Fruits of Queensland Part 3

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There are still a large number of tropical fruits that I have not mentioned, but s.p.a.ce will not permit of my giving them more than a pa.s.sing notice, as they are not of any great value from a commercial standpoint at present. Of these fruits the litchi, whampee, averoha, longan, vi-apple, and Chinese mangosteen are practically confined to the North. The guava, of which there are many species, grows anywhere; in fact, it is a pest in many cases, taking complete possession of the land. It is not cultivated to any great extent, as it grows so readily without, and, further, it harbours several pests whose presence it is desirable to remove from the orchard. It is a useful fruit for home consumption, as it stews well, makes an excellent jam, and its jelly is one of the best.

The rosella, a species of hibiscus, is an annual fruit that is grown to a considerable extent in several parts of the State, and is used for pies, jams, and jellies. The latter is remarkably good, equal to that made from the red currant of colder climes, and will no doubt become an article of export at no very distant date. The fruit also dries well, and makes an excellent pickle. It is raised from seed, the young seedlings being set out in well-prepared land when all danger of frost is past. It is a rapid grower, and forms a bush some 4 feet across by 4 or 5 feet high. It is a heavy bearer, and the fruit meets with a ready sale. To do well, the plants require a warm, free, well-drained soil, as they do not thrive where there is any stagnant water at or near the roots.

The avocado or alligator pear is not grown to any extent, though it thrives well, particularly to the north of the tropic of Capricorn, and can also be grown successfully as far south as the New South Wales border. It is a fruit that deserves to be cultivated to a much greater extent than it is at present, and once it becomes better known I have no doubt that it will be planted in considerable numbers, and prove a very welcome addition to our already long list of fruits, as it is unequalled, in my opinion, as a salad. As far as my experience goes, it is likely to become a profitable fruit to grow, as once persons acquire a liking for it, they become very partial to it, and eat it whenever they can get it.

In addition to purely tropical fruits a number of semi-tropical fruits are grown on our eastern seaboard, but are not entirely confined thereto, as many of them are cultivated to a considerable extent in some parts of our coastal and inland tablelands, particularly in sheltered positions. Under the heading of semi-tropical fruits, all kinds of citrus fruits, persimmons, loquats, date palm, wine palm, pecan nut, Brazilian cherry, Natal plum, ki-apple, and many other fruits are included, as well as several fruits that more properly belong to the temperate regions, such as j.a.panese plums, Chickasaw plum, peaches of Chinese origin, figs, mulberries of sorts, strawberries, cape gooseberries, &c. Of all of these the citrus fruits, which include the orange, mandarin, Seville, lemon, lime, grape fruit, k.u.mquat, citron, and pomelo are by far the most important, and are grown successfully over a very large portion of the State, so that we will consider them first.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Sour Sop, Mossman District.]


Quite a number of fruits are included under this heading, and all reach a very high state of perfection in this State. The whole of the family, the lemon-shaped citron excepted, is noted for the beauty and symmetry of growth that its trees make, and I know of few more beautiful sights in the vegetable world than a well-kept citrus grove in full bearing.

Take the common round orange as an example, its well-balanced and evenly grown head, its dark glossy green foliage, its wealth of white blossoms, which perfume the whole neighbourhood, or its ma.s.s of golden fruit between its dark-green leaves, render it one of the most beautiful of fruit trees at all times, but especially so when covered with blossoms or ripe fruit. A typical Queensland grove is even more beautiful than those of many other places, as the vigour and size of our trees, their exceptionally healthy appearance, their dark foliage, and the heavy crop of high-cla.s.s fruit that they bear, are at once evident to a stranger who has never seen the orange grown under such favourable conditions as are experienced here. The yield is often so heavy that the trees actually bend to the ground with the weight of their fruit, and a stack of props has to be used to prevent the tree from splitting into pieces. Those who have seen the enormous crops of apples that are produced on some trees in Tasmania or the old cider orchards of Devon or Somerset can form an idea of the crops; but the writer, who has seen both, as well as our Queensland trees, has no hesitation in saying that a Queensland mandarin can give points to either as a heavy cropper; in fact, if it has a fault, it is its p.r.o.neness to overbear, particularly when young. This all tends to prove how well adapted Queensland is to the growth of citrus fruits, and were I asked to select a country particularly suited to their culture I should have no hesitation in naming this State, as I know of nowhere where their culture can be carried out with less trouble, or where the trees will produce better fruit or heavier crops. Queensland may well be termed the home of citrus fruits, as we have no less than three native species which are indigenous to the State, and are by no means uncommon in our scrubs.

