(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 92

(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! -

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092 – After The Fall

What I could see was only darkness.

Unsightly falling through the revolving floor that flipped suddenly, the sight that awaited me down below was this.

” ……Will-donoー! Are you okayー?! ”

Having heard a desperate voice calling from above, I put aside my dumbfoundedness and replied.

” ――――I’m okay! I’m alright! It looks like I had fallen into a very dark place. ”

Well, I was caught surprised and lost to gravity but I do have a thing called Magic.

” Well then, I’m going to te- ”

….eleport… Was what I was about to say when a weird noise sounded up ahead. And when I was about to venture into the darkness to investigate by reflex, Zirco-san’s rare shouting voice reached my ears.

” I am coming to rescue you now! ”

After which, a heavy sc.r.a.pping sound was heard on top and, surprise surprise, a fairy (Zirco-san) that was wrapped in wind descended.

Master! You came from the sky…..Hm. Nothing. Let’s give it up.
I was so surprised that I almost sprouted a certain person’s lines.
…..Why did you came down, Zirco-san?!

” Oh dear, I came down on impulse. ”

Said the Ninja-san with a beautiful emotionless face. At least say that with a wryly smile or something!

It will destroy your reputation of an Intelligence Corp to not even know what traps your house had! Was what I wanted to say but…..

He gave off a straight-laced Ninja feel when we first met but this person was actually quite out there. I could finally understood John-Sensei questionable face when he said, before our journey, Zirco-san most probably have common sense. To begin with, I should know that this person was not normal since he was John-Sensei’s friend. It was best not to get involved with him.

He was, in some ways, very ninja-like.
For the sake of my masterー! He would do all sorts of things while saying that. His loyalty was first-clas. I would definitely accomplished my mission! Something like that? Yep.

” I don’t care anymore… ”

You would have to forgive me for this att.i.tude. I just can’t helped it.

” ……..I came because I was interested in the traps this mansion had as well. ”
” Ooh! Is that true! ”

He seemed to be impressed. With an emotionless face as usual. It was like I was being recognized for my usefulness. I was not unwilling in helping the owner to uncover the mysteries of his house.

Mah, I would be lying if I said I was not excited.

I then cast a light magic, which illuminated the darkness, showing a cave-like tunnel.

The secret pa.s.sage underneath the revolving door in a Ninja mansion…!

This just added on to my excitement! It was like a maze! Was I going to explore a dungeon?!

I would not be called a j.a.panese if my excitement was not this high.
[TN: I am pretty sure you aren’t right now…]

And so, let’s us continue on! Let’s go!

The dimly lit tunnel, by magic, continued on. Sometimes, the moaning of the wind made me jumped. Even so, this sight made me really excited.

” …….Hm? ”

What will awaited me at the end of this tunnel? It was when I continued walking. Something was making a noise ahead of the unlit part of the tunnel. And when I used magic to search, I felt something moving.

[TN: Ans.h.i.+, Night vision]

When I secretly chantlessly cast it, I could see a human figure. His height was about 150~160cm I think. Hm? I should had used this in the first place? You totally don’t understand, do you? There will be no e
xcitement in that! What for did you think I broke my curfew to explore this?!


For the adventure!


Since I specially came to another world. Anyone would yearn after this kind of adventure. Plus, a ninja mansion coupled with a secret tunnel, it was like a dream come true! Was there any other way than to explore it?

Seeing Zirco-san stopped his feet, he noticed it too.

Looking at each other, we nodded, before stealthy walking. Ninja stealthy walking…. how authentic. My excitement was high to the point that pointless stuff was running through my brain. I shall ignored the voice that said I was always thinking of useless stuff like that.

Furthermore, a stone-paved ceiling could be seen up ahead. Eh, could it be, this was buried a building? Uoooohhhhhhhh! Awesome!!

With my excitement at max levels, I activated my magic chantlessly.

[TN: Genzai Ichi Kensaku, Search current location]

A map appeared in my brain with the name of the building on top was shown.

” …….The academy? ”

I mumbled, stunned, as the person on the other side came into the light.

