(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 74

(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! -

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Shadow House. The base for the [Shadows].


Around 200 years ago, it was filled with [Shadows] but their numbers declined as the years go by and the numbers of their direct descendant could be counted on one hand.

And the bas.e.m.e.nt of that base was a special place that controlled the penetrating cold that was a characteristic of Hattuo. Here, magical tools were a.s.sembled. Surrounded by a ring of tools stood 1 person.

He had not looked outside for G.o.d-knows-how-long but by going by his body clock, he knew it was around evening. This person was Spinel.

Spinel had been a [Shadow] for a long time. He had killed numerous people and numerous of his comrades had been killed. His hand had ended countless lives. Although Spinel was the son of the previous head of [Shadows], he did not inherit the position. The leader needed to have leaders.h.i.+p, skills and high mana. Most of all, to have the darkness attribute.

Spinel, who suppressed others in his abilities of the above, began making full use of his talents. But, there exist a wall even to the king of the underground world.

The King of Elzmu country, and it’s Duke. There had been multiples requests from the Silver Knights Leader but he rejected them all. To began with, the way to established a contract with the [Shadows] was them contacting the other party who desired to used them, and not the other way. They would never entertain those who came to them.

No, once. Just once did he entertained the other party.
And was beaten at his own game.

He never expected it. To Spinel, who was the leader at that moment, it was his first loss. It was a crus.h.i.+ng defeat. No matter how skilled one was at martial arts, the art of was another thing altogether. Firstly,《影》was cast and with his figure and with his presence hidden, he would sneak up to his opponent. Just that, and his opponent would die without know what had happened.
[TN: Kage, Shadow]

Even without that method, there were still hidden weapons and poison. It would be unimaginable to lose as the [Shadows] swordsmans.h.i.+p was totally different from the Knight’s.

Even so, he was noticed. And above all, nothing worked.

For the first time in his life, he wavered. Be it the fact that he was discovered despite being a [Shadow] or he already knew the result in his heart. And after that, he headed over to Hattuo to hide without turning back.

The enemy was too strong. What could he do against an enemy whose [Shadows] technique, that had been pa.s.sed down for generations, did not work against? In the olden times, [Shadows] lived in Hattuo. It wasn’t sure if they were in this business in that time but [Shadows] had deep roots in Hattuo’s history.

He came to know that the Emperor was aiming for the land of Elzmu and was viewing them as an obstacle. In that case…

He had first approached the Emperor, thinking of using him but now, he wondered if that had been the correct decision. He can’t be sure but at least, he was not regretting having made that choice. The one he approached, whom he had wanted to use as a p.a.w.n, was a real ruler.

He had finally realized. [Shadows] were beings meant to follow orders. Him included. As he was a [Shadow]. That person, his front appearance and his hidden side, was someone he wanted to served. At that time, he swore his loyalty to him. He was willing to be used by this person. Was it due to his training as a [Shadow], but he finally felt at home.

He could hardly bother about the Leader of the Knights (Gion) anymore.


And now.

His lips curled up self-deprecating. Hattuo Empire do have the power and the technique that had been cultivated throughout history was the real deal. People were working as instructed by his master, in this secret base, making the magic tools. The tools could be used by wasting mana stones but it were more than enough against their opponents. But there were limits on it and repercussions were huge.

And yet, it was useless against that person’s son. Till now, the Duke was still standing in Spinel’s way. Tools that a monster made was no match to a real monster after all.

Spinel released his mana slowly. He was trying to activate the magic tools. As his mana spread throughout the tools, he lifted his head up. What was left was only to activate the tools.

“《魔力擬似増加》” [TN: Maryoku Giji Zouka, Simluating mana increas.e.m.e.nt.]

How many had died in creating this spell? Spinel do not have the answer but it was a nice farewell gift. At the same timing as he finished his chant, the tools exploded with mana, releasing it out around him. His body temperature dropped. Mana was released from the mana stones. And he absorbed it all.

This might caused his body to break. He would die for his master. It was the long-cherished ambition of a [Shadow]. He had confirmed the presence of William Beryl in this country by his hornet summoned beast that had it’s sense of smell enhanced.

A hornet sense of smell was said to be a few times of a Dogg. And that sense of smell was enhanced. It could smell anything from even a few kilometers away. He did not expect that the other side would visit but it was a nice opportunity. He do not care if it’s a trap but he had to succeed.

“《召喚》! ” [TN: Shokan, Summon]

Spinel moaned his chant. Dense mana filled the room as an overwhelming presence was felt.

“《契約》” [TN: Keiyaku, contract]

Trembling, Spinel finally got his voice out as the appeared beast nodded happily.

” Well well well. It seem like there are some amusing humans as well. I permit, I will admit you as my master. ”

The magical beast said fluidly and a smile appeared as it nodded.
Spinel’s consciousness became distant. His instinct was screaming at him to ran the h.e.l.l away. His body shook. He was. .h.i.t by a burst of overwhelming mana. Did he understood what he just summoned?

The one who appeared in front of Spinel was a [Demon]. It was a legendary monster, a disaster. No, calamity. Was it not sealed in the deepest part of the [Demon Forest]? Many famous folk tales spoke of it. If Abi was said to be a legendary monster, what about [Demon]?

Spinel looked up, stunned, as he stared at the disaster in front of him. The muscular body that was about 3 meters tall was bound in ropes. It had dark-red skin and it’s purple hair was tied up behind as it stroked it’s huge black sword, laughing.

