Poems of To-Day: an Anthology Part 9

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The finger-post says Mamble, And that is all I know Of the narrow road to Mamble, And should I turn and go To that place of lazy token, That lies above the Teme, There might be a Mamble broken That was lissom in a dream.

So leave the road to Mamble And take another road To as good a place as Mamble Be it lazy as a toad; Who travels Worcester county Takes any place that comes When April tosses bounty To the cherries and the plums.

_John Drinkwater._


Oh, what know they of harbours Who toss not on the sea!

They tell of fairer havens, But none so fair there be

As Plymouth town outstretching Her quiet arms to me; Her breast's broad welcome spreading From Mewstone to Penlee.


Ah, with this home-thought, darling, Come crowding thoughts of thee.

Oh, what know they of harbours Who toss not on the sea!

_Ernest Radford._


I came to Oxford in the light Of a spring-coloured afternoon; Some clouds were grey and some were white, And all were blown to such a tune Of quiet rapture in the sky, I laughed to see them laughing by.

I had been dreaming in the train With thoughts at random from my book; I looked, and read, and looked again, And suddenly to greet my look Oxford shone up with every tower Aspiring sweetly like a flower.

Home turn the feet of men that seek, And home the hearts of children turn, And none can teach the hour to speak What every hour is free to learn; And all discover, late or soon, Their golden Oxford afternoon.

_Gerald Gould._



Know you her secret none can utter?

Hers of the Book, the tripled Crown?

Still on the spire the pigeons flutter, Still by the gateway flits the gown; Still on the street, from corbel and gutter, Faces of stone look down.

Faces of stone, and stonier faces-- Some from library windows wan Forth on her gardens, her green s.p.a.ces, Peer and turn to their books anon.

Hence, my Muse, from the green oases Gather the tent, begone!

Nay, should she by the pavement linger Under the rooms where once she played, Who from the feast would rise to fling her One poor _sou_ for her serenade?

One short laugh for the antic finger Thrumming a lute-string frayed?

Once, my dear--but the world was young then-- Magdalen elms and Trinity limes-- Lissom the blades and the backs that swung then, Eight good men in the good old times-- Careless we, and the chorus flung then Under St. Mary's chimes!

Reins lay loose and the ways led random-- Christ Church meadow and Iffley track,


"Idleness horrid and dog-cart" (tandem), Aylesbury grind and Bicester pack-- Pleasant our lines, and faith! we scanned 'em; Having that artless knack.

Come, old limmer, the times grow colder; Leaves of the creeper redden and fall.

Was it a hand then clapped my shoulder?-- Only the wind by the chapel wall!

Dead leaves drift on the lute . . . So fold her Under the faded shawl.

Never we wince, though none deplore us, We who go reaping that we sowed; Cities at c.o.c.kcrow wake before us-- Hey, for the lilt of the London road!

One look back, and a rousing chorus!

Never a palinode!

Still on her spire the pigeons hover; Still by her gateway haunts the gown.

Ah, but her secret? You, young lover, Drumming her old ones forth from town, Know you the secret none discover?

Tell it--when _you_ go down.

Yet if at length you seek her, prove her, Lean to her whispers never so nigh; Yet if at last not less her lover You in your hansom leave the High; Down from her towers a ray shall hover-- Touch you, a pa.s.ser-by.

_Arthur Quiller-Couch._



I will not try the reach again, I will not set my sail alone, To moor a boat bereft of men At Yarnton's tiny docks of stone.

But I will sit beside the fire, And put my hand before my eyes, And trace, to fill my heart's desire, The last of all our Odysseys.

The quiet evening kept her tryst: Beneath an open sky we rode, And pa.s.sed into a wandering mist Along the perfect Evenlode.

The tender Evenlode that makes Her meadows hush to hear the sound Of waters mingling in the brakes, And binds my heart to English ground.

A lovely river, all alone, She lingers in the hills and holds A hundred little towns of stone, Forgotten in the western wolds.

_Hilaire Belloc._


Cambridge town is a beleaguered city; For south and north, like a sea, There beat on its gates, without haste or pity, The downs and the fen country.

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Poems of To-Day: an Anthology Part 9 summary

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