Letters Concerning Poetical Translations Part 12

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"So all the hurry of the Ocean ceas'd, Soon as its G.o.d appear'd above the Waves: Who, managing his Steeds in Air serene, Flies swift with slacken'd Reins and loose Career.

Mr. _Pit_,

"Then did the roaring Waves their Rage compose, When the great Father of the Flood arose, Rapt by his Steeds he flies in open Day, Throws up the Reins, and skims the watry Way.

"_Atque rotis summas levibus pellabitur undas._

Dr. _Trapp_,

"And with light Wheels upon the Surface rides,

Mr. _Pit_,

"Then mounted on his radiant Carr he rides, And wheels along the Level of the Tides.


"_aeole (namque tibi divum pater atque hominum rex Et mulcere dedit fluctus, & tollere vento)_

Dr. _Trapp_,

"--O aeolus (for thee The Sire of G.o.ds, and King of Men impow'rs To smooth the Waves, or raise them with the Wind.)

Mr. _Pit_,

"--Since mighty _Jove_, The King of Men, and Sire of G.o.ds above, Gives thee, great _aeolus_, the Power to raise Storms at thy sovereign Will, and smooth the Seas.


"_Sit ait, & dicto citius tumida aequora placat, Collectasque fugat nubes, solemque reducit._

Dr. _Trapp_,

"So spake the G.o.d, and sooner than he spoke Appeas'd the tossing of the Waves, dispell'd The Clouds collected, and restor'd the Sun.

Mr. _Pit_,

"He spoke, and speaking chas'd the Clouds away: Hush'd the loud Billows, and restor'd the Day.


"--_Fotum Gremio dea tollit in altos Idaliae lucos._

Dr. _Trapp_,

"--And on her Bosom hush'd, Carries him to _Idalia_'s lofty Groves.--

Mr. _Pit_,

"Lull'd in her Lap to rest, the Queen of Love Conveys him to the soft _Idalian_ Grove.


"--_Ubi tot Simois correpta sub undis Scuta virum, galeasque, & fortia corpora volvit,_

Dr. _Trapp_,

"Where _Simois_ in his rapid Torrent rolls So many Warriour Bodies, Helms and s.h.i.+elds.

Mr. _Pit_,

"Where _Simois_ Streams inc.u.mber'd with the Slain, Roll'd s.h.i.+elds, and Helms, and Heroes to the Main.


"_Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni Carthago, Italiam contra, Tiberinaque longe Ostia, dives opum, studiisque asperrima belli,_

Dr. _Trapp_,

"Fronting th' _Italian_ Coast, and _Tyber_'s Mouth, Tho' far remote, an ancient City stood.

_Carthage_ its Name, a Colony of _Tyre_, Mighty in Wealth, and rough in study'd War,

Mr. _Pit_,

"Against th' _Italian_ Coast, of ancient Fame, A City rose, and _Carthage_ was the Name; A _Tyrian_ Colony: From _Tyber_ far, Rich, rough, and brave, and exercis'd in War,


"_Hoc metuens, molemque & montis insuper altos Imposuit, regemque dedit, qui foedere certo Et premere, & laxas sciret dare jussus habenas,_

Dr. _Trapp_,

"But fearing this, the Sovereign of the G.o.ds Pent them in gloomy Caves, and o'er them threw Vast Piles of Rocks; impos'd a King, Who should by certain Measures know to curb, Or, when commanded, to indulge their Rage.

Mr. _Pit_,

"But _Jove_, the mighty Ruin to prevent, In gloomy Caves th'Aereal Captives pent: O'er their wild Rage the pond'rous Rock he spread, And hurl'd huge Heaps of Mountains on their Head; And gave a King commissioned to restrain And curb the Tempest, or to loose the Rein.

_Hurl'd_, _huge_, _Heaps_, _Head_, all in the same Line, imitate Virgil's _Metuens_, _Molem_, _Montis_.

And again,

"--_Facti de nomine_ Byrsam; _Sed vos qui tandem, quibus aut venistis ab oris, Quove tenetis iter?_--

Dr. _Trapp_,

"--And the Name of _Byrsa_ gave In Mem'ry of the Deed. But, in your turn, At length inform me, who, and whence you are, _And whither bound_?--

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