The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 72

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Domine, Deus virtutum exaudi orationem meum: auribus percipe, Deus Jacob.


Protector noster, aspice Deus: et respice faciem Christi tui.


Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis, super milia.


Elegi agjectus esse in domo Dei mei: magis quam habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum.


Quia misericordiam et veritatem diligit Deus: gratiam et gloriam dabit Dominus.


Non privabit bonis eos, qui ambulant in innocentia: Domine virtutum, beatus h.o.m.o, qui sperat in te.


Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.


Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen

Page 353-353

No. 222


Quae est ista

Two part or unison chorus Traditional Italian Chorale Arr. by N. A. Montani


Quae est ista, quae est ista, quae ascendit de deserto; deliciis affluens enixa super dilectum suum?

Tota pulchra es, amica mea, suavis et decora.

Veni de Libano sponsa mea Veni de Libano veni coronaberis.

Page 354-355

No. 223

Tu gloria Jerusalem

Unison or four part chorus (For additional Ceremony Music see Magnificat; Hymns in honor of the Blessed Virgin, Motets in honor of the Bl. Sacrament, Te Deum etc.)

Cesar Franck Adapted from the Motet "Quae est ista"

Andante religioso

Tu gloria Jerusalem; tu laet.i.tia Israel; to honorificentia populi nostri.

Maria Dominare nostri tu et Filius tuus Intercede ad Dominum Deum nostrum, intercede ad Dominum Deum nostrum, ad Deum nostrum, ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

Page 355-356


Musical Programme


1. Ma.s.s, after which the Blessed Sacrament is incensed.

2 .* PROCESSION during which the "Pange Lingua" is sung; after the procession the

3. "TANTUM ERGO" is sung, and the Blessed Sacrament is incensed. The "Panem de coelo, etc.," is omitted

4. THE LITANY OF THE SAINTS is chanted. 224

5. PSALM LXIX, "Deus in adjutorium etc.," is intoned, then sung alternately by the clergy or choir, after which the celebrant, still kneeling, sings the versicles "Salvos fac, etc." After the "Domine, exaudi orationem meam" the celebrant rises and sings the prescribed orations.


On the second day of the Devotion the "Missa pro pace" (ma.s.s for peace) is offered on a side altar, and the color of the vestments is violet, unless a feast of higher rank occurs prohibiting the use of this color.

(See Manual of Forty Hours' Adoration pub. by Ecclesiastical Review, Phila., Pa.)


1. Ma.s.s, after which is sung the

2. LITANY with Psalm LXIX and the versicles "Salvos fac, etc.," down to "Dominus Vobisc.u.m" (exclusive,) after which the Blessed Sacrament is incensed.

3. * PROCESSION during which the "Pange Lingua" is sung. After the procession when the Blessed Sacrament has been placed on the altar, the

4. "TANTUM ERGO" is sung, and at the "Genitori" the Blessed Sacrament is incensed. The "Panem de coelo" is intoned and the celebrant rises and sings the

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The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 72 summary

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