(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 77

(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! -

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Chapter 77 – G.o.d’s Test

Oh G.o.d. What a test you had given me.
I wonder if all my grieving and moaning would reach your ears that seem to be blocked by that long beard of yours.

Having taken my life with that long beard of yours, would you not even hear some of my tiny wishes out?

” Ooh… G.o.d! ”
” What is Will-dono doing? ”
” Oh, don’t worry about it. He does that sometimes. ”

To the me who was clasping my hands and grieving and moaning, the other 2 were being indifferent. Too indifferent. Yep, everyone’s cruel. How awful! Anyway, there was no one who could understand my anguis.h.!.+

” There is no one who understand me…. ”

My shoulders fell and I got even more depressed. Then, a hand reached out from behind and patted my shoulders gently.

” As expected of my master, a perfect chuunibyo! ”

….You were the last person I want to hear that from.
Wasn’t it fine? Leave me alone to grieve.

Because you see, usually when you saves people from being enslaved, wouldn’t you get a cute girl’s love or admiration?

But no!

Why did I get an address-unknown-jobless man instead?! I don’t need it, I don’t need him the most! But I can’t say it into his face because he did became jobless thanks to me. I am not a kid who could just wave ‘Goodbye!’ and leave him alone. Ah, although I do look like one.

Or rather, I am older than him! He was only 23!
Plus, he declared ‘ Children shouldn’t worry about this, it was my own decision after all. ‘ and timidly stroked my head. Him, with his fierce-looking face while smiling awkwardly, like he was not used to it, said that to me!

I do not blame him. I can’t blame him.
But! Then! But then!

I knew I had an average face. But when this kind of incident (event) happened, I can’t be blamed for expecting an encounter with the opposite s.e.x! And I got an address-unknown-jobless-fierce-looking Onii-san instead! No flag was raised at all!

Eh? He was an ikemen former soldier?
….That’s not it! That’s totally not it!

Listen, I am straight. I was very reluctant and was pushed into cross-dressing by Zirco-san. I would be troubled if you misunderstand. I do not like men. I like girls. I l.u.s.t for girls! …..That last part came out a bit wrong.

Anyway, in any case.
I was totally justified in grieving!!!!

Without thinking, my eyes were squeezed shut and my hands were clenched tight. Forgive me, I went a little over. I am a gentleman and a Duke’s son. I shouldn’t be blaming this poor man who lose his job because of me in front of s.h.i.+ro, and it would do me no good to continue lamenting like this.

Eh? Don’t even lament in the first place? Shut up! There were times where I just can’t help it!

I glanced at the fierce-looking-address-unknown-jobless Onii-san who was pa.s.sed out and carried by s.h.i.+ro, and the sigh that came out of my mouth was my respect to him. Definitely.


Those beastmen children that I rescued had either a family or was a part of a merchant’s caravan so they would have a place to returned to. That was one case closed. That was not too bad.

The reason they were all so scared was due to this place’s discrimination. They had thought I was from Hattuo. I was taught that by an Uncle who grasped and shook my hand as he cried tears of joy. Tears from an Uncle…

But still, he seem to be the chairman of a pretty big firm in Dyuvu so he had to funds to offer as a reward. His eyes were s.h.i.+ning and sparkling as he gave his thanks and offered the reward but I turned him down.
……His energy was scary.

But don’t they check the inn they were about to stay beforehand? It was weird for a big firm not to do so. But the kid might be kidnapped when they were engrossed in their conversation. You should be more careful.


The soldier’s captain was working with former general Grousil for money it seem. Originally a country without any rights for Beastmen, this kidnapping incident in Flowason turned into something big.

By the way, the Captain was grilled by Zirco-san. It was for the best. And when I said that, that expressionless face somehow grew even scarier.


Former general was after all, a former general. And it seem like his court rank was taken down as well. Poor thing.

Which means, that Pig b.a.s.t.a.r.d and his happy band of kidnappers were just normal criminals. He do not even have a n.o.ble rank to help him. And right now, he was locked up in the military prison.

Because for some reason (….), he was beaten by all the soldiers in the barracks.

