Dragon Life Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

The two sides that abate the waves. (0.5)




This is trouble. It has become something absolutely troublesome. (1)

No, actually if you asked me if it’s really that troublesome, it’s not so much of a matter of life and death so it’s not troublesome to that point, however, since anyhow I became unable to do something that I could do normally until now, I can’t help but be perplexed.

“What is it?”

As I suddenly became quiet, the Captain who was still hugging me asks with a curious face.

I worried a little about whether I should tell him or not, but I decided to tell him.

[…I can’t turn back into a human.]

I became unable to take on my human form, the form of the village girl I became used to. I could take on a human form by sucking a breath, and take on my Dragon form by exhaling, so this is almost like I have forgotten how to breathe.

“Is that what troubles you?”

When I nod, he says ‘I see.’ I received in return an answer that seems to lack any interest.

How anticlimactic.

[That’s all you will say?]

“Because you’ll be you no matter what form you’re in.”

Or rather is the Captain happier that I’m in my Dragon form? Is that how it is? It is likely because he likes large Dragons.

Still, this body frame is too large. I can’t afford to ‘remain encamped’ in this place forever. And every time a stranger by and becomes surprised because of me it gives me an indescribable feeling.

Once again, I decided to give it a try.

Closing my eyelids, and visualizing the appearance of the village girl clearly is the first thing to do. The maroon hair tied in two and the dark blue pupils. The white ap.r.o.n above the dark red clothes. At the base of the neck there is a ribbon tied of a  conservative dark blue color, and the skin gives off the feeling of being healthy.

I do that but what is this? She who was floating in the back of my eyelids moves her mouth and smiles at me, then disappears slowly into the darkness.

— So she laughs in such a manner.

An amiable laughter different from my own. Despite being something I imagined myself, it is lovely.

She disappears and I feel myself shrinking gradually, so I open my eyes and find that my vision is lower in alt.i.tude. Recalling that I should look down to my body, I become glad at finally seeing the familiar figure of the village girl.

“I did it!”

But, at that moment, I was surprised because the Captain had fallen.

“Wh, what happened!?”

I hastily help him sit up, but he is in a limp, frail state and his complexion is also not good.

“…Somehow, I can’t gather strength in my body.”

“As I thought, you’re still not back to normal. Obediently return to your room.”

“Hmmm… But I wonder what this is, I suddenly, felt my strength leaving me.”

His strength left him suddenly? How odd, even though we were talking just like usual right now.

…Could it be it’s my fault?

That he collapsed the moment I took on my human form makes me wonder if maybe it’s actually related to it somehow or other, so when I try taking on my Dragon form again, the Captain says he felt a little better.

As expected.

Probably the magical power, that until now had been supplemented to me by eating other human beings, is all being  taken from him now. I was vaguely thinking that it was odd. I had forgotten completely but I haven’t felt even a little bit hungry since then, and the state of being always satisfied was strange.

I am plundering the portion of magical power that I need to live from him.

And the more I use it, the Captain’s magical power will be consumed and he may end up collapsing like just now. And, that means, that he was asleep for about a week was because I had gone on a rampage? The memories starting from the time I rampaged until now… What a thing! (2) I am guilty! Isn’t it my fault!?

Because it seems that I will rob him of it regardless of my will, it is not impossible for it to happen again by mistake. It makes me feel dread.

“You are thinking of something again.”

As I was all depressed, my forehead was poked.(3)

I wonder if my face is so easy to read.

“It’s something very difficult to say, that is… it might be my fault that you collapsed.”

‘No,  it is my fault,’ I say, correcting my words, talking about how I’ve been taking away his magical power and so on, yet he narrows his eyes in a pleasant laughter.

“I’ll maintain you.” (4)

Stooop! It’s not a situation to be laughing at me!

“I, I’m not fine with just being mantained! Please tell me if there’s anything I can do!”



I won’t feel satisfied otherwise.

“Eh, but please let it be something within the scope of things that I am able to do.”

