The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 34

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To G.o.d the Father with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, Be glory while the ages flow, From all above and all below.

Page 167-168

No. 108

SAINTS, St. Vincent de Paul

O blessed Father sent by G.o.d

Father Faber Nicola A. Montani



O blessed Father! Sent by G.o.d His mercy to dispense, Thy hand is out o'er all the earth, Like G.o.d's own providence.

There is no grief nor care of men, Thou dost not own for thine, No broken heart thou dost not fill With mercy's oil and wine.


Thy miracles are works of love, Thy greatest is to make Room in a day for toils that weeks In other men would take.

All cries of suff'ring thro' the earth Upon thy mercy call, As tho' thou wert, like G.o.d himself, A Father unto all.


Dear Saint not in the wilderness Thy fragrant virtues bloom, But in the city's crowded haunts, The alley's cheerless gloom.

When hunger hid itself to die, Where guilt in darkness dwelt, Thy pleasant suns.h.i.+ne can by stealth Thy hand and heart were felt.


For charity anointed thee O'er want and woe and pain; And she hath crowned thee emperor Of all her wide domain.

Vincent! Like Mother Mary, thou Art no one's patron saint; Eyes to the blind, health to the sick, And life to those who faint.

Page 169-170

No. 109

SAINTS, Feasts of Virgins

Dear Crown of all the Virgin-choir Jesu, corona Virginum

For Unison, or Two-Part Chorus of Equal Voices Translated by Father Caswall P. Piel



Dear Crown of all the Virgin-choir That holy Mother's Virgin Son!

Who is, alone of womankind, Mother and Virgin both in one.


Encircles by thy Virgin band, Amid the lilies Thou art found; For thy pure brides with lavish hand Scatt'ring immortal graces round.


And still whatever Thou dost bend Thy lovely steps, O glorious King, Virgins upon Thy steps attend, And hymns to Thy glory sing.


Keep us, O Purity divine, From ev'ry least corruption free; Our ev'ry sense from sin refine, And purify our souls for Thee.


To G.o.d the Father, and the Son, All honor, glory, praise be giv'n; With Thee, coequal Paraclete!

Forevermore in earth and Heav'n.

Page 171

No. 110

SAINTS, Feasts of Apostles

Now let the earth with joy resound Exsultet orbis gaudiis

Translated by Father Caswall Lachmannov Spevnicek Arr. by N. A. M.

Joyously and with animation (alla breve)


Now let the earth with joy resound; And Heav'n the chant re-echo round; Nor Heav'n nor earth too high can raise The great Apostles' glorious praise.


O ye who, throned in glory dread, Shall judge the living and the dead!

Lights of the world forevermore!

To you the suppliant pray'r we pour.


So when the world is at its end, And Christ to judgement shall descend, May we be called these joys to see Prepared from all eternity.


Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One; As ever was in ages past, And so shall be while ages last.

Page 172

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The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 34 summary

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