Their presence gives unmistakable proof of the suitability of this State for the culture of fruits of the same family, so that I think a short description of these native species may not be out of place, but will be of some interest to my readers.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Young Orange Orchard (6 years old) on scrub land, near Mapleton, Blackall Range. Showing the standing scrub in the background.]

_Citrus australis_, the native orange or lime, is both the largest and most common. It grows into a large tree, having a diameter of 15 to 18 inches in the trunk, and a height of 60 feet or more. It produces a quant.i.ty of thick-skinned acid fruit, of from 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

The skin is full of a resinous sap, and the fruit is of little value. It is a slow-growing tree, though, as just mentioned, it attains a considerable size, is very hardy, and produces a quant.i.ty of fruit. Its slow growth, when young, has prevented its use as a stock on which to work improved varieties, but I have no doubt it would make a very hardy stock that would be distinctly disease-resistant.

The second variety is _Citrus australasica_, the so-called finger lime, a th.o.r.n.y bush, producing a fruit of from 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter, and 3 to 4 inches long. The fruit has a thin skin, and contains an agreeable acid pulp that varies in colour, in some specimens being of a reddish tinge that resembles the pulp of a blood orange. These two varieties are met with in the Southern part of the State, but the third is a Northern species, to which Mr. F. M. Bailey, our Colonial Botanist, has given the name of _Citrus inodora_, the North Queensland lime. It is met with in the scrubs of the Russell River, and is described by Mr. Bailey as bearing a greater resemblance to the cultivated species than the two former varieties. It produces a fruit over 2 inches long by 1-1/4 inches in diameter, having a thin rind and a juicy pulp of a sharply acid flavour, so that even in its wild state it is a desirable fruit, and takes the place of the cultivated lemon. Where native species flourish as they do here, there is every probability of cultivated species thriving equally well, and this is found to be the case in practice.

[Ill.u.s.tration: A young Orange Orchard, Woombye District.]