Like flying, or hunting, or fire-breathing, or roaring, and since my body frame is large then I may also become a protection against the wind.

When I say this in a serious manner I get laughed at again. I’m desperate over here though.

“Come to think of it,you have such abundance of magical power yet you did not become a magician.”

If we had that tool that can measure magical power that Madeleine was talking about, then it would show an outrageous result. I think it is such a mysteriously strong power that it wouldn’t be strange if he was invited into the Morante Family. In the first place, by which spirit was he blessed? The magical power that through him and overflows into my body is something I hadn’t experienced before, which can’t be said to belong to the wind, to fire, to water or to the earth. Tender and vigorous, but delicate, of a pleasantness I hadn’t felt before.

What in the world is this person?

“I’m bad at it. At magic.”

He said with a wry smile in reply to my question.

It’s surprising. Though if I had to say then rather than a Knight who belongs in the physical faction, in terms of the appearance he looks more like someone from a magician lineage or the like. (5)

“I had been practicing with LeBlanche for a while. But I couldn’t control my magic, and ended up destroying a part of the castle so it ended there.”

‘A lot of people got angry at me.’ Even if you have magical power you won’t be able to use it if you have no talent, let’s remember that.

“Because it’s something useless to me, I won’t mind if you take as much as you like.”

“But you may end up collapsing again like just now.”

Because the magical power is taken regardless of my will and there’s no mean to moderate it, I’m sincerely anxious.

In any case, it may still be better to refrain from taking on my human form for a while. I wonder if his condition isn’t improving because of my rampage which caused me to thoroughly s.n.a.t.c.h his power.

And besides, this familiar form to which I’ve grown attached to makes me feel a little  — uncomfortable. It seems almost strange to me that I’ve come so long while spending my time as a human which, from the top of the head to the toes has no scales nor wings nor fangs, without thinking about it.

Having become unable to remember the human memories that I recalled so much, since then I also can no longer see those daydreams that used to be so frequent. As I thought, maybe they were just dreams. A part of me also feels a little lonely, but my real feelings are that I’ve become at ease. Before I was suffering, sandwiched between my human and Dragon thoughts, but if I had to say it then now my Dragon thoughts are surpa.s.sing the others, and I’m not as troubled as I used to be. Like this I can clearly say that I have only one line of thought.

I have been established as a Dragon.

Maybe it can be said like that?

However, I wonder if it’s because of such a thing that the Earth Dragon can’t be separated from the contractor.

…Hm? Eh? Does this mean that I can’t be separated from the Captain for a life time…?





Returning to my Dragon form, I caught the fluttering glimpse of a familiar blonde at the edge of my vision.

 It is certainly the time frame for the Prince to come by. As I turn my line of sight, the Captain follows up and turns his sight as well. The Prince’s eyes focus on our figures and accelerates the graceful pace that he had been walking with, and towards the end he ended up running. 

“You, you guys, when did you-… !!”

He alternates his gaze in between mine and the Captain’s faces while gasping for breath. This is the first time I saw the prince running so seriously like that. Since he always comes walking gracefully I thought him to be someone who can’t run. 

Turning his gaze to me, he smiled broadly, delighted. 

“You finally woke up! You are quite stubborn too!”

[If you say so then you are the same. Thank you very much for coming everyday.]

Really. Coming to meet me every day, talking and then going home, he’s had a hard time. (6) Moreover, despite having a busy position he shaved time off from his official duties in order to come here. I thank you for all the stories you told me. 

“You were listening after all, huh.”

The Prince nods in satisfaction. 

[It went in one ear and out the other.] (7)


[Just kidding.] 

“S, so you have also become capable of joking…”

His reaction is funny. ‘It is presumptuous to ridicule the prince of a country!’ is what he should be saying, but I know his good-for-nothing style so I want to joke with him. Joking up to only this degree, I shouldn’t get punished. The fact that the Captain’s also laughing means that this is not something to be blamed for.

At that moment, a trembling in the air could be heard faintly in the distance.

