With Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga Part 21

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"We'll meet him," said Bolderwood; "but I'm reck'ning that he'll be as glad to see the Colonel as the Colonel is ter see him. I know that somebody was over there in the fort to find out how the land lies and what sort o' shape them red-coats is in, an' 'twouldn't s'prise me if this was the chap."

They all followed 'Siah down to the cove--even Enoch--and met the stranger as he came ash.o.r.e. The latter seemed in nowise troubled by seeing so many armed men and after mooring his canoe came at once to the group of Americans. "Friends, I presume, sirs?" he asked, glancing keenly from man to man.

"Reckon so," admitted Bolderwood.

"Where is Colonel Allen?"

"If you don't mind waitin' with us I shouldn't be s'prised if ye see him 'fore long," declared the long-legged scout. "Wanter see him pertic'lar?"

"I do," the stranger admitted. "You are the advance guard of our boys, I presume?"

"Well, as you don't know us, an' we don't know you, we'd better not discuss private matters till we're interduced, as ye might say. I sh'dn't be astonished ter see the Colonel come along here 'most any time now."

"Very well, sir. I am at your service," was the response, and the newcomer walked back to the camp with them. But Enoch had gone on ahead, remembering that the captive had been left alone for nearly half an hour. Suddenly his voice rose in a shout of anger and surprise. "He has escaped!" cried Bolderwood, the instant he heard his young friend, and plunged at once into the wood toward the spot where Halpen had been tied. Truly, the spy was gone.

"The rascal was sharper than I thought," gasped the ranger. "And--and what will Colonel Allen say?"

"That isn't the worst of it," declared the youth.

"Yes; you think it is worse that a villain like him should escape without punishment. I doubt not that Ethan Allen would have hung him."

"He may have deserved hanging," Enoch returned, with a shudder. "But I am not thinking of that. I fear that he will yet do us harm. If he gets across the lake and warns the folks at Old Ti, I'll never forgive myself for not sitting down here and watching him all the time."

"He sartainly should have been watched," admitted 'Siah. "But I didn't b'lieve he had the pluck to git away. See here! The thongs are wet with the man's blood. He must ha' cut himself badly."

"We must find him, 'Siah! If he secures a boat and crosses the lake the expedition will be ruined. This man who has just come across declares Captain De la Place knows nothing about our army as yet. But if Simon Halpen reaches the fortifications----"

'Siah rushed back to his company and sent them to search the bank of the lake. He ordered, too, one man to remain with each group of boats so that the escaped spy might not secure one and get such a start across the lake that he could not be overtaken. But it had now grown quite dark and the scouts were unable to find Halpen in the vicinity of the camp.

'Siah was confident that he and his men had obtained every craft on this eastern sh.o.r.e for miles up and down the lake, so he did not believe Halpen could really get across to the fort in time to warn the garrison.

He was naturally too tender-hearted to wish to see the fellow hung to the nearest tree, which might be his fate had Ethan Allen examined him and found him guilty of spying upon the patriotic settlers.

Now that night had come and the darkness would have covered the movements of the American troops, as the head of the column did not appear, Bolderwood and his comrades began to fear that something had detained their friends and that the attack upon Ticonderoga might be postponed until the night of the tenth. How the fleet of bateaus and canoes could be held in the vicinity for many hours without suspicions being aroused as to their proposed use, was a question hard to answer.

The captain of the scouts sent two of his men out upon the trail by which they expected Ethan Allen and the troops under him to advance.

Meanwhile Enoch Harding had not given up the search for the escaped spy.

He feared what the fellow might yet do to weaken or utterly ruin the hopes of the American troops. Halpen was not armed, so the youth had no fear of being attacked by him; but he spent his time creeping through the brushwood up and down the lake sh.o.r.e, hoping to stumble upon the Yorker. He did not believe that Halpen had gone far from the encampment.

