Pucked: Pucked Over Part 2

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Hypocritical? Not at all. I don't let the bunnies put their mouths on me either... for a variety of reasons. But Lily's not a bunny, and she needed to be taken care of. Properly. So I went down on her. I drew the line at f.u.c.king her, though, because I didn't want to feel guilty if she only let me bang her to get back at her a.s.shole ex.

It was the right thing to do, but I still have regrets. Especially since I know she hasn't gotten back with that d.i.c.kwad. Not that I've asked or anything. Miller offers up the information. And now everything between her and me seems to be sideways. Or it did until about thirty seconds ago. Anyway, having had my fingers inside Lily, I can say, without a doubt, the s.e.x would be stellar. She's one tight little firecracker.

She drags my mouth back down and pauses when our lips are almost touching. I feel around behind me for the lock and flip it. I don't want any interruptions right now. I pull her against me, trapping her hands between us. Then I brush the end of my nose against hers, all soft-soft.

She lets out this tiny little whimper. It's barely a sound; she tips her chin up, and her hips press forward. She's got to be able to feel my hard-on. It'd be impossible not to. I run my tongue across my lip, over the scar from a stick I took to the face a long time ago. She tracks the movement. When she lifts her gaze, I take her mouth.

This time when she tries to push her tongue past my lips, I force it back with my own. Her hands leave my s.h.i.+rt, fingers closing around my wrists as she fights to get inside my mouth. Not gonna happen. Not yet. It's hard to kiss and smile, but I manage.

She runs her hands through my hair. Yanking out the tie, she tosses it across the small room. I have no idea where it lands, but I sure won't be picking it up off the bathroom floor.

I spin us around so she's against the door and work a knee between her legs. Then I start basically dry-f.u.c.king her. I don't know what's wrong with me. This is a charity event. There are families, and kids. And here I am, locked in a bathroom with a girl who wrote TINY d.i.c.k INSIDE over most of my boxers. I'm wearing a pair tonight because I half-hoped I'd see her and this would happen.

I cup her a.s.s, squeeze tight, and lift her. She's maybe five-six, five-seven at best, and I'm almost six-three, so I've got a lot of height on her and probably a hundred pounds. She's willowy, compact muscle and narrow everything from her hips to her rib cage. She wraps her strong legs around my waist, another one of those strangled moans bubbling up.

If it were possible for one human being to devour another, we'd be doing that now. She lets go of my hair and searches for the hem of my s.h.i.+rt. Her fingernails scratch over my abs. I bite her tongue in retaliation. She wrenches her face away from mine, banging her head against the door.

"You okay?" I ask.

She pinches my nipple, so I bite her neck. "Do it again and I'll suck until I leave a mark," I warn, parting my lips against her skin. It's salty and sweet and so very, very warm.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I definitely would." I apply the tiniest bit of suction and she gasps, her hands going back to my hair, fingernails digging into my scalp.

I adjust my grip and grind up on her while I kiss along her throat to her jaw. I'm so hard right now. I wish she were wearing something other than tight jeans. The only way I can feasibly get inside her is to turn her around and take her from behind. It's not my preferred position.

I know exactly what Lily's come face looks like. If I'm gonna f.u.c.k her, I want her eyes on mine when she loses it all over my c.o.c.k. A public bathroom probably isn't the best place for this to go down anyway, even if it's wheelchair accessible and fairly clean. Public washrooms are more of a Miller move, or a Miller-pre-Sunny move, anyway.

I keep rolling my hips and those little noises of hers get louder, so I cover her mouth with mine again.

Her hands turn into fists, gripping my hair so tightly I'm almost concerned she's going to rip it out by the roots. "Oh my G.o.d," she groans against my lips.

I pull away, checking to make sure she's okay. She throws her head back, hitting the door again with a low thud. We're making an awful lot of noise in here, but at least it's an out-of-the-way bathroom.

I push her firmly against the door with my hips so I don't have to use both hands to hold her up. That way I can stop her head from smacking against the door. If she keeps it up, she's going to have a bruise. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was coming-which should be impossible since I haven't done anything but rub myself on her.


Her eyes roll down to meet mine, her shock replaced by ecstasy. Her mouth drops open. "That's not-I can't-"

"Are you coming?" Despite the lack of probability, I have to ask.

She shakes her head furiously and stutters out a no.

Her expression is suspect. I don't buy it. Gripping her a.s.s, I swing around so we're facing the wall. Then I lower her to the ground. Her nails run down the side of my neck, and she claws at my s.h.i.+rt.

"Why are you stopping?" She air humps once and wobbles unsteadily.

I walk her backward until she hits the wall. She immediately starts rubbing her p.u.s.s.y on my thigh. There are way better places for her to do that. She tries to pull my mouth back to hers, but I have other plans. I pull her s.h.i.+rt over her head and hang it on the k.n.o.b. Her purse is on the floor by my feet, c.r.a.p strewn all over the place. Not that it matters right now.