” My master. How many fun battles would I have? Do the one who released me have any enemies? ”

This disaster must had slept for all this while just to save up energy to fight that monster, Spinel thought, laughing wryly.



” Master’s smell, Master’s smell~ ”

He was using the theory of water reflection to erase his figure and wind to erase any sound he may make to avoid being found out. It was a secret mission. Teleporting outside the jail cell, s.h.i.+ro headed out of the house nimbly.

He had no idea where Will was staying but it would be fine as long as he followed the lingering scent of Will’s mana. Which was why s.h.i.+ro was sniffing the air, although the action served no purpose. Even though it was said to be the lingering scent, strictly speaking, it was not something that could be picked up by the nose. It was just an expression to make things easier to understand.

s.h.i.+ro was a White Dragon living deep in the [Demon Forest]. He was summoned 200 years ago by the First Founder and after raging, formed a contract with him. No one would had thought that a Divine Beast would become a familiar to a human.

But really, summoning magic is awesome.

It was a magic that paired up the summoner with the magical beasts that had the best compatibility. For the beasts’ side, s.h.i.+ro’s point-of-view, a magic circle as if shouting ‘come here, come here’ appeared and he entered it, curious.

Although he entered the circle out of curiosity during the First Founder’s time, it was the right choice. It had been really fun throughout the period with the First Founder. Many stuff happened and they even made a country.

A fun master who was always surrounded by troublesome situations. But the lifespan of Humans and Divine Beasts are different. The fun period came to an end in a blink of an eye and only memories were left. The First Founder was a monster who looked 40 at the age of 100 but still, he pa.s.sed away all of a sudden one day.

He was a curious man. His speech, values, mana, even his aura. He was so out of the norm from everyone else, such a curious man. But that had to be so. It was revealed one day that he was not of this world.


And when the circle appeared in front of him again, he wondered why was there the same smell (of mana) after 200 years. It was a funny coincidence that that smell belonged to the son of the First Founder’s grandson’s best friend.

That special scent. Somehow, it was calming and had a warmth like the sun.

” Master’s smell is~ …… here! ”

s.h.i.+ro flew. As no one can feel or see him, there was no need to specially use his legs to run.

His master this time had the same trouble-inviting const.i.tution. ……Besides, when he asked for a name…. He was given the same name. Could it be that he came from another world as well? The small hope flickered inside s.h.i.+ro. He would ask once their bond deepen further.

Increasing his speed, he flew up into the air. He could see the opened window. The room it was attached to was filled with Will’s mana.

” It’s here! ”

Landing in the room though the window, s.h.i.+ro proudly puffed his chest out. There was no one in the room. What a narcissist. It goes without saying that since he was using his wind magic, no one could hear him. He was totally talking to himself but this Chuunibyo fellow didn’t realized it.

” Well then, I was supposed to pa.s.s a ma.s.sage…. Ah, no one can see me. ”

s.h.i.+ro narrowed his eyes and cancelled his magic. At that moment, a dagger and countless needles came at him. Jumping easily in the air, he avoided the attacks and walked to the middle of the room and jabbed his finger out.

” I know you are there! Wahahahahaha! Now, come out obediently. ”

It was totally a villain-like line. There was not even a speck of a dignity of a Divine Beast. The 2 person who appeared went at s.h.i.+ro immediately. One of them was clad in wind while the other one was using his own strength but was channeling mana into the dagger he was holding. The darkness-clad dagger ominously drew near.

” Ooh, a ninja and a shadow! ”

s.h.i.+ro said calmly but the 2 was moving at a speed most people couldn’t catch. The 2 had a slightly shocked expression at s.h.i.+ro’s words. The 2 daggers that came at s.h.i.+ro was caught bare-handed by him with an innocent look on his face.

” Ah well, calm down, calm down. It is rude to attack a visitor all of a sudden. ”
” …..There is no visitor who enter via the window. ”
” Who did that? ”

The air-headedness answer from s.h.i.+ro caused Zirco’s head to start hurting. It was already mid-day. The 2 had returned after infiltrating the military. But Will was nowhere to be seen.

They believed Will was not in danger but [Shadows] might had visited. In order to avoid fighting in the streets and dragged everyone in, Will might had went somewhere. Which was why Buu activated《影》and waited in the room. It was an opponent that could held up against Will. They were confident in their skills but just to be safe.
[TN: Kage, shadow]

If their guard weren’t so high, they might not noticed s.h.i.+ro. That was reason why they noticed the soundless and invisible s.h.i.+ro. They had unintentionally spread their mana throughout the room and sensed something moving through it. This was the so-called ‘instinct’ those experienced people talked about.

Seeing their dagger caught, cold sweat started running down their backs. There were no injuries despite catching a metal blade bare-handed. He was strong. And that movement. There were no opening in his stance. They could not even see how he caught their daggers. And he could see through them even when《影》was activated.

He was stronger than them.

The fact that s.h.i.+ro was here only because he sensed Will’s mana was unimaginable to them as it was not an amount humans could sense. And it just added to the fear.

The expressions of the 1 person facing the other 2 was the total opposite.

” Okay, enough fooling around. Let’s keep the daggers. ”

s.h.i.+ro, who had been smiling silently, said that before flipping his hand. The 2 immediately went on guard. Seeing the 2, s.h.i.+ro grinned and shrugged.

” You don’t have to be that scared. For I am Will’s summoned beast! ”

The prank was a huge success!

At the s.h.i.+ro who announced it happily, the 2 gave out long sighs. Aahh, somehow their head were hurting.

” Will-samaaaaaaa!! ”
” What is that person thinking…!! ”

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(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 74 summary

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