The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 53

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c.u.m Angelis et pueris fideles in veniamur, triumphatori mortis clamantes: Hosanna in excelsis.

When the procession has reached the portal of the Church two or four chanters enter and, facing the door begin the "Gloria Laus;" the clergy and singers outside repeat the verse. Chanters sing each new stanza while the singers outside repeat the "Gloria Laus". At the end of the last stanza the procession enters the church the music being changed to "Ingrediente."

Page 258

No. 168

Gloria, Laus et Honor


O. Ravanello (abridged)



Gloria, laus, et honor, tibi sit Rex Christi Redemptor: Cui puerile decus prompsit Hosanna pium.


Israel es tu Rex, Davidis et inclyta proles: Nomine qui in Domini, Rex benedicte, venis


Coetus in excelsis te laudat Coelicus omnis Et mortalis h.o.m.o, et cuncta creata simul.


Plebs Hebraea tibi c.u.m palmis obvia venit: c.u.m prece, voto, hymnis, adsumus ecce tibi.


Hi tibi pa.s.suro solvebant munia laudis: Nos tibi regnanti, pangimus ecce melos.


Hi placuere tibi, placeat devotio nostra; Rex bone, Rex clemens, cui bona cuncta placent.

Page 259

No. 169


Fr. Schubert



Ingrediente Domino in sanctam civitatem, Hebraeorum pueri, resurrectionem vitae p.r.o.nuntiantes.

c.u.m ramis palmarum Hosanna clamabunt in excelsis.


c.u.mque audisset popolus quod Jesus veniret, Jerosolymam, exierunt obviam ei.

c.u.m ramis palmarum Hosanna clamabunt in excelsis.

Page 260

No. 170


In Monte Oliveti

For two or four part Chorus Michael Haydn (1778) Edited and revised by N. A. M.

Andante moderato

In monte Oliveti oravit ad Patrem: Pater, si fieri potest, transeat a me calix iste: Spiritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infirma: Fiat voluntas tua.

Vigilate, et orare, ut non intretis in tentationem.

Page 261-262

No. 171

Tristis est anima mea

M. Haydn Revised by N. A. M.

Largo con espressione

Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem; sustinete hic, et viglate mec.u.m; nunc videbitis turbam, quae circ.u.mdabit me.

Vos fugam capietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis: Ecce appropinquat hora, et Filius hominis tradetur in ma.n.u.s peccatorum.

Page 263

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