Pucked: Pucked Over Part 12

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"No way."

"Yes way." Her fingers get caught in my tangled hair, and she struggles to pull them free. "So?"

"So what?"

She lowers her voice even more. "Don't so what me. How was it?"

"Remember how I told you about that spontaneous o.r.g.a.s.m I had before?"

"Did that happen again?" She says it way louder than she should.


She mouths sorry. "Did it?"

"No, but it was the same kind of o.r.g.a.s.m. So intense. I don't even know how to describe it. G.o.d, Sunny, the s.e.x was incredible."

"Better than with Benji?"

"There isn't even a comparison."

"See? I knew a fling was exactly what you needed. Sometimes there's no replacement for hot s.e.x."

"Yeah. Totally." No strings. No attachments. Just a whole lot of awesome

Chapter 11.

All The Thwarts RANDY.

Miller's p.i.s.sed at me. I don't see why. It's not like anyone but Lily's going to sleep on those s.e.xed-up sheets. And no one cares if we go missing. We're not essential to the party.

"Think you can wait until the end of the night before you lock Lily in another bedroom to get your d.i.c.k wet?" he grumbles as we head down the stairs.

I fasten my cuff and smooth a hand down my s.h.i.+rt. It's wrinkled from being on the floor, but I'm not the focus tonight, so it's doubtful people will notice. "What's your problem, man? Lily says you two have been disappearing all day. If you'd invited me to come early, maybe I could have kept her company."

He grits his teeth. "Seriously, b.a.l.l.s, I'm not in the mood for this right now. Violet's hammered, and we're trying to get her sobered up so she doesn't say something stupider than she usually does. I don't have time to police you and your d.i.c.k. Lily's like part of Sunny's family. Alex is almost as protective of her as he is of Sunny. You see how you're not helping things?"

"Does he have a thing for her?" A hot feeling shoots down the back of my spine.

"For Lily? No."

"Did he ever?"

"How should I know? That's not relevant anyway, considering he's marrying my sister. My issue right now is that it makes Lily look bad if you're hauling her off to bang her all over the house. Alex won't like it. I've worked way too hard to smooth things over with him for you to go f.u.c.king it up by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g Lily around."

"I've already told you, I'm not s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her around."

Miller rubs his forehead. "I know you're not trying to, just use a little judgment. You're in Waters' house. He's already stressed. He doesn't need a reason to snap."

Lily and Sunny come out of the bathroom, ending our conversation. Lily looks just as gorgeous as she did before I got her naked and made a nest of her hair. It's still a little tangled, but I can't imagine anyone noticing, other than present company.

Honestly, all I want to do is bail on this party, take Lily back to my place, and f.u.c.k her until she has to leave for Canada. She is everything I like in a woman, plus she skates. And she's on the rebound. So I'm nothing but a gateway to the next guy. It's the absolute perfect setup. Miller's getting his b.a.l.l.s in a knot over nothing.

Lily's eyes settle on mine. There are questions in them. She probably wants to know what I've been saying to Miller while she and Sunny have been in the bathroom. She holds Sunny's arm while she slips her feet into her heels.

Miller gives me a look, which I ignore. I thread my arm through Lily's. "Ready for dinner?"

"Where's my underwear?" she whispers.

I have no idea. Once they came off I had no interest in putting them back on. "You don't need them."

"But I-"

"We need to get down there. Charlene keeps texting. I think Violet's having a hard time," Sunny says while checking her phone.

"We'll find them later." I squeeze the back of her neck and Lily leans into me, holding my arm as she hums. I don't know what that's about, but I like the way I affect her. I bet I could get hard again right now without much work.

Dinner is going to be so much fun.

I let Lily go ahead with Sunny and follow Miller out of the room. He's still in a mood. I a.s.sume he's worried about Vi. Those two are tight for being stepbrother and sister. They're exactly how siblings should be, except they do a lot of sharing. And not the kind you want from someone you're related to.

A huge covered tent with tables and twinkle lights has been set up in the backyard. Everyone's already seated, so it's a bit of a production for us to get to the table a.s.signed to us.

We get a few looks as we make our way through the maze of guests. Lance is at our table when we get there. Tash looks less than impressed right now. She's pus.h.i.+ng salad around on her plate and talking to a girl I don't know. The chair beside her is empty, although it looks like someone's been there based on the napkin placement.