Her bra isn't fancy, or lacy, or anything special. It's plain, pale satin. I can see the outline of her nipples through it. I'll get to those later. While Lily rides my leg, I pop the b.u.t.ton on her jeans and pull down the zipper. Her underwear matches her bra, more simple, pale satin.

I shove my hand down the front of her pants. She's been taking care of things. I'm met with smoothish skin. But her jeans are so tight I can't get my hand past the crest of her pelvis. I can feel how hot she is, but I can't get to all that wetness. In her defense, my hands are big, so that only adds to the problem.

Lily fumbles with my belt buckle and then my zipper. My erection strains against my boxers. She freezes, her eyes darting to mine in shock. Not because my d.i.c.k is terrifying, although it kind of is, but because she can read the TINY d.i.c.k INSIDE she wrote on the hot pink material in neat block letters with black permanent marker.

She bites her lip and makes a face, like she's not sure if she should laugh, be embarra.s.sed, or apologize-or maybe all three. She skims the waistband like she's thinking about sticking her hand inside. "Why do you still have these?"

"They're my favorite pair."

"But-" She palms me through the fabric and rubs herself on my leg at the same time. Her eyes roll up, and she shudders again.

"I think we're both well aware that this is false advertising." I move the hand covering my c.o.c.k away and step back. Then I drop to my knees and yank her jeans over her hips, along with her panties, which are damp. It's like they're d.a.m.n well glued to her body.

"What're you-"

I slide a hand between her legs, cutting her words short. I glide over her c.l.i.t and push two fingers inside her. I want to find out if I'm right about the spontaneous, untouched coming. She falls back against the wall and tries to part her legs, but her stupid tight jeans make that impossible. Her entire body trembles, and she cries out when I curl my fingers. That's when I feel it: the pulse around my hand.

"You're coming." I look up at her, s.h.i.+rtless, the strap of her bra hanging off her arm instead of sitting on her shoulder, her palms flat against the wall behind her.

"No s.h.i.+t," she gasps.

"I barely even touched you."

"I'm as confused as you are."

"Bend your knees and spread your legs," I order.


I move my hand from between her thighs, eliciting a despondent sound. Gripping her by the waist, I duck under her knee and shove my head through the narrow gap so I'm face to face with her p.u.s.s.y. It's not easy, but I manage. Then I lift her so she's sitting on my shoulders with her legs hanging over my back.

I hold onto her left thigh and slide the other hand up her stomach and under her bra. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pop out the bottom, nipples tightening as I brush my thumb over one. I cover the soft swell with my palm, squeezing as I hold her against the wall. I don't have much room to move, but she's already worked up enough as it is, so I suction my mouth to her c.l.i.t and circle it with my tongue.

"Holy fuuuuuuu-" Her legs tighten around my head. I abandon her b.o.o.b and cover her mouth. I don't think she has the ability to control her volume right now, or any other part of her, considering the way she's flailing around. I don't know that I've ever been with a girl who can come as fast and hard as she can with so little contact. Last time she came a lot, but it wasn't like this. Maybe it's because we're in a public place and she's into the exhibitionism thing.

Whatever the reason, I'm all over making it happen again. She moans my name into my palm and bites the fleshy part, writhing against my face. The shuddering starts all over. It's followed by a noise that sounds almost like a sob.

I raise my head, my beard rubbing against her c.l.i.t. I'm gonna need to shampoo the f.u.c.k out of it later. A violent, whole-body tremor shoots through her. "Lily, baby, you okay up there?"

Her head lolls forward, her breath coming in short bursts. All she does is make a sound. Her eyes are droopy and She looks high as a kite.


"You doing okay?"

She shakes her head and blinks a bunch of times, like she's trying to clear the fog. "So much coming." It's kind of garbled.

I'm about to go back to eating her p.u.s.s.y so I can make that happen again, when a knock on the door startles us.

"Lily? Are you in there again?" It's Sunny, Miller's girlfriend. She and Lily are best friends. This is an interesting situation.

Lily's eyes go wide, her panic comical. "I'll be out in a minute!"

She struggles to get off my shoulders, nearly taking us to the floor. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't in a bathroom. It's clean, but not that clean. I grab her hands and bite the inside of her thigh, sucking hard on the skin.


"Is everything okay in there?" Sunny asks.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I just stubbed my toe!"

I raise an eyebrow, and she mouths what? but she stops making things difficult so I can set her feet back on the floor and duck out from between her legs. She almost loses her balance, but I hold her hips and keep her standing. Before I pull up her panties I press a kiss above the cleft of her p.u.s.s.y, then add enough suction to leave a faint, purple bruise to match the one on the inside of her thigh.

"Stop it!" she whisper-hisses, trying to push my face away.