[Don’t you hear something?]

Thinking it was weird and looking up at the sky, a white object was floating in the distance. I thought it may be a cloud but it seems that’s not the case. The Captain and the Prince as well follow my lead and tilt up their necks to stare at that. 

Straining my eyes to look at the gradually approaching object, its figure starts to becomes clear. Is it a b.u.t.terfly? But unlike a b.u.t.terfly it does not spread its wings entirely, and they are horizontal. (8) And it’s larger than a b.u.t.terfly. And far from a b.u.t.terfly, it’s even larger than a human.

That which is dyed golden when hit by the sunlight is —.

“That is…!”

The Prince notices the object’s ident.i.ty gasps, his eyes wide. 

A loud neigh resounds. 

—It’s an Unicorn.

Also, it’s quite large.

When the Unicorn lands in front of our eyes, it folds down its big, snow white wings. Its figure which is even sublime is bigger and of a more muscular and solid const.i.tution than the Unicorn I met previously. Noticing there seemed to be someone riding on its back, the Prince made a bitter face at them.

“Hector… Why are you here.” (9)

After gallantly getting off from the Unicorn, that personage comes over while sporting an unpleasant smirk. 

“I tried to imitate a certain Prince, however, unexpectedly doing this myself is also a good and refres.h.i.+ng thing.”

Dark blue short hair tinged with purple, and golden pupils. An appearance that is younger than I thought. The cold, sharp glint in his eyes that seems likely to kill a person with only a glare, this is undoubtedly, His Majesty of Tiruzoto Kingdom. A mood tingling with tension blows at his sudden visit. 

“… What on earth have you come here for!”

“Well, wait. Don’t yell like that.” 

Wondering if he came alone, I survey the surroundings but am unable to detect any attendants and not even the presence of other people. 

As he comes walking closer, he s.h.i.+fts his line of sight from the Prince to me. 

“We meet again, oh Black Earth Dragon. Black, it still is a wicked color. It is a forbidden, sinister color which bring misfortune.”

As his pupils narrow as he says, ‘how magnificent,’ I shuddered. (10) I dislike those eyes. I retreat back out of instinct, and in my place the Prince steps forward to stand in between His Majesty and I. 

That mild-mannered Prince is glaring at him with a taut look.

“…You can’t say that so categorically, can you. And she has performed enough achievements for this country to overturn the olden ways of thought. If you insult Our Sacred Beast, you won’t be forgiven.”

“Hahah, don’t make me laugh. After all you are a small country which cannot make us withdraw without borrowing the power of a Sacred Beast.”

“And it seems to you that you have enough decency to be saying that?”

Exploiting the Unicorns in order to end the war any sooner is too reckless. Even more so when it means they may have ending up annihilating everyone.

“We’ll use what we can use. And besides we are not in the same situation as you because we don’t have just one Unicorn. We have plenty to take their place. And aren’t you the same. At the advent of your long-awaited Sacred Beast aren’t you actually snickering on the inside.”

“Sacred Beasts aren’t tools. And she’s an important friend of mine, she can’t be replaced!”

In regards to the Prince who declared that so clearly, His Majesty from Tiruzoto Kingdom sighed out an ‘I give up,’ and raised both hands. 

“What do we have here; in comparison with the Alvina King, Prince LeBlanche is thoroughly soft on his underlyings. We’ll, unexpectedly I don’t dislike this ‘foolishly honest’ side of you.”

“I do hate you. Come over here and I’ll beat that rotten nature of yours into shape so you can have a fresh start…!”

The other person emits a laugh which includes an ‘I ended up being hated, huh’ feeling. 

— Cool. What to do, the Prince is cool. I feel happy because I never thought he would stand up for me. There’s no way I wouldn’t feel happy when being told that we’re friends, and that I can’t be replaced.

Golden pupils are directed to my neighbor.

“I see, so that is your contractor. …I want him, too.”

