Up The Baltic Part 45

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"You will--won't you?"

"With all my heart."

"Do, if you please."

"On certain conditions, you know."

"What conditions?"

"That you won't attempt to run away. But, my lad, it is only a few hours since you said the brig was a very nice place, and you would grow gray in it before you would promise not to leave when you got a good chance."

"I hadn't tried it, then. But I think it is an insult to a fellow to put him in here. I would rather be flogged outright."

"We don't flog the boys."

"I would rather take a flogging, and have it done with."

"That's one of the reasons why we don't do it. We don't want to have it done with till the boy means to do about right. You are a smart boy, my lad; but you have got a heap of bad blood in your veins, which ought to be worked off. If you would only do your duty like a man, you would be comfortable and happy."

"I never can stay in this s.h.i.+p."

"Why not?"

"I don't understand the duty."

"You will soon learn all the ropes in the s.h.i.+p, and they will all come as handy to you as the key of your own watch."

Clyde pulled out his watch, and glanced at the boatswain.

"That's a nice time-keeper you have, my lad; gold, I suppose."

"Yes; it cost thirty pounds. Wouldn't you like it?"



"Well, I have a pretty good silver one, which answers my purpose very well," replied Peaks, smiling.

"I'll give it to you, if you will let me out, and permit me to go on sh.o.r.e," added Clyde, in an insinuating tone.

"Thank you, my lad, I don't want it bad enough to do that."

"You can sell it, you know. Or I will give you thirty pounds in cash, if you prefer."

"I can't afford to do it for that," laughed the boatswain.

"I'll give you fifty pounds then," persisted Clyde.

"Can't afford to do it for that, either."

"Say sixty, then."

"Say a hundred, if you like, my lad; and then say a thousand. I can't afford to do it for all the money your mother is worth. You are on the wrong tack, my lad. I can't be bought at any price."

"I won't ask you to let me out. If you will only go on deck, and keep out of the way, I will manage it all myself."

"No, no; sheer off, my hearty. When I have a duty to do, I always mean to do it; and if it isn't done, it isn't my fault. You can't leave the s.h.i.+p with my consent."

"I can't stay here, I say. I should die in a month."

"Very well, die like a man, then," said Peaks, good-naturedly; for, though he could not be bought at any price, he did not indulge in any righteous indignation against his victim. "Learn your duty, and then do it. There is plenty of fun going on in the s.h.i.+p, and you will enjoy yourself as soon as you get on the right tack. That's the up and down of the whole matter."

"I can't take off my cap to these young squirts of officers, and be ordered around by them. It isn't in an Englishman to do anything of the sort."

"Upon my word, I think it is in them. They make first-rate sailors, and always obey their officers."

"Common sailors do; but I'm a gentleman."

"So am I; but I always obey orders," replied the democratic Peaks, warmly. "The officers of this s.h.i.+p are required to behave like gentlemen, and give their orders in a gentlemanly manner. If they don't do it, they are liable to be reduced. Do your duty, and you may be an officer yourself."

Peaks continued for some time to give the prisoner good advice, a.s.suring him that he was no better than the rest of the crew, and that it would not hurt him any more than others to obey the orders of the officers. But it was sowing seed in stony ground, and Clyde, finding he could make nothing out of the honest boatswain, decided to await his time with what patience he could command, which, however, was not much. Peaks was permitted to follow Peter Simple in his stirring career during the rest of the afternoon. The crew returned from Tivoli at eleven in the evening, and soon the s.h.i.+p was quiet, with only an anchor watch, consisting of an officer on the quarter-deck, and two seamen on the forecastle.

Clyde's supper was given to him in his prison, and a bed made up for his use. He kept awake till all the students came on board, and while he was waiting for the crew to slumber, he dropped asleep himself, and did not wake till all hands were called in the morning. He was vexed with himself for his neglect, and afraid that the carpenter would miss the saw, and remember where he had left it. He was determined to keep awake the next night, and make his escape, even if he was obliged to swim to the land.

After breakfast, all the students went on sh.o.r.e for an excursion to Klampenborg and Elsinore. In the custom-house enclosure, a procession of four in a rank was formed, to march to the railroad station, which was near the Tivoli Garden. The students were generally rather fond of processions, not at home, but in the streets of foreign cities. The parade was quite imposing, when every officer and seaman wore his best uniform. They had been carefully taught to march, and Professor Badois had organized a band of eight pieces, which performed a few tunes very well. Unfortunately, on the present occasion, the band was not available, for Stockwell, the cornet player, and Boyden, the ba.s.s drummer, belonged to the absent crew of the second cutter, and the procession moved to the sterling notes of the drum and fife.

On parades of this kind, the first and second pursers acted as the fleet staff of the commodore, who would otherwise have been "alone in his glory," and these two useful officers seemed like "odds and ends"

in any other position. As this procession was frequently formed, and marched through the streets of various cities, the order is given to satisfy the reasonable curiosity of the reader.


The Commodore, And Staff of the Fleet.

The Captain of the Young America.

The Four Masters.

The Four Mids.h.i.+pmen.

The First Lieutenant.

The First Part of the Starboard Watch, Consisting of Eighteen Seamen.

The Second Lieutenant.

The Second Part of the Starboard Watch.

The Third Lieutenant.

The First Part of the Port Watch.

The Fourth Lieutenant.

The Second Part of the Port Watch.

The Captain of the Josephine.

The Four Masters.

The First Lieutenant.

The First Part of the Starboard Watch, Consisting of Eight Seamen.

The Second Lieutenant.

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Up The Baltic Part 45 summary

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