(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 100

(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! -

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100 – Disparity

s.h.i.+ro, who had been mumbling all this while, let out a breath before leaning onto me. He’s heavy.

” Oi s.h.i.+ro. What are you doing? ”

My voice came out dangerously low but s.h.i.+ro looked like it did not concerned him at all. No, I was not unhappy about this difference in height at all, nope.

…..Oi, why was I not even touching his waist? Or rather, your legs were too long, baka.

” Lack of oxygen… ”

Saying that, s.h.i.+ro then proceeded to leave his entire weight onto my head. If I was just a normal 8 year old kid, I was pretty sure my neck would be bending at an odd angle by now. Which summoned beast would harmed his owner’s body like this? …..No, if it was s.h.i.+ro, he most definitely knew what I was capable of before doing it. What bad taste.

But, thanks to s.h.i.+ro’s action, the sparkling eyes filled with pure admiration that was causing me to itched all over the place soon died down. If this was what s.h.i.+ro was aiming for, then my valuation of him had to change.

…..The him who was humming a song while shaking his b.u.t.t… No, not possible.
After clearing my head of those thoughts, I returned to the topic, ignoring s.h.i.+ro.

” And that’s why, how about doing a collaboration with our summoned beast? ”
” Sounds good! ”
” I agree! ”
” Wonderful! ”

At my suggestion, the 3 of them agreed happily. Then looking at each other with a happy grin on their faces, they took some distance from each other.

After getting into their position as if they were surrounding me, they nodded, satisfied, before facing outside, taking something out. They then proceeded to gather mana and when they had gathered enough, they shouted.

“”” 《召喚》! “””
[TN: Shokan, summon]

Cute ‘pop’ like sound sounded before the magic x 3 began to activated at the same time. It seemed like the thing that they took out just now were magic circles drawn on a sheet of paper to help aid them in summoning their beasts.

Looking at the unruly head of red hair, he pounced straight towards a dog that appeared while looking like it was swimming in the air, cras.h.i.+ng into the ground. ….Zen. I know you missed him, I do. Really, you don’t feel embarra.s.sed at all, do you?

An unusual sense of admiration came over me. That was because I did not possessed that ability.

Since it was dangerous for his head, I used wind magic to absorbed the shock. Like a certain princess in a certain castle, Zen floated in the air for a bit before floating down, gently. As for his dog…. his summoned beast, Dogg, was licking his face all over as it’s tails wagged hard, like rotating blades.

I turned to the others. Well then, if I remembered correctly, Selphy summoned beast was a Bird species beast, Asuka. ….No, the reason why I did not saw it the first time was not because I found it tiresome. It’s that, you know. I had to controlled my beast. Yep.

A gust of wind blew and a beautiful greenish bird appeared. Selphy’s beautiful green hair was dancing in the wind. The little bird flew high into the sky, before turning around immediately and landed on Selphy’s shoulder.

” Gruuuuuuu…. ”

The bird chirped happily as they looked each other in the eye. Selphy, as though embarra.s.sed to be looked in the eye, smiled bashfully.

….Yep, how cute. Too cute, d.a.m.n it.

I had to say again, I am not a lolicon. An elf with her green hair dancing in the wind while smiling at her pet bird, a beautiful elf, surrounded by the forest! Only beautiful and cute could described it! Those that don’t felt it m
ust had something wrong. They need a doctor.

” ……cough ”

I coughed and tore my eyes away to another spot. To Mi. I knew about Zen and Selphy’s beast but I left for the ‘secret mission’ before I even found out what Mi’s was. I wondered what he summoned. As I looked over with antic.i.p.ation, Mi was already greetings with his summoned beast. They both bowed to each other before shaking hands.

” I will be relying on you. ”
” Gigigigiii. ”

Mi said to which his beast answered him.

” Oh, so Mi’s summoned beast is a monkey. ”

I said, and the both of them turned towards me. Monkey, as it’s name suggested, was a monkey-like beast. But the color of their fur was not the same as Earth, they possessed all sorts of colors.

” Um. Aiki the monkey. ”

Mi said, introducing his beast proudly. And Aiki, sitting on Mi’s shoulder, puffed it’s chest out and looked proud. Aiki had a deep blue coat and his short fur make him looked really cute. I wondered if his fur felt like velour. Maybe it’s still young, it was really quite small in size, just like a lemur, and very cute.

I felt like stroking it. To ruffle it’s fur.

And as I was thinking of it, our eyes met and it quickly hid behind Mi’s back. Maybe my enthusiasm was too strong and it scared him. It looked to be a wild monkey so maybe they were sensitive to these kind of feelings.

I need to control myself.

As I reflected upon it, I waited for the next chance. If I can hide my feelings good enough, I might be able to stroke it the moment it let it’s guard down. Hm? Why was I not quitting? There was no way I could. How could I, after seeing that soft fur?

The dog that would made all mofu mofu believers swoon, the cute Dogg was licking Zen’s face.
The natural beauty that was everlasting, Selphy and her bird, was looking at each other.
The soft and velvety fur of the cute monkey with it’s proud face and Mi who was enjoying it’s presence.


And then, there was the me, who was being leaned on by my summoned beast.


Oi, wait a minute.
Instantly, I darted out from under s.h.i.+ro and pointed at him. There was lot about our tactics I need to discussed about but I had to deal with this first.

” s.h.i.+ro! Your cuteness level is hideously low! Soothing and healing therapy! Give me some soothing and healing therapy! ”

My soul was crying out loud.
I was not wrong for wanting to be healed! I was totally not happy about having a ikemen leaning on me at all! I don’t have that kind of hobby!

At my words, s.h.i.+ro looked like he realized something and clapped his hands together.

” I got it! That must be an order from master to cross-dre….. ”

I gave my all in shutting s.h.i.+ro’s mouth, which was saying something weird again. When will this cross-dressing gag ever end….. My head hurt. I then let out a deep sigh, before lifting my head up.

” Since our summoned beasts are all here, let’s us start our strategy meeting. ”

I could only give up.
On my healing.
Yep, but once I go home, my mofu mofu-sama would be waiting for me! I still have Chiffon! She would definitely allow me to hug her while smiling sweetly!

As my heart sobbed, I put out a smiling face.
I won’t lose! Not for the tournament, and not for everything else either! Yep!


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(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 100 summary

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