The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 32

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Glorious Patron! Low before Thee Kneel Thy sons, with hearts aflame!

And out voices blend in music, Singing praises to thy name.

Saint John Baptist! Glorious Patron!

Saint La Salle we sound thy fame.


Loyal to our Queen and Mother, At her feet didst vow thy heart, Earth, and all its joys, forsaking, Thou didst choose the better part.

Saint La Salle, our glorious Father, Pierce our souls with love's one dart.


Model of the Christian teacher!

Patron of the Christian youth!

Lead us all to heights of glory, As we strive in earnest ruth.

Saint La Salle! Oh, guard and guide use, As we spread afar the Truth!


In this life of sin and sorrow, Saint La Salle, oh, guide our way, In the hour of dark temptation, Father! Be our spirit's stay!

Take our hand and lead us homeward, Saint La Salle, to Heav'ns bright day!

Copyright MCMXIII by The Gilbert Music Co.

By Permission

Page 156-157

No. 102

SAINTS, St, Francis of a.s.sisi

Blessed Francis, holy Father

Patron of Franciscan Tertiaries From the Fransciscan Manual From a Slovak Hymnal Arr by N. A. M.

Con Anima


Blessed Francis, holy father, Now our hearts to thee we raise, As we gather 'round thine altar, Pouring forth our hymns of praise.

Bless thy children, holy Francis, Who thy mighty help implore, For in heaven thou remainest, Still the father of the poor.


By thy love so deep and burning, For thy Saviour crucified; By the tokens which He gave thee On thy hands and feet and side: Bless thy children, holy Francis, With those wounded hands of thine, From thy glorious throne in heaven Where resplendently they s.h.i.+ne.


Humble follower of Jesus.

Likened to Him in thy birth, In thy way thro' life despising, For His sake the goods of earth: Make us love the priceless virtue By our hidden G.o.d esteemed, Make it valued, holy Francis, By the souls of the redeemed.


Teach us also, dear Saint Francis, How to mourn for ev'ry sin; May we walk in thy dear footsteps Till the crown of life we win.

Bless thy children, holy Francis, With those wounded hands of thine, From thy glorious throne in heaven, Where resplendently they s.h.i.+ne.

Page 158-159

No. 103

SAINTS, St. John the Evangelist

Saint of the Sacred Heart

Father Faber Nicola A. Montani



Saint of the Sacred Heart, Sweet teacher of the Word; Partner of Mary's woes And fav'rite of thy Lord!

Thou to whom grace was giv'n To stand where Peter fell, Whose heart could brook the Cross Of Him it loved so well!


We know not all thy gifts; But this Christ bids us see, That He Who so loved all Found more to love in thee.

When the last evening came, Thy head was on His Breast, Pillowed on earth where now In heav'n the Saints find rest.


Dear Saint I stand far off With vilest sins oppressed; Oh may I dare, like thee, To lean upon His Brest?

His touch could heal the sick, His voice could raise the dead!

Oh that my soul might be Where He allows thy head.


The gifts He gave to thee He gave thee to impart; And I, too, claim with thee His Mother and His Heart.

Ah teach me, then, dear Saint!

The secrets Christ taught thee, The beatings of His Heart, And how it beat for me.

Page 160-161

No. 104

SAINTS, St. Jeanne d' Arc

The Maid of France, with visioned eyes

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The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 32 summary

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