the 3 extra trebles (6 in all) at corners to turn, and following the 2d and 3d rows with the row of loops in blue.

For the sleeve: Fold the jacket evenly and fasten yarn at the back of jacket, at the desired width for sleeve--9 blocks from top of shoulder, in the model; chain 9, fasten to front, work around armhole with a row of loops (gray), making 21 loops in all, 3 under arm, chain 3, 2 trebles under 1st loop, chain 1, 3 trebles under next loop; repeat around, join, and repeat the rows of loops and blocks to required length; the model has 25 rows of blocks, ending with the row of loops.

For the cuff: Leave 7 blocks on top of sleeve, fasten in 8th loop (the 3d from center loop at top of sleeve), work around as usual to 3d loop from center on other side, turn, make a row of loops, then a row of blocks. Fasten the blue yarn to sleeve, and work around cuff with loops; make a row of blocks with 6 trebles at corners to turn, and continue to match border of jacket, making 4 rows of blocks and 3 of blue chain-loops.

For the collar: Fasten yarn at corner of neck, in 1st block made in border, and make 3 trebles in the same place, make a block in the side of each 3 following blocks, along the neck toward the back, putting chain 1 between, 2 blocks in side of next, to widen, 6 blocks, widen, 3 blocks. Follow with a row of loops, and continue same as for cuffs, widening as directed and twice putting 6 trebles under each of 2 consecutive loops in outer row. Join at beginning and end of each row to upper edge of jacket-border.

Finish with a border of loops, as follows: A double between blocks, (chain 3, a double in same place) twice. Crochet a chain of the blue yarn and use this to lace under the arms, finis.h.i.+ng the ends with loops as for the edge, and tying in a bow. Make a shorter chain for each cuff, lace together and tie in a little bow to the sleeve. A similar chain is used to draw in the neck.

Any preferred colors may, of course, be used. The jacket can be easily made large enough for an adult, and is beautiful in blue-and-white Saxony for a baby.

Babies' Jacket

[Ill.u.s.tration: Babies' Jacket]

Materials required are three skeins of Saxony yarn, one spool silk-finished crochet-cotton or crochet-silk, and two and one-half yards of No. 1 ribbon. Use a hook which will carry the yarn easily.

Make a chain of 100 st.i.tches, turn.

1. Miss 1st 4 st.i.tches, make a treble in each of 96 st.i.tches, drawing up to about five-eighths of an inch. Break and fasten wool (this so the work will be done on the right side; one may turn, if preferred, but the effect is not so good).

2. Fasten in where you began, pull up, make 2 trebles in top of 3d treble and 1 treble back to where you fastened in, which makes a cross; repeat, making 32 crosses in all; break thread and again join in at the end where you began.

3. Make 21 trebles over 7 crosses, (12 trebles over next 2, 18 trebles over 6 crosses) twice, 12 over 2, and again 21 over 7, which brings you to end of row. The 12 trebles over 2 are to widen; the others are made 2 on each cross and 1 between.

4. Same as 2d row, 38 crosses.

5. Make 21 trebles plain (that is, 3 over each cross). 24 over 4 crosses, 21 plain, 12 over 2 crosses, 21 plain, 24 over next 4, 21 plain.

6. Forty-eight crosses.

7. Make 21 plain, 12 over next 2 crosses, 12 plain, (12 over next 2, 24 plain) twice, 12 over next 2, 12 plain, 12 over next 2, 21 plain.

8. Fifty-eight crosses.

9. Make 24 plain, miss 12 crosses, 24 plain, 12 over next 2, 24 plain, miss 12 crosses, 24 plain.

10. Thirty-six crosses.

11. Plain, with 3 extra trebles under each arm, and 6 extra over the 6 crosses at center of back.

12. Forty crosses.

13. Plain, with 6 extra in back.

14. Forty-two crosses.

15. Like 13th row.

16. Forty-four crosses.

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Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 10 summary

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