Finally, in his wanderings, he came to the cove where the scout who had spent the day inside the fort, had landed. The bateaus were on the other side of the cove; the canoe the scout had used was alone in the shadow of a big oak, although a sentinel watched the bateaus. This sentinel had neglected to remove the canoe to his side of the cove and as Enoch came down the hillside he observed something moving in the shadow of the oak.

A moment later, before he was really sure whether this something was a man or an animal, the canoe left the bank. The trees threw their shadows upon the water and it was almost impossible to observe the moving craft clearly; yet he was pretty sure that there was a figure in it and that it had been unmoored.

The youth was too far away to risk a shot; the sentinel was much farther from the point of embarkation. If Simon Halpen had found and seized this canoe it looked for a moment as though he would surely escape.

Enoch ran down to the edge of the water, but when he reached the point at which the canoe had been moored it was almost out of sight. He could not see the figure in the boat clearly enough to shoot. Indeed, he shrank from committing what seemed like murder. Simon Halpen was defenseless. "But he must not escape!" the boy exclaimed and started around the sh.o.r.e of the cove. The fugitive kept the canoe within the deep shadow of the trees which bordered the inlet. He did not paddle out into the centre; there he might have been seen by the sentinel on the other side.

The boy ran along the edge of the cove, stumbling over the tree roots and fallen logs, yet endeavoring to follow the course of the canoe as quietly as possible. There was a chance of his pa.s.sing the fugitive and reaching the mouth of the cove first. Then, he thought, Halpen would be at his mercy. The better to do this un.o.bserved he made a detour into the woods and finally, after ten minutes of rapid work, came out upon the extreme point which guarded the inlet. As he reached this place his quick ear distinguished the splash of a paddle not far away. Straining his eyes he soon observed through the gloom the canoe moving amid the shadows. The spy had very nearly escaped from the cove. Once out in the open lake it would be impossible to overtake him.

Then Enoch wished he had aroused his comrades; at least the sentinel guarding the bateaus would have heard his cry and come to his a.s.sistance. But now if the spy was to be stopped it must be by his individual effort. Throwing down his rifle and removing his outside garments, he slid into the water with scarcely a ripple of its surface and finding the lake deep at this point, began to swim at once. The canoe was almost upon him when suddenly, with a muttered exclamation, the fugitive turned the craft by one swift stroke of the paddle and sent it darting away from the sh.o.r.e. Enoch had been seen or heard, and Halpen feared what was the fact--that one of his enemies was striving to overtake him.

Enoch flung himself forward in the water and with a strong overhand stroke took a diagonal course to intercept the canoe. He could see the man bending to his paddle. Every stroke of the blade sent the phosph.o.r.escent water flying about the frail bark. The next few moments were of vital importance to both pursued and pursuer.

Enoch's plunge into the water had driven Halpen to paddle away from the sh.o.r.e. Now he was heading the craft across the cove and therefore toward the station of the sentinel. If he pursued this course for many rods he would be within rifle shot. And once out of the shadow of the trees the light on the water would make him an easy mark. To pa.s.s Enoch before the latter reached the edge of the line of shadow was therefore Simon Halpen's object.

But the American youth was determined that Halpen should not do this. He was a strong swimmer and spurred by both the desire to recapture his enemy and to save the cause to which he was bound--the capture of Ticonderoga--he put forth every atom of his strength to overtake the canoe. The paddle flashed first upon one side, then on the other of the craft, which fairly darted through the water. But suddenly a hand and arm rose from the lake and seized the paddle just back of the blade.

Enoch had dived under the surface and come up beside the canoe as Halpen was speeding past.

"Ha! would you do it?" gasped the spy, striving to tear the paddle from the youth's grasp. The canoe rocked dangerously. The man flung himself to the other side and his superior strength wrenched the paddle away.

Not contented to use the instrument in an attempt to escape, however, he tried to strike the youth with it. The canoe was all but overturned, although its momentum carried it on, and once out of Enoch's grasp the spy could have easily gotten away. Whether he recognized his enemy or not, Halpen was inclined to deliver a second blow. He rose to do this and Enoch, fairly leaping forward, seized the stern of the canoe with both hands.