” ….Eh..? ”


To think it was the school that lay ahead. Then――――

” Oh, you found it, Zirco-san. ”
” You――! What are you doing here?! And don’t call me Zirco-san! Didn’t you always called me Father?! ” [TN: Chi chi ue, direct translation would be oh great father.]
” What, you say, just remodeling? …Ah, but it’s embarra.s.sing. To talk like that now is quite embarra.s.sing, isn’t it? Zirco-san (……), it really shows a lack of common sense to talk like this in this period of time. ”
” This way of speaking is the correct way as pa.s.sed down through our lineage. Besides―― ”
” ……it was bestowed by the First Founder? ”
” That tone of yours! Not only that! This speech is fitting for both a ninja and the leader of the Intelligence Corp! It is a kind of speech which carried power and might! And you! What are you doing, speaking in that foolish way and complaining, you are the one with the lack of common sense for even making a trap in the guest room! ”


I don’t think I was in the wrong for my jaw dropping open. I mean, the tunnel that was under the trap floor was linked with the school. not only that, Calius-senpai was standing at the end of it, and the default emotionless Zirco-san was red in the face, engaging in a shouting match with him. Anyone would had their jaw hanging open.

” But that kind of speech was lost as time goes by, isn’t it? Is there any meaning in using it then? ”
” …….Kkuu. ”
” Plus, you know, Who do you think is the one taking care of the house when Father was not around? Even Mother said it. To say all this despite the fact you are always not at home. ”
[TN: Calius is using the normal way of saying father, Oto-san]
” Kkuuu! ”

Zirco-san’s character was collapsing.

” Erm….. sorry for breaking in the middle… ? ”

Chaos was spreading with Zirco-san hugging his head as he mumbled while Calius-sempai was watching happily. And as I spoke up timidly, the both of them looked at me. I was suddenly pierce with the glance of 4 eyeb.a.l.l.s.


So alike. Weren’t they super alike, these 2?
Why did I not noticed it earlier?
The me who was surprised by Calius-sempai’s background….it’s useless. It was to the extent where even his own parent didn’t know.

From the emotionless pair, a question mark could be seen pointed at me.

” Ah… erm…… Calius-sempai….. this here is? ”

Somehow, I lost my ability to make a normal sentence. I can’t helped it. Anyone would lose it when they were being stared at by those emotionless eyes. 2 pairs of them.

Calius-sampai looked proud at my question.

” A secret pa.s.sageway. Just when I was taking a stroll under the floor, I found this tunnel which lead back to our guest room. Convenient isn’t it, to be able to come back to the academy any time? ”

Oi, wait a minute. Convenient? Sure, but why the h.e.l.l did this tunnel even exist in the first place?! Or rather, what do you meant by talking a stroll underneath the floor?! Was it somewhere you can casually take a stroll to?! Under the floor??!!

……..There was too much things to retort to.

Urgh, I cannot lose here.
The conversation can’t continue. I was betting my curfew on this. I should swallowed all of my retorts and maintain my pace.

I somehow put on poker-face, before returning my gaze to Calius-sempai.

” …..It sure is. I’m envious. And, Zirco-san over there. ”

It sounded like I was reading kines but it can’t be helped. I’m not the wrong one here. Zirco-san, who was crouching down, lifted his head at my call. He had a miserable face on.

” What’s the lost speech of the Ninja family’s? ”

Zirco-san opened his mouth somewhat timidly.

” The Ninja family was bestowed a way of speaking from the First Founder. But the 2nd generation rejected it, causing it to be lost….. ”

Calius-sempai continued on.

” It started with a ‘Go’ and ended with ‘Ru’ but as it was lost, Zirco-san tried his darnest to match at least the last word, which ended up in him ending his words with ‘de aru’. It’s embarra.s.sing, isn’t it? ”
[TN: Like I said, I hate verbal tics, it brings me out of the story everytime, which is why I don’t translate them. But Zirco-san ends all of his sentence with de aru. I did inform you guys….no?]

Calius-sempai shrugged and my mouth dropped open once again.

…….That was certainly ‘de gozaru’!!

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(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! Chapter 92 summary

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