Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 9

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Ladies' Sleeveless Jacket or Hug-Me-Tight

[Ill.u.s.tration: Ladies' Sleeveless Jacket or Hug-Me-Tight]

Use Germantown worsted, white or any desired color, with a hook large enough to carry the yarn smoothly. Commence with a chain of 140 st.i.tches, turn.

1. Miss 3, 1 treble in each of 68 st.i.tches following, sh.e.l.l of 3 trebles, 2 chain and 3 trebles in next st.i.tch, to widen for center of back, a treble in each remaining st.i.tch, turn.

2. Chain 3 for 1st treble, a treble in each treble, including the 3 trebles of sh.e.l.l, up to the 2 chain, make a sh.e.l.l as before under 2 chain, then a treble in each following to the end, turn. Work always in back vein of st.i.tch to produce the ribbed or striped effect.

3 to 23. Same as 2d row. The jacket is now ready for joining.

Commencing at the point in center of back, count 26 st.i.tches, then fold over and, starting from the other end of the same row, crochet the two sides together for 25 st.i.tches, taking a st.i.tch from each side. This will leave about 65 st.i.tches for armscye.

For the border:

1. Sh.e.l.l of 6 trebles in a st.i.tch, miss 2, a treble in next, miss 2; repeat. Commence with 3 chain for 1st treble of 1st sh.e.l.l, and join to that.

2. Sh.e.l.l of 6 trebles between 3d and 4th trebles of sh.e.l.l in previous row, and treble in treble; repeat.

3. Chain 4, fasten back in 1st st.i.tch for a picot, a double between 2 trebles, repeat, making 5 picots around the sh.e.l.l, a double in single treble; repeat.

Work around the armscye in same way.

Child's Coat Sweater

[Ill.u.s.tration: Child's Coat Sweater]

Use Germantown wool, cream-white or any color desired, and bone hook size 4, or a hook large enough to carry the wool easily. The sweater is crocheted in the length in two parts, and is joined in center of back.

Make a chain of 160 st.i.tches, turn.

1. A double in each st.i.tch of chain, chain 1, turn.

2. A double in each double, working in back vein of st.i.tch to form a rib.

3. Make star-st.i.tches along the rib, thus: Chain 3, draw a loop through 2d and 3d st.i.tches of chain, counting from hook, and a loop through each of 2 doubles; take up wool and draw through the 5 st.i.tches on needle, chain 1 to close the star, draw a loop through eye of star just made (under the 1 chain), another through the back part of last perpendicular loop of the same star, and a loop through each of 2 doubles, close the star by working off all the loops, chain 1, and repeat to end of row, turn.

Make another rib of doubles by working across twice, then a row of star-st.i.tches, and continue until you have 4 rows of stars and 5 ribs; on next row work 39 stars, then a rib, and continue until you have 3 rows of 39 star-st.i.tches each. Work a row of doubles, break and fasten the wool securely. Bear in mind that the star-st.i.tches must be all worked on the right side; the 1st row will come so, but the 2d will not unless the wool is broken off at the end of 2d rib and fastened in at other end again; then chain 3, and proceed with the row.

Beginning at the neck-end of the front strip, leave the 1st 6 st.i.tches (equal to 3 stars) and work to end of row in star-st.i.tch; make a rib as directed. Work 2 more rows of stars, with the ribs alternating, leaving 1 star less at the top or neck-end each time.

Work the other half to correspond, then join in center of the back with single crochet, putting hook through a loop of each part. If carefully done the joining will not be discernible. Join under arms, also, leaving the opening for armholes.

For the border: Work 10 rows of double crochet, a double in each st.i.tch, around the entire garment, fronts, bottom and neck, widening at each of the lower corners in each row to form the miter. Or, if preferred, work around neck and down fronts first, completing the border; then work around the bottom and across the front border. The widening for miter is neater. The b.u.t.tonholes are made in the 5th row of front; chain 5, miss 5, and repeat, making as many openings as desired, at equal distances.

In working back, next row, make also a double in each st.i.tch of 5 chain.

For the sleeve: Chain 80 st.i.tches, with 1 to turn, work a rib of doubles on the chain, then 40 star-st.i.tches. Repeat until there are 10 rows of star-st.i.tch and 11 ribs, taking care, as before, that the stars are worked on the right side always. Join the sleeve-seam on the wrong side with single crochet, as you did the back.

For the cuff: Work 12 rounds of double crochet, 1 double in each st.i.tch and turn back. Sew the sleeves into the armholes, and sew on b.u.t.tons of a size appropriate to the garment and corresponding with the b.u.t.tonholes.

This sweater may be very easily enlarged to any desired size by starting with a longer chain and making more rows of star-st.i.tch and ribs to keep the proportion. The combination of st.i.tches is a most attractive one.

Child's Jacket

[Ill.u.s.tration: Child's Jacket]

Materials required are three skeins of cream-white Saxony and one skein of blue or pink, with a bone hook of suitable size to carry the yarn smoothly.

Make a chain of 78 st.i.tches.

1. On the chain make 8 stars, widen, (1 star, widen, 9 stars, widen) twice, 1 star, widen, 8 stars. Break and fasten wool, and fasten in again at beginning of row so as to have all stars made on the right side. Or, one can work back with a row of doubles to beginning of 1st row.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Same as 1st row, except that you widen only every other row, and always exactly in the center. Keep 8 stars on each front, thus constantly increasing the upper portion of the sleeve, or gore between 1st and 2d and 4th and 5th widenings.

9. Make 8 stars, chain 22 for armhole, fasten in 1st star on the back, continue the stars across the back, chain 22, and make 8 stars across front again.

10. Same as preceding row, making 11 stars on chain under each arm.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Same as 10th row, widening only in center of back every other row, as at first. This completes the body of the jacket.

21. Commencing the border, fasten in the colored wool at left front corner of neck, and make 21 stars down the front. At the corner make 2 stars as if to widen, in order to turn the corner neatly, and continue all the way around to top of right front, not widening at all in the back of border, but making 2 stars to turn the corner as at first.

22. Stars all around, of color.

23. Fasten in the white wool at top of left front, chain 3, then make 2 trebles in the eye of each star all around, with 4 trebles in eye of star at corners, so as to make the work lie smoothly.

24. With color, fasten in at top of left front, chain 3, and make 2 trebles between each 2 trebles of last row, with 4 at corners.

25. Same as 24th row, with white wool.

26. Across top of neck make s.p.a.ces of trebles, separated by 2 chain, in which to run cord or ribbon.

27. Also with white, make 2 trebles in every s.p.a.ce.

28. With color, make 2 trebles between each group of last row.

29. Like 28th row, with white. This completes the collar.

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Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet Part 9 summary

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