"Throw down your paddle, Simon Halpen!" he commanded.

"It is you, then?" cried the spy, now sure of the ident.i.ty of the youth.

He aimed a fearful stroke at the boy's head. But instantly the latter tipped the canoe first one way, then the other, and the spy, losing his balance, plunged with a resounding splash into the lake!

The canoe turned completely over. This was not what Enoch wished, but the shock of Halpen's fall was so great that he could not help it. The boy's desire had been to pitch the man out, get in himself, and then have the spy at his mercy. But chance--nay, Providence, for the man's sins had deserved death--willed otherwise.

Simon Halpen could not swim. In falling into the lake he even lost his grip upon the paddle. So, when he rose to the surface, he had nothing to cling to, but struggled wildly and cried out in fear. "Help! I am choking! I will drown!" His voice rose to a screech. An answering shout came from the distant sh.o.r.e where the sentinel was stationed. But the latter was too far away to render aid. If the spy was to be saved it depended upon the efforts of the youth whose father had died under Halpen's hand, and whose own life the scoundrel had twice sought.

At that fearful cry, however, Enoch launched himself at the sinking man.

His head was already under water when the boy reached down and seized his collar. He brought him to the surface. The water gurgled from his throat and he breathed again. Had he been content to abandon himself to his rescuer then he would have been saved.

But terror rode him like a nightmare. He feared drowning; he feared, too, the enemy whom he would have killed had he been able the instant before. He could not appreciate the generous spirit which had prompted Enoch to come to his a.s.sistance. He thought the boy strove only to force him beneath the lake and he fought and screamed with pa.s.sion and horror of imminent death.

"Be still! be still!" cried Enoch, well-nigh overcome himself by the mad actions of the man. "Lie quiet or I cannot save you. Be still!"

Halpen did not hear him; or, if he heard, he would not believe. He tore himself from Enoch's grasp, and as the youth tried to seize him again he struck out wildly and his fist found lodgment against Enoch's jaw. The blow stunned the latter and he sank. Halpen strove to reach the overturned canoe. It was too far away. He felt himself going down for a third time and his lungs were already half filled with water. A fearful scream rent the night--the last cry of a terrified soul going to its end--and he sank. He never rose to the surface after that third plunge beneath the lake.



Enoch Harding, after a moment of breathless agony beneath the water, struggled to the air again. The blow he had received so dulled his senses that, had the canoe not fortunately been within the reach of his arm, he would have a second time gone down into the depths of the lake and possibly shared the fate of his enemy. But when his hand, flung out in that despair which is said to make a drowning person catch at even a straw, came in contact with the boat he seized it with a grip that could not be shaken. He had not the strength necessary to turn it over and to climb into the craft; but fortunately rescue was near.

The sentinel had heard the voices out upon the water, and Simon Halpen's despairing scream as he went down for the last time, echoed from the wooded bluffs and reached the ears of the other Green Mountain Boys in the neighborhood. The sentinel leaped into the big canoe which Enoch had that morning secured from the Tory farmer up the lake, and paddled rapidly toward the mouth of the cove. He suspected at once that the escaped spy was trying to cross the lake and that some one of his brother scouts had discovered him.

Suddenly the rescuer saw the upturned canoe and the almost exhausted boy clinging to it. He drove his own craft alongside and reaching quickly seized Enoch's shoulder, bearing him up as the youth's own hands slipped from their resting-place on the keel of the canoe. "Courage--courage!"

cried the scout, heartily. "You are not goin' down yet, Nuck Harding!

Where's the other?"

"Gone--gone!" gasped Enoch, horrified by the death of Simon Halpen.

"Who was it?"

"The spy."

"Ah! I thought so. Well, we can't help the poor wretch now. Can you aid yourself at all? Brace up, man!"

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With Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga Part 21 summary

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