I don’t know what his criterion is for saying ‘I don’t dislike you’ or ‘I want you,’ but it’s strange. He is staring at us using the gaze one would use to look at a mere thing, at something inorganic, instead of a person or a living thing. This is directed towards the Prince, and also towards me. The eyes he is using to stare at the Captain are creepy enough to cause chills. When I recall that he had said that he was going to obtain my contractor too I bare my fangs and threaten him with a low growl.

The Captain is leaning against me, but he too is in a bad mood as he apparently wants to come forwards in front of the Prince. Yet he’s taking the precaution of placing one hand in his sword-wearing waist. 

“It won’t do to use ordinary methods it seems. — Well, up to the point I obtain this country itself, then?”

From obtaining my contractor to obtaining the country, it became a too large of a plan. Just how self-centered is this person, to be thinking the world spins around himself.

“I had been thinking that, but unfortunately this time the matter that has brought me here is not this. Since now is not the time to be so leisure.”

“Then what did you come here for.”

“To have a discussion.”

He laughs with a grin.

“A discussion? …What are you plotting. If you have matters to discuss then they can be settled through letters.”

“Unfortunately, The Great Me dislikes formalities such as correspondence and letters. (11) If what we could discuss in one visit is discussed by exchanging letters then no progress will be made. It takes too long.”

I wonder if that means that he’s someone who’d normally just ride over here?  Although I’m in no place to be saying anything about other people in that respect. 

When His Majesty of Tiruzoto Kingdom frankly says this, he narrows his sharp eyes.

“This continent will be attacked by demons sooner or later. Won’t you form an alliance with us?”

As expected, I can’t come to like his confidently laughing face. 

In this world, stuff such as demons are nothing but fictional creatures which only appear in fairy-tales. 

There is no way we can believe him.


Translator’s lair~

Remember guys that this is a Machine Translation and it may have many more dubious points than those listed below~ (…how come I can never make fewer notes!?)

(0.5) ohohohoho what’s with this t.i.tle… 波が静まる表裏.

(1)yay for learning new words~ Monosugoku: terribly, absolutely, tremendously, awfully. according to LearningWithOliver (source~) (物凄く)

(2) not sure~ :D 今まで以上に暴れた覚えが・・・なんたること!

(3) Vito turned back into a human at some point, but it’s not mentioned when. She becomes human->notices she is consuming his power->returns to dragon and then???  Oh well. 

(4) I’ll mantain you – if it’s not clear, Lutoria’s making a pun about ‘supporting’ her magical consumption, but he uses a word which means both ‘support’ and maintain (a family)  xD

(5) should i change physical faction (which is the literal translation) to something like ‘sports faction’? 

(6) “he’s had a hard time” – didn’t know how to translate this. thanks, Google sensei & eigonojikan ( ^∇^)  なかなかできないものだ。
 (7) ‘it went in one ear and out the other’ – it is literally ‘it was evaded from right to left’ xD I didn’t know this, thank you, tebasaki-army. tumblr for your unknowing collaboration (=´∀`)  右から左へ受け流してました 

(8) the not-a-b.u.t.terfly sentence: not sure~ have I mentioned that i suck at descriptions?  (╥_╥) だがそれにしては羽が全体に広がっておらず、水平だ。

(9) Hector,  p.r.o.nounced Ehctor, not Hector. I can spell it Ector if you wish?  it’s just Poipoi-sensei has obviously picked Spanish names here and there (Timotea, Vito -although Vito is a male name in Spanish – and now Hector. remember that H is mute/silent in Spanish) so I’d like to leave it as Hector :/ the j.a.panese reading is エクトル (Ekutoru).

(10) As his pupils narrow as he says, ‘how magnificent,’ ~ unsure about this~ it sounds odd in this context >_<;;>


(11) This Great Me – he uses oresama!!  (′○` ) 

I don’t think this ending is cliffery so I didn’t put up a warning ╮(╯▽╰)╭

See you next time!  ~Ninish

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Dragon Life Chapter 38 summary

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