Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert Part 14

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t.i.tulis insignirentur. 27 Febr. 1622."


Printed at Cambridge in 1634, along with Mr. Nicholas Ferrar's translation of "The Hygiasticon, or the right Course of preserving Health, by Leonard Lessius." To Mr. Herbert's Translation is annexed "A Paradox, translated out of Italian, That a more spare diet is better than a splendid or sumptuous."

IV. "HERBERT'S REMAINS; or Sundry Pieces of that sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. GEORGE HERBERT, some time Orator of the University of Cambridge, now exposed to public Light." _London, 1652._

This volume consists of--1. "A Priest to the Temple, or the Country Parson in his Character and Rule of Holy Life; with a Prefatory View of the Life and Virtues of the Author and Excellencies of this Book, by Barnabas Oley." In the second and subsequent impressions of this volume is added, "A Preface to the Christian Reader," consisting of six paragraphs, by Mr. Oley. 2. "Jacula Prudentum; or Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, &c., selected by Mr. George Herbert."

V. "THE TEMPLE: SACRED POEMS and Private e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.nS, by Mr. GEORGE HERBERT, late orator of the University of Cambridge. In his Temple doth every Man speak of his Honour, Psal. xxix. _Cambridge, 1633_."

VI. "MUSae RESPONSORae AD ANDREae MELVINI ANTI-TAMI-CAMI-CATEGORIAM. Ex officina, Joh. Field, _Cantab. 1662._" 12mo.

During his residence at Cambridge, he composed Latin Poems on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales; and of Anne, Queen to James I. See "Epicedium Cantabrigiense in obitum immaturum semperque deflendum Henrici ill.u.s.trissimi Principis Walliae, _Cantab. 1612._" And "Lachrymae Cantabrigienses in obitum serenissimae Regiae Annae, Conjugis dilectissimae Jacobi Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Regis.

_Cantab. 1619._"

The following letters, written by Herbert, when he was Public Orator, are in the Orator's Book at Cambridge:

1. "To Sir Robert Naunton, with thanks for some acts of kindness procured by him from Government to the University."

2. "To Fulke Greville, on the same account."

3. "To George Villiers, Marquis of Buckingham, on his being created a Marquis."

4. "To Sir Francis Bacon, with thanks for his Novum Organum."

5. "To Sir Thomas Coventry, Attorney-General."

6. "To Montagu, Lord Treasurer," and

7. "To Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor-General, congratulating them on their several promotions."

8. "To King James, with thanks for a present of his Doron Basilicon."

9. "To the same, with thanks for the preservation of the river."

10. "To Sir Francis Bacon, on the same subject."

11. "To Dr. Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, against the London Printers monopolizing foreign books."

12. "To Sir Francis Bacon, on the same subject."

13. "To Leigh, Chief Justice, on his promotion."

14. "To Cranfield, Lord Treasurer, on the same occasion."


"Blessed is the man in whose spirit there is no guile."--Ps. x.x.xii.



[Sidenote: Dedication]


If I should undertake to enumerate the many favours and advantages I have had by my very long acquaintance with your Lords.h.i.+p, I should enter upon an employment, that might prove as tedious as the collecting of the materials for this poor Monument, which I have erected, and do dedicate to the Memory of your beloved friend, Dr.

Sanderson: But though I will not venture to do that; yet I do remember with pleasure, and remonstrate with grat.i.tude, that your Lords.h.i.+p made me known to him, Mr. Chillingworth,[1] and Dr. Hammond; men, whose merits ought never to be forgotten.

My friends.h.i.+p with the first was begun almost forty years past, when I was as far from a thought, as a desire to outlive him; and farther from an intention to write his Life. But the wise Disposer of all men's lives and actions hath prolonged the first, and now permitted the last; which is here dedicated to your Lords.h.i.+p,--and, as it ought to be--with all humility, and a desire that it may remain as a public testimony of my grat.i.tude.

My Lord, Your most affectionate old friend, and most humble servant, IZAAK WALTON.