No fruits are more generally distributed or have a wider range in this State than those of the Citrus family, as, with the exception of the colder parts of the Downs, where the winter temperature is too low, the Gulf country, and the dry Western districts, where there is no water available for irrigation, they can be grown from one end of the State to the other, provided that they are planted in suitable soil, and that, in the drier parts, there is an available supply of suitable water with which to irrigate them during the prevalence of long dry spells. The country adjoining the eastern seaboard, extending from the Tweed River in the South to Cooktown in the North--a distance of about 1,100 miles, and extending inland for nearly 100 miles--is naturally suited to the growth of citrus fruits, and there is probably no country in the world that is better adapted to, or that can produce the various kinds of these fruits to greater perfection or with less trouble, than this portion of Queensland. Of course, the whole of this large area is not adapted for citrus culture, as it contains many different kinds of soils, several of which are not suitable for the growth of these fruits, and there is also a large extent of country which is too broken and otherwise unsuitable. At the same time there are hundreds of thousands of acres of land in this area in which the soil and natural conditions are eminently suited to the growth of citrus fruit, and in which the tenderest varieties of these fruits may be grown to perfection without the slightest chance of their being injured by frost; and where the natural rainfall is such that, provided the trees receive ordinary care and cultivation, there is seldom any necessity for artificial irrigation. At the present time there are hundreds of citrus trees growing practically wild in different parts of the coastal country that are in vigorous health and producing heavy crops of good fruit, even though they are uncultivated, unpruned, unmanured, and have to hold their own against a vigorous growth of native and introduced shrubs, trees, and weeds. When the orange, lime, citron, or common lemon become established under conditions that are favourable for their proper development, they apparently become as hardy as the indigenous plants, and are able to hold their own against them, thus showing how well the climate and suitable soils of coastal Queensland are adapted for the cultivation of citrus fruits. The commercial cultivation of citrus fruits is at present practically confined to this coastal area, the most important centres, starting from the South, being Nerang, Coomera, Redland Bay, Brisbane, Enoggera, Gatton, Grantham, Toowoomba, North Coast line from North Pine to Gympie including the Blackall Range and Buderim Mountain; the Wide Bay district, including Maryborough, Tiaro, Mount Bauple, Gayndah, Pialba, and Burrum; the Burnett district, including Bundaberg and Mullet Creek; the Fitzroy district, including Rockhampton and Yeppoon; Bowen, Cardwell, Murray River, Tully River, Cairns and district, Port Douglas, and Cooktown. In addition to these districts a few citrus fruits are grown at Mackay, Townsville, and several other places. Citrus fruits are also grown further inland, but their cultivation here is largely dependent on the ability to supply the trees with suitable water for irrigation during dry spells. Frosts have also to be taken into consideration, for, though the days are warm, the temperature often falls considerably during the night, owing to the great radiation, and citrus-trees in districts like Roma, Emerald, &c., are liable to injury thereby. West of Emerald, at Bogantungan, Barcaldine, and other places, citrus fruits do very well with irrigation. Some of the finest lemons, Was.h.i.+ngton Navel, and other improved varieties of oranges are grown here to perfection, the lemons especially being of high quality, and curing down equal to the imported Italian or Californian article. The soil in many of the inland districts is well suited to the culture of citrus fruits, and when the trees are given the necessary water, and are uninjured by frost, they produce excellent fruit. I stated, some short distance back, that there is probably no country in the world that is better adapted to the cultivation of or that can produce the various kinds of citrus fruits to greater perfection or with less trouble than the eastern seaboard of Queensland. To many of my readers this may seem to be a very broad statement; but I am certain that, if suitable trees are planted in the right soil and under favourable conditions, and are given anything like the same care and attention that is devoted to the culture of citrus fruits in the great producing centres for these fruits in other parts of the world, we have nothing to fear either as regards the cost of production or the quality of the fruit produced. In order to exemplify this, it may be interesting to compare our capabilities with those of the citrus-producing districts north of the equator. To begin with, I will take Florida, which more nearly approaches our climatic conditions than any other citrus-growing country that I know of, and which is noted for the excellence of its citrus fruit, and we find that we have all its advantages except that of proximity to the world's markets, without its disadvantages. We have a better and richer soil, requiring far less expensive artificial fertilisers to maintain its fertility, and at a very much lower price. We can grow equally as good fruit; in fact, it is questionable if Florida ever produced a citrus fruit equal in quality to the Beauty of Glen Retreat Mandarin, a Queensland production. We get as heavy, if not heavier, crops, and our trees come into bearing very early. We have no freeze-outs similar to those which have crippled the industry in Florida so severely in the past that many of their wealthy growers are actually covering in whole orchards of many acres in extent as a protection from frost. This covering-in is accomplished by means of a framework of timber having slat-work or panel sides and tops--in fact, by enclosing their orchards in a huge elaborate bush-house, which is further protected by the heat produced by six large heating stoves or salamanders to each acre of trees enclosed. If it pays the Florida growers to go to all this expense in order to prevent freeze-outs and to produce first-cla.s.s fruit, surely we can compete with them when a seed stuck in the right soil under favourable conditions will produce a strong, vigorous, healthy tree, bearing good crops without any attention whatever.

[Ill.u.s.tration: An Orange Orchard, near Woombye.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Orange Trophy in the Moreton District Exhibit at the Brisbane Exhibition.]

In comparing Queensland with the citrus-producing districts of Southern Europe, we have the advantage of better and cheaper land, absence of frost, more vigorous growth, earlier maturity of the trees, and superior fruit; but with the advantage of cheaper and more skilful labour, especially in the handling and marketing of fruit, and proximity to the world's markets in their favour.

As compared with California, our soil is no better than theirs, but it costs much less, and their citrus industry is dependent on artificial irrigation, their natural rainfall being altogether inadequate for the growth of citrus fruits. Californian conditions more nearly approach those of our inland districts, such as Barcaldine, with the exception that the only rainfall in California is during the winter, whereas in Barcaldine and similar districts the heaviest fall is during the summer months, but, in both, the successful culture of these fruits depends on irrigation.

In Jaffa, also, where the oranges are of large size and extra quality, the trees have to be carefully irrigated and manured, as these operations are found to be essential to the production of marketable fruit.