I take the seat beside Lance and hold out the other one for Lily. She smoothes her hands down the backs of her thighs as she sits, reminding me that flimsy fabric is the only thing covering that sweet, hot p.u.s.s.y. I tuck her in close to the table and take a seat.

"What've you been up to?" Lance gives me a knowing grin.

"Just gettin' a tour of the house. We miss anything?" I stretch my arm across the back of Lily's chair.

She crosses her legs and pulls her chair in a little tighter, but she doesn't look my way. She's focused on Sunny and her phone.

"Nothing yet, but I have a feeling something's brewing. Waters' girl is hammered." His eyebrows lift, like he's excited for the show.

I check out the head table, not far from us. It's no different than ours. Violet and Alex, along with Darren and his girl, sit with the parents. It's a weird collection of people. Violet's mom looks exactly like she does, just older. They have the same body, same face, same mannerisms. Sidney, Miller's dad, looks a lot like Miller, but with darker hair, and less of it. Violet tries to pour herself a gla.s.s of wine, but her friend switches the bottle for a different one. Waters leans in and says something, and Violet gives him a pouty face.

When Waters tips her chin up, I look away. Miller's expressed concern on multiple occasions that this whole engagement party might be a little much for Violet. He says she gets nervous in front of people. There must be a story there, but he hasn't offered to tell it.

Miller pours Sunny a gla.s.s of wine. I trail a finger up the side of Lily's neck. She inhales a tremulous breath, and gooseb.u.mps rise along her skin.

"Cold?" It's warm for late September, and heat lamps are set up all over the place, but Lily doesn't have much in the way of body fat.

She gives me a strained smile. "I'm fine."

"You want something to drink?"

"It's okay. I can get it." She reaches for the bottle of wine in the center of the table. As she stands, the back of her dress rides up. I stand and move behind her so no one gets a view they shouldn't.

"It's okay, baby, let me do that for you." I put my palms on her shoulders, thumbs smoothing down the ridges of her spine, fingertips caressing her collarbones. Lily drops back into her chair, her fingers brus.h.i.+ng along mine, close to her throat. Everyone is looking at me. Or her.

I don't know why it's such a big deal that I'm considerate enough to get my date a d.a.m.n drink. I pour her a gla.s.s of wine, then offer it to everyone else to make a point before I sit back down. Kirk drops down in the empty seat across the table. He drags the chair the blond girl is sitting in closer to him so he can use it as an armrest. She nearly spills her wine all over her dress. Fortunately, it's black, and she doesn't seem to care. He rests his elbow on the back of her chair. He's got pit stains. And his forehead is sweaty.

"You guys get lost in the bathroom or something?" Kirk winks at Lily.

"They were getting the house tour," Tash says, then goes back to chatting with the blonde and ignoring Lance.

I scoot my chair closer to Lily and put an arm around her. It's not that I feel some kind of owners.h.i.+p, or the need to stake a claim, or that we're having a p.i.s.sing contest; Kirk's a d.i.c.kface. He's the kind of guy I don't ever want to become.

He's approaching the end of his career. Winning the Cup last year bought him an extra season. But he's pretty much done. Now that his wife has finally left him and taken his kids, he's all about getting the bunny action.

He didn't make a mistake once or twice; he did it all the d.a.m.n time. Like being away from home was a reason to f.u.c.k someone other than the person he married.

I remember the fights my parents used to have when they thought I was asleep. The nights my dad came home from away games were always the worst. When I was old enough, I could've stayed at Miller's, but then I would've had to leave my sister to deal with it alone, and she was too young. It was a lot of years of listening to screaming matches and tears before my mom finally had enough of the bulls.h.i.+t. I don't see much of my dad. I don't have much use for him. My sister moved all the way to Australia last year for school, so she sees him even less.

Lily's hand on my thigh pulls me out of the dark spiral of my thoughts. I realize I'm glaring at Kirk and give my attention to her. Her smile is tight, questioning. "You okay?" she whispers.

I s.h.i.+ft her chair so she's right up next to me and brush my nose against her cheek. She s.h.i.+vers. "I'll be better after dinner's over."

"You're not hungry?" She pokes at her salad.