[Footnote 1: William Chillingworth, born at Oxford in 1602, and educated at Trinity College. He was proverbially celebrated there for clear and acute reasoning; but he so much involved himself in the Romish Controversy with John Fisher, a Jesuit, as to become a convert, and enter the College at Douay. His re-conversion was brought about by his G.o.dfather, Archbishop Laud, in 1631, when he returned to England; and in 1638, he wrote his famous work called "The Religion of Protestants a safe Way to Salvation." Fol. He was zealously attached to the Royal cause, and served at the Siege of Gloucester: but being taken prisoner, he was carried to the Bishop's Palace, at Chichester, on account of his illness, and, dying there Jan. 30th, 1644, was buried in the Cathedral, without any other ceremony than that of his book being cast into the grave by the hand of a fanatic.]


[Sidenote: Introductory]

I dare neither think, nor a.s.sure the Reader, that I have committed no mistakes in this relation of the Life of Dr. Sanderson; but I am sure, there is none that are either wilful, or very material. I confess, it was worthy the employment of some person of more Learning and greater abilities than I can pretend to; and I have not a little wondered that none have yet been so grateful to him and to posterity, as to undertake it. For it may be noted, that our Saviour hath had such care, that, for Mary Magdalen's kindness to him, her name should never be forgotten: and doubtless Dr. Sanderson's meek and innocent life, his great and useful Learning, might therefore challenge the like endeavours to preserve his memory: And 'tis to me a wonder, that it has been already fifteen years neglected. But, in saying this, my meaning is not to upbraid others,--I am far from that,--but excuse myself, or beg pardon for daring to attempt it. This being premised, I desire to tell the Reader, that in this relation I have been so bold, as to paraphrase and say, what I think he--whom I had the happiness to know well--would have said upon the same occasions: and if I have erred in this kind, and cannot now beg pardon of him that loved me; yet I do of my Reader, from whom I desire the same favour.

[Sidenote: Reasons for writing]

And, though my age might have procured me a Writ of Ease, and that secured me from all further trouble in this kind; yet I met with such persuasions to begin, and so many willing informers since, and from them, and others, such helps and encouragements to proceed, that when I found myself faint, and weary of the burthen with which I had loaden myself, and ready to lay it down; yet time and new strength hath at last brought it to be what it now is, and presented to the Reader, and with it this desire; that he will take notice, that Dr. Sanderson did in his Will, or last sickness, advertise, that after his death nothing of his might be printed; because that might be said to be his, which indeed was not; and also for that he might have changed his opinion since he first writ it. And though these reasons ought to be regarded, yet regarded so, as he resolves in that Case of Conscience concerning Rash Vows; that there may appear very good second reasons why we may forbear to perform them. However, for his said reasons, they ought to be read as we do Apocryphal Scripture; to explain, but not oblige us to so firm a belief of what is here presented as his.

[Sidenote: Tracts and a Sermon]

And I have this to say more; That as in my queries for writing Dr.

Sanderson's Life, I met with these little Tracts annexed; so, in my former queries for my information to write the Life of venerable Mr.

Hooker, I met with a Sermon, which I also believe was really his, and here presented as his to the Reader. It is affirmed,--and I have met with reason to believe it,--that there be some Artists, that do certainly know an original picture from a copy; and in what age of the world, and by whom drawn. And if so, then I hope it may be as safely affirmed, that what is here presented for their's is so like their temper of mind, their other writings, the times when, and the occasions upon which they were writ, that all Readers may safely conclude, they could be writ by none but venerable Mr. Hooker, and the humble and learned Dr. Sanderson.

And lastly, I am now glad that I have collected these memoirs, which lay scattered, and contracted them into a narrower compa.s.s; and if I have, by the pleasant toil of doing so, either pleased or profited any man, I have attained what I designed when I first undertook it. But I seriously wish, both for the Reader's and Dr. Sanderson's sake, that posterity had known his great Learning and Virtue by a better pen; by such a pen, as could have made his life as immortal, as his learning and merits ought to be.


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Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert Part 14 summary

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