These few instances show how favourably the conditions prevailing in Queensland compare with those of the great citrus-growing districts of Europe and America, especially in the matter of soil and climate, and I feel confident that, if the industry were taken up in the same business-like manner that it has been done in California and Florida, we could easily hold our own against any part of the world. In comparing Queensland with the rest of the world we have the advantage--also shared by New South Wales and South Africa--of ripening our fruit at a time of the year which is the off season in the citrus-producing countries to the north of the equator, so that our fruit does not clash with theirs, their ripening period and ours being at different times of the year. As regards our Australian market, our fruit ripening earlier than that of the Southern States, we are enabled to dispose of a considerable portion of our crop in the Southern markets before the local fruit is ready for gathering. This gives us three markets--first, a local one; secondly, a Southern one; and, finally, when this demand is supplied, an oversea market to Europe, America, and the East.

When grown under favourable conditions, citrus-trees are heavy bearers in this State, it being no uncommon thing to meet with seedling or worked orange-trees of from ten to twelve years of age producing over twenty cases of marketable fruit to the tree, averaging about 10 dozen medium-sized fruit.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Bunch of Valencia late Oranges, Blackall Range District.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Was.h.i.+ngton Navel Oranges, Barcaldine District, Central Line.]

Citrus-trees of all kinds, particularly worked trees, come into bearing very early, and the returns obtained from an orchard rapidly increase.

The ill.u.s.trations give a good idea of the rapid growth, and a fair one of the crop of fruit the young trees are bearing, but the following examples, taken at random for the crop that was marketed in January, 1906, will show better how our trees bear:--

Mr. A., Blackall Range, marketed 7-1/4 cases per tree from a row of twenty-five Beauty of Glen Retreat Mandarins, planted April, 1900.

A return of 1 10s. per tree.

Mr. B., from the same district, averaged 7 cases of Was.h.i.+ngton Navel Oranges per tree from trees six years old, which realised 1 15s. per tree, and 8 cases of Beauty of Glen Retreat Mandarins from trees of the same age. The navels were large, and averaged 5 dozen per case, and the mandarins 10 dozen per case.

Mr. C, another district, averaged 6 cases of Valencia Late Oranges, from trees six years planted, and 10 cases per tree from Emperor Mandarins, nine years old.

One twelve years old orange-tree in this district produced over 25 cases of fruit.

Mr. D., same district as last; Was.h.i.+ngton Navels averaged 10 cases per tree, ten years planted, and have borne regular crops since three years old.

Numerous other cases might be given, but the above are sufficient to show the earliness at which our trees bear, and the crops they yield.

Trees in full bearing often yield up to 40 cases, but these are usually old seedlings, which bear a very heavy crop one year and a comparatively light crop the next. All the instances I have quoted are from worked trees, which are found to give the most regular and constant yields.

Until quite recently, citrus-trees were almost entirely grown from seed in this State, with the result that we have a very large number of types, and many crosses between different species. This was not advisable, as a uniformity in type is desirable for marketing, hence the greater number of trees now being planted are of selected varieties of proved merit. Many of the seedlings have produced most excellent fruit, but a seedling has usually the disadvantage of being very full of seeds, and having a lot of rag (the indigestible fibre round the pulp) as compared with the worked varieties, which have either no seeds or very few seeds and little rag. Seedlings are also of many types, and they produce a lot of small fruit, thereby making an uneven sample, whereas worked trees produce fruit even in size and quality. Seedlings are probably the hardiest, and will stand the most neglect, but experience is showing that worked trees are the most profitable to grow.

The growth of all kinds of citrus-trees from seed is a very simple matter, all that is necessary being a well-prepared seed bed of friable soil that is partially shaded from the heat of the sun, so as to protect the young plants. Selected, fully ripe fruit from well-grown, prolific, healthy trees is taken, and the seeds sown in rows in the seed bed, or broadcast when weeds are not likely to be any trouble. Fresh seed germinates quickly, and the young plants are soon ready to be transplanted into the nursery bed, where they are either worked over or allowed to remain seedlings. At twelve months old, from seed, a tree will have a stem-diameter of about 3/4-inch, and a height of 3 to 4 feet, a growth about twice that made in the Southern States.

The general remarks I have given respecting our fruit soils apply with equal force to those best adapted for citrus culture--viz., they must possess perfect drainage, and be of a friable nature. We are growing most of the best varieties of citrus fruit, the original trees from which they are now being propagated having been introduced into the State from the most celebrated citrus-producing districts in the world, and, as stated and shown by the accompanying ill.u.s.trations, they are all doing well.

