(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! c6

(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! -

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” Gkyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! ”

Such was the pain that I almost fainted.
My first time giving birth.
With the others encouraging me, I finally managed to push the baby out through the birth ca.n.a.l after great pains but I had also reached my limit.
My vision went slightly hazy.

Then, a robust baby’s first cry reached my ears and snapped me out of it. &h.e.l.lip;.Ah, I wondered if the baby would turn out to be as naughty as that person. As I thought about it, the corners of my mouth went up.

Mary, the Head Maid, gently carried my child over to his first bath and washed him carefully. That wrinkled face&h.e.l.lip;was so cute.

It must be my imagination acting up because my baby looked like he enjoyed and was feeling very comfortable in that bath.

” What a healthy boy. ”

Mary delightfully said, as she looked at my son. She then carried that tiny him from the bath and brought him over to my side.

” Look, it’s your mother~ ”

Mary looked so happy, like he was her own son.
I stared fixedly at my son and tears started welling up. &h.e.l.lip;.It must be my imagination at work again because he looked like he was making a strange (puzzled) face.

His face was really wrinkled&h.e.l.lip;but so so cute.
Oh my&h.e.l.lip;?

” Are you laughing I wonder. Will, my adorable son. That is your name, Will. ”

The first child that was blessed to me and that person. [TN: I wonder why she refused to say Gion’s name.]
Such happiness. Such overflowing love.

I called his name over and over, trying to let him know, even just a little, about my feelings.

And then, Will, with a face full of happiness, started dozing off. This time, it was definitely not my imagination.

” Nice to meet you, my cute precious Will. ”


AN : I wanted to be better at writing dialog&h.e.l.lip;

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(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! c6 summary

You're reading (Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated!. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Headphone Samurai. Already has 7526 views.

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