Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert Part 23

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167. _Parsonage of Bemerton._ In the presentation in the Record Office, which is dated 16th April 1630, ten days before his induction, it is styled "Rectory of the parish church of Fulston (Fuggleston) St.

Peter's and Bemerton."

175. "_The Country Parson._" For further particulars see p. 212. Of the simplicity of this beautiful little book Canon Ainger has well said, "Not for the first or last time in our literature was it to be shown that the euphuistic tendency is killed when the writer begins to think more of his topic than himself" (Craik's _English Prose_, ii.

(1894), 204).

190. _being_, seeing. _Cf._ also p. 258.

193. _genteel_, refined, well-bred.

201. "_The Temple._" See full t.i.tle on p. 213.

205. _pa.s.sion_, violent commotion of the mind, perturbation.

206. _my last Will._ This, which Walton had not seen, is printed by Dr. Grosart (_Herbert's Poetical Works_, 1876, p. lxi).

207. _buried 3rd day of March, 1632._ I.e. in 1633, as the rest of the note seems to imply. He lies under the altar in the church.


_Text, etc_ The first separate edition of the _Life of Dr. Robert Sanderson_ was printed in 1678, 8vo. It is corrected and supplemented in Jacobson's edition of Sanderson's works, 1854, 6 vols.

223. _the place of his birth was Rotherham._ As stated in the note, it was Sheffield, in a house called the Lane Head Stane. He was baptized on the 10th September.

240. _about this time._ He was presented to the Rectory of Boothby Pagnell in 1619. There is a print of Boothby Parsonage in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for 1801, i. 105.

241. _resigned his Fellows.h.i.+p._ In May 1619.

241. _pennyworths_, bargains.

271. _prevented him_, antic.i.p.ated him.

282. _Little Britain_. Like Duck Lane, Little Britain was (in Strype's words) "much inhabited by booksellers."

296. _conversation_, intercourse with the world.

303. _blacks_, mourning. _Cf_. Bacon "Of Death" (Essay 2).

305. _29th of January 1662._ Should be 1663. He was buried in the chancel of Buckden Church.

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Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert Part 23 summary

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