The Was.h.i.+ngton Navel, the variety of orange most commonly grown in California, does remarkably well on our rich volcanic scrub soils, where it has proved itself a regular bearer of high-cla.s.s fruit. The Mediterranean Sweet Orange, Valencia Late, and Jaffa also do well in many parts, the Valencia Late adapting itself to most districts. Many other kinds of oranges are grown, but the varieties mentioned are some of the best, and are the ones now being planted in the greatest quant.i.ty.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Spray of Orange Blossom.]

In mandarins, all kinds do remarkably well, and I never saw this fruit produced to greater perfection in any part of the world than it is in Queensland. The varieties most commonly grown are: The Emperor or Canton, the Scarlet or Scarlet Emperor, Th.o.r.n.y or Tangerine, and Beauty of Glen Retreat, though there are many types of seedlings in addition to these well-known sorts. The grape fruit which is now so popular in America does well, but, so far, has not taken on in our markets. Citrons grow practically wild, and produce good fruit, for which there is a limited demand for peel. Their cultivation could be extended with ease were there a better demand for peel. The Seville Orange, which is used for the manufacture of marmalade, is an exceptionally hardy and prolific tree, and, were it required, we could easily grow enough of this fruit to supply the world. Lemons do best inland, or at an elevation of some 2,000 feet above sea-level, as this fruit is apt to become too coa.r.s.e in the skin when grown in a humid climate. In suitable localities very good fruit can be grown, which compares very favourably with the European or American grown fruit.

The lime does well in the more humid districts, taking the place of the lemon, and one variety--the Tahiti--has proved itself to be a heavy and regular bearer. The West Indian lime, from which the lime juice of commerce is made, is very easily grown, particularly in the more tropical parts, where it is often met with growing in an entirely uncultivated condition, and bearing heavy crops of fruit. k.u.mquats are easily grown, and are heavy bearers, and all the different types of pomelos or shaddocks do well. Seedlings of the latter are very hardy, as they are deep-rooted plants that stand dry weather well and are, consequently, not liable to injury during dry spells. There is very little demand for the fruit, but I am of opinion that the seedlings will prove to be of value as stocks on which to work our best kinds of oranges.

The culture of all kinds of citrus fruits, when grown in suitable soil, is by no means difficult, as it consists mainly of keeping the land well stirred and keeping down all weed growth during dry spells, the keeping of the trees well pruned out in the centre, and the keeping in check of all diseases, both insect and fungus. Although citrus fruits are subject to many pests, they are for the most part easily kept in check by either spraying or cyaniding, or both, provided that reasonable care is taken, and the pests are destroyed before they have obtained control. Taken as a whole, our citrus fruits are remarkably clean, and compare more than favourably with those grown in the Southern States. The culture of these fruits is extending rapidly, with a corresponding increase in production, but, despite this, our prices have been better during the past season than for some years, as the quality of our fruit is such that it will command a good market. When properly handled, it has good keeping qualities, and I have no doubt that we will, in time, be able to supply the markets of the Old and New Worlds with good fruit, in the best of condition, at the time of the year that their markets are bare of locally-grown citrus fruit.

There is a good opening for the growth of citrus fruits in this State, as the writer knows of no country where they do better, where they can be produced with as little trouble and expense, where they can be successfully grown over such a large area, or where the soil and climate is more suited to the production of fruits of the highest quality as in Queensland.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Lisbon Lemon, Esk District.]


This exceedingly handsome fruit of j.a.panese origin is grown to a high state of perfection in this State, particularly in the coastal districts south of the tropic of Capricorn. It is a fruit of comparatively recent introduction, the oldest trees being less than thirty years of age, but has already become widely distributed, as well as a favourite fruit amongst many. It is a very showy fruit when well grown, but must be thoroughly ripe before it is eaten, as, if not, it is extremely astringent, and anyone who has tackled an unripe fruit has no wish to repeat the experience in a hurry. There are many varieties of this fruit, some of which are seedless, and others more or less seedy. The seedless kinds are usually preferred, as, as well as being seedless, they are the largest and handsomest fruit. The different kinds vary considerably in the size of tree, habit of growth, foliage, size and colour of fruit, &c. All are easily grown, and most kinds are good and regular bearers. They do well on any fruit soil, and some of the dwarf-growing kinds are well adapted for growing in private gardens, on account of the small amount of room they take up. The trees are deciduous, and, as a rule, are not much troubled with pests. So far, the use of the fruit is confined to its consumption fresh, though in j.a.pan it is dried in a similar manner to apricots or peaches.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Persimmons.]


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Fruits of Queensland Part 3 summary

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