I don't think she's eaten anything. Based on how lean she is, and how active, and how incredibly flexible, I don't think it's advisable that she misses any meals.

"I'm hungry, but not for this." I stab some lettuce, so I'm a good role model, and shove it in my mouth, chewing slowly.

She spears a lone leaf and regards me thoughtfully. "What're you hungry for?"

"You. Come home with me tonight." I don't consider the words before they're out. I just say them. If she was a bunny, the answer would always be yes.

"I-I-" She removes her hand from my leg. "I can't. What would I tell Sunny's parents?"

"You don't have to tell them anything."

"I've been invited to stay with Alex and his family for the weekend. We have some kind of shopping thing we're doing tomorrow."

"I'll drop you off early, then pick you up later, for dinner."

"Don't you think it's kind of rude to take off so I can have my brains screwed out?"

"Is that what you think I want to do?"

"Isn't it?" She arches a brow.

"What if I just want to talk?"

"In moans?"

I laugh. She's a funny girl. I really do want to screw her brains out, without having to worry about anyone interrupting, or either of us having to be quiet. "If you don't feel comfortable coming home with me tonight, you should at least plan to stay over tomorrow."

"You're determined to get me back into a bed." She stabs another piece of lettuce and takes a bite.

"The bed isn't the most important part; it's the getting you naked again part." I trail a finger across the back of her dress from shoulder to shoulder.

She s.h.i.+vers. "I can't do a sleepover. My flight's super early on Monday. I have to work in the afternoon." She looks at me, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. "You could crash here tonight."

"I haven't been invited."

"No one'll notice."

I spend the rest of dinner trying to get my hand up Lily's skirt while she tries to eat. It's next to impossible because of how close we're sitting together. It's a good thing I'm a lefty and she's a righty, otherwise I'd have to leave more s.p.a.ce. She excuses herself to the bathroom, and I think it's going to be the perfect opportunity to follow her out for a quickie, but Sunny goes with her.

I'll never understand why girls have to go to the bathroom in packs. It doesn't make sense. And it's messing with my ability to get back inside Lily. Whatever. I can wait until after dessert. Post-food there'll definitely be an opportunity to disappear again.

Sadly, by the time dinner's over, the girls have all vanished over some Violet-related emergency. Miller, Lance, and I are standing around, drinking beers while we wait for them to figure out what the problem is. Miller keeps getting texts from Sunny and pa.s.sing his phone to me. Despite the fact that they've been dating nearly six months, Sunny still uses a lot of text slang, and that doesn't work for Miller.

The short forms combined with numbers and missing vowels make the messages difficult for him to read. Most of the time I send him voice memos. It's way easier. He's got a memory like a steel trap if he's told the information rather than having to read it.

"Says something about the moops." I pa.s.s the phone back.

"What are moops?" Lance asks.

"Violet can't handle dairy; it gives her problems." Miller hands me his phone again. There are more messages from Sunny.


"It goes right through her," Miller says.

Lance pulls a face. "That's nasty. Why would she eat dairy if it makes her sick?"

"She does it to punish herself or something. Girls are messed. I don't get it. I also don't understand why she'd eat dairy today of all days. Maybe it wasn't intentional." He rubs his head as I scan the new texts. They keep coming in. The last one is personal, and pertains to activities later in the night, so I message her back and let her know it's me reading because of all the slang. She sends back an oops and a blushy face.

"Violet's broken out in hives. Also, Sunny's looking forward to cookie-eating later."

Miller s.n.a.t.c.hes back his phone. "That's not gonna happen if we can't get Violet under control. I wanna know who gave her dairy." Miller looks worried, which has been his expression most of the night. "I think I need to talk to Waters. He's gotta stop pus.h.i.+ng the wedding c.r.a.p on her. They're living together. He needs to back off a little and give her some d.a.m.n breathing room. She's obviously not ready for this s.h.i.+t." He drains his beer and sets it on the closest table. "I'mma go find him."

"I'll come with you." It's more to keep those two off each other than anything else. Miller's protective of Violet, even though they're not related by blood. He's like that, though, super loyal. He doesn't let anyone mess around with the people who're important to him.

"You coming or staying?" I ask Lance.

He shrugs. "Might as well see what's going on."

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Pucked: Pucked Over Part 12 summary

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