If that were the case, what about our cover…. was what worried me but I was an idiot. The best Intelligence Corp Leader, was a ninja. He performed a [Oblivion Technique] on the soldiers. As expected of a ninja! He moved exactly like one!

I must be imagining things when I thought I heard s.h.i.+ro saying ‘ Did he not just hit the back of their heads? ‘ behind me.

I was surprised at how easily the soldiers were allowed to quit easily. Was that really okay, Hattuo’s military?

” ….Letting them quit so easily… Are they not worried about the country’s cla.s.sified information? ”

At my mumbling, Zirco-san turned back and looked at me.

” …..Ah, they are only normal soldiers who knew nothing, the lowest in rank. The rules are rather lax since they are not in war right now. A lowly soldier stuffed in the barracks of the border of the country. This is the extent of a rogue who wanted a job as a soldier. Which is why, if the person himself wanted to quit, they let him. The military is not lacking in manpower… In short, they are simply discardable pieces. ”
” The lowest…. discardable…. ”

Zirco-san might be right. Hattuo do not have an education system so there are many who do not even know how to use magic. These soldiers were all commoners. So to stay or to leave was all up to them. That’s all there is to it. Zirco-san, you were really saying some mean stuff with that emotionless face.

Things like the lowest…!
Things like discarable pieces…!

It’s too frank.

” Besides, frankly saying, the soldiers in the checkpoint were already crooked. Hattuo doesn’t really understand the concept of a ‘border’ in the first place plus the values of their population were skewed with the discrimination against Beastmen. Elzmu is the only country truly managing their border and the people who entered. To the rest of the country, the checkpoint is a remote region so being send there is seen as a demotion. That’s why, the soldiers here are all rogues or worst. ”

He was going franker by the minute!!
Lower then rogues…! No wait, in that case, why was there a soldier with such overflowing sense of justice like Onii-san here? Question of the century.


” ….s.h.i.+ro, why did he fainted? ”

I asked, trying to change the topic. s.h.i.+ro, who was walking beside me, turned and looked at me slowly. He was stooping a little, as if making sure Onii-san will not fall off. His face was serious and had a frown on it.

” That is because….. ”

Our eyes met.

” Because…? ”

I swallowed my saliva.

” …..he exhausted his mana as well as his stamina. ”

s.h.i.+ro said smugly.
You don’t have to draw it out!
d.a.m.n it! I knew it would be this kind of punch line!

” Ooh…. ”

What should I do with the paper fan I took out reflexively? I can’t really hit s.h.i.+ro as he was carrying a man on his back.

” Urgh….Did you plan this, s.h.i.+ro? ”
” Ho ho ho! Master is still so young! ”

Let’s ignore the grinning s.h.i.+ro. I don’t mind it at all. I am not a kid after all. I am a wonderful 25 year old gentleman.

” Kuu….. don’t push your luck! Remember this! ”
” Fu fu fu… Keep barking, keep barking. Empty pipes makes the most noise! ”
” This long-haired b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! ”

Since we solved this incident, fooling around like this was not too bad.

” What, cross-dresser boy (hentai/pervert)? ”

I take it back.

” Urgh! ”

The paper fan hit s.h.i.+ro’s face hard. This guy, right at my sore spot~!! Remembering my outfit, I stormed ahead, face flushed red.

” Wai… Master, wait, it was quite painful! ”
” Will-dono way of speech… ”
” Ah, don’t mind it. He does that quite often. ”

Those behind, what were you guys talking about? Their view of me…
I will lose if I mind it.
I’ll lose if I mind it.


I raised my head up.
Aah, the sky was red. The cloudless sky looked cold and empty, as if hinting of the coldness of Flowason’s street.
My heart was cold as well. Come to think of it, we were comrades. My friend.

” Aah, I want to go home. ”

And I pray that I would be released from the cross-dressing. Let’s just forget about the fact that I did not told Father about this trip, only the King, and that I missed the summoned beast cla.s.s this week.

My friend. Please don’t s.h.i.+ne your reddish glow onto my face. I’ll look like I am still blus.h.i.+ng.

I walked in the cold weather with my friend, as evening approached while I tried to cool down my burning cheeks.

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(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 77 summary

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