I'm stronger than she is, though, and she s.h.i.+fts her hips forward even as she pulls my hair, like she's secretly seeking my tongue again. I lick her swollen c.l.i.t one last time, watching her skin pebble, then carefully s.h.i.+mmy her panties over her hips. She takes care of her suction jeans, getting them up with far less difficulty than I got them down. Lily adjusts her bra so her nipples are covered again and pulls her s.h.i.+rt over her head. Her hair's a sweet mess.

Once all the best parts of her are hidden, I s.h.i.+ft my hard, achy d.i.c.k to the left so I can zip up my pants.

"Oh, G.o.d." She reaches out, then stops. "You're so hard. I didn't even-"

"Don't worry." I wink. "That'll get taken care of later."

"I have to take Brett home."

I shrug. "I can wait."

Her mouth drops-that seems to be a reaction I elicit from her often. "Oh my G.o.d! You're such a a.s.shole!"

"Didn't you just come three times?"

"Two point five, and I didn't force you to eat my p.u.s.s.y!"

"You're the one who kissed me, and you sure didn't seem to mind me eating you."

She jams the fallen items into her purse and hugs it to her chest. Elbowing me in the ribs, she pushes me out of the way. I don't get how she can go from o.r.g.a.s.m bliss to being angry, but then I don't honestly know her that well. Maybe she's got a split personality or something.

"What's the deal?"

She flips the lock and turns to me, panicked. "I gotta go. I need to get away-"

She wrenches open the door and stumbles out into the hall. "Enjoy the rest of your evening!" She motions to my crotch. "I hope your, uh, situation resolves itself!"

"I was still hoping for some help with that." I step out after her, b.u.t.toning my pants. Sunny looks from me to Lily and back again. Miller's standing behind her wearing a grim expression.

"f.u.c.k you very much for the" Lily slaps a hand over her mouth, like she can't believe she just said that.

"That was next on my to-do list." I'm such an antagonistic a.s.s.

"Guess you missed that opportunity. Again." She cringes and mutters something else.

I was being considerate by not f.u.c.king her at Waters' cottage. Seems like maybe she didn't appreciate it all that much. "I could fix that if you want to come back to my hotel room." I'm grinning. I can't help it.

"I would so..." Her eyes close for a moment. "I need to find my cousin!" She spins on her heel and rushes away.

"Um... I'm gonna go deal with her." Sunny points in Lily's direction and chases after her, blond hair swis.h.i.+ng.

"What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you, b.a.l.l.s?" Miller looks put out.

I zip up my pants and inhale sharply, almost catching my boxers in the teeth. Now I want to find her again before she leaves. I haven't resolved anything. The whole point of following her was to talk, not eat her out. "I should go after her."

I take a step in the direction Lily went, but Miller puts an arm up to stop me. "Uh, dude. Not before you manage yourself." He waves to everything above the neck.

I shake my head, frustrated, but go back into the bathroom and check my reflection. I laugh. "Oh, s.h.i.+t." My hair's a mess; like, it's everywhere. My face, well-that's another story. I definitely need to wash it, since Lily came all over it. I can smell her. I also have scratch marks running from the side of my jaw to the collar of my s.h.i.+rt. I search the floor for the hair tie Lily ripped out. I find it beside the toilet. I don't have any other option right now, so I pick it up off the floor and gather my hair back up. I'm gonna need a shower once I get back to the hotel.

"I don't get it, man. You've been off the scene for the last month, and all of a sudden you're back at it. Here of all places? It's a d.a.m.n fundraiser, Randy, not one of Lance's parties."

"I know that." Lance "Romance" Romero is another one of our teammates. He's notorious for parties full of excess and bunnies. I turn on the tap and wash Lily off my face and out of my beard.

"Really? 'Cause it seems like maybe you forgot. Of all the girls you decide you wanna bone in a bathroom, why's it gotta be Lily?"

"That's not what happened."

He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Seriously. I didn't f.u.c.k her in here. I mean, we were messing around, but f.u.c.king didn't take place." Then I add, "I just had a little dessert is all."

Miller scrubs his face with his palm. "You better watch yourself, b.a.l.l.s. Lily's super tight with the Waters family. Alex is like a brother, and if he finds out you're s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her around, you'll be next on his broken-nose radar."

"It's not like that." I shut off the water and turn to face him. "Honestly, Miller, all I wanted to do was talk to her. We're gonna see each other in a couple of weeks at Waters' engagement party. I figured it'd be good to clear the air-"

"By eating her p.u.s.s.y in a bathroom?"

I give him a cheeky grin. "I learned from the best."

Miller shakes his head. "Yeah. Not funny, a.s.shole. I got traded for that s.h.i.+t, remember?"

"I'm sorry. I just-we got carried away." I make some random hand gestures as I try to figure out what I want to say.

"You can't d.i.c.k Lily around the way you do the bunnies, Randy. It's not cool."

"I'm not gonna d.i.c.k her around. We're just having some fun."

"I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't think your version of fun and Lily's are the same thing."

"I'll check on her and make sure we're good."

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Pucked: Pucked Over Part 2 summary

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