Forging Ahead in Business Part 13

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Educated in the University of Wisconsin; practiced law for two years; engaged in selling specialties for a number of years; since 1911 Vice-President, Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman Executive Committee of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute; also Director of various business corporations; author of the Modern Business Text on "Advertising Principles."

=Roland P. Falkner, Ph.D.= _Business Statistics_

Graduate of the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania; graduate student at the University of Paris, Berlin, Leipsic and Halle; 1891-1900, a.s.sociate Professor of Statistics, University of Pennsylvania; 1891-1892, Statistician, U. S. Senate Committee on Finance; 1892-1893, Secretary, International Monetary Conference; 1900, Chief, Division of Doc.u.ments, Library of Congress; 1903, Special Agent, Bureau of Census on Statistics of Crime; 1904, Commissioner of Education for Porto Rico; 1907, Expert Special Agent in charge of School Statistics for the U. S. Industrial Commission; 1908, Chairman of the Commission of the United States to the Republic of Liberia; 1909, Financial Representative of the Republic of Liberia; 1911, a.s.sistant Director of the Census; 1913, Member Joint Land Commission, United States-Panama; since 1914, Lecturer, New York University; member International Inst.i.tute of Statistics and other learned societies; contributor to various statistical and economic periodicals and has prepared several Government Reports; 1915, a.s.sociate Editor, 1918, Managing Editor of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute.

=Major B. Foster, M.A.= _Banking Principles_

Graduated from Carson and Newman College, 1910; of Watauga Academy, 1910-1911; graduate student in Cornell University, 1911-1913; Fellow in Political Economy at Cornell University, 1912-1913; a.s.sistant Professor of Economics and former Secretary of the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance; author of several of the Modern Business Reports and the Modern Business Text on "Banking." Former a.s.sistant to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, now a.s.sistant to Executive Committee, Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute.

=Leo Greendlinger, M.C.S., C.P.A. (N. Y.)= _Financial and Business Statements_

Graduate of the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance; practising accountant; member of the Accounting Faculty of New York University, 1907-1915; formerly Editor of the C.P.A. Question Department of _The Journal of Accountancy_; member of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants; member of the American Inst.i.tute of Accountants; member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors as well as Secretary and Treasurer of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute; author of "Accountancy Problems," 2 vols.; and the Modern Business Text on "Financial and Business Statements."

=J. Anton deHaas= _Foreign Trade and s.h.i.+pping_

Graduate of High School, The Hague, Holland; 1900, Diplomas in Accounting, and French, German and Dutch commercial correspondence, 1902; Junior Accountant with J. H. Rosenboom, Public Accountant, The Hague, Holland, 1901-1904; A.B. Stanford University, 1910; M.A. Harvard University, 1911; Ph.D. Stanford University, 1915; Special Agent in Europe of the California Immigration Committee, 1914; American representative for Magnesiet Werken, Rotterdam, Holland, 1916; Instructor in Economics, Stanford University, 1913-1915; Lecturer Foreign Trade School, San Francisco, California, 1915; Adjunct Professor of Business Administration, University of Texas, 1915-1917; Professor of Commerce, Ohio State University, 1917-1918; Examiner, Federal Trade Commission, summer 1917; Professor of Commerce, University of Was.h.i.+ngton, Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1918; Lecturer on Foreign Trade, Columbia University, New York, summer 1918; Captain U. S. A., 1918; formerly Professor of Foreign Trade at the Commercial University at Rotterdam, Holland, 1919-1920; Professor of Foreign Trade, New York University, 1920. Author of Business Organization and Administration, and of Modern Business Text on "Foreign Trade and s.h.i.+pping."

=Edward R. Hardy, Ph.B.= _Insurance_

Graduate of Boston University; formerly Librarian, Insurance Library a.s.sociation, Boston; for several years engaged in investigations and administrative work for various insurance organizations; Secretary and Treasurer of the Insurance Society of New York, 1909; Manager of the Underwriters' a.s.sociation of the District of Columbia, 1914; Lecturer on Insurance in New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance; a.s.sistant Manager of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange; co-editor of the "International Insurance Encyclopedia"; author of "History of Fire Insurance in Ma.s.sachusetts" and contributor on Fire Insurance in the Modern Business Text on "Insurance."

=Warren F. Hickernell, Ph.D.= _Business Conditions_

Studied Political Economy at Yale University. M.A., 1909; Ph.D., 1919. Was economic expert with the Immigration Commission, 1910, and the Bureau of Census, 1910-1911. From 1911 until 1916 was Managing Editor of the Brookmire Economic Service. Author of "Business Cycles" and numerous articles on business and financial conditions. Lecturer on "Panics and Depressions" at New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance.

Director, Bureau of Business Conditions of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute, since August, 1916.

=Solomon S. Huebner, Ph.D.= _Marine Insurance_

Educated at University of Wisconsin. B.S., 1902; M., 1908. Dr.

Huebner was a special lecturer on insurance and commerce in the University of Pennsylvania, 1904-1906; a.s.sistant Professor, 1906-1908, and Professor since 1908. Since 1919 Dr. Huebner has been expert in Insurance to the United States s.h.i.+pping Board and to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives. He has had charge of the Congressional Marine Insurance investigation. While serving the Committee on the Merchant Marine he had charge of the s.h.i.+pping investigation which led to creation of U. S. s.h.i.+pping Board and played a prominent part in forming the U. S. s.h.i.+pping Act. Dr. Huebner is a special lecturer on insurance in the Columbia University School of Business. He was expert for the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives. He is author of works on Property Insurance, 1911; Life Insurance, 1915; Steams.h.i.+p Agreements and Affiliations in the American Foreign and Domestic Trade, 1913; Marine Insurance, 1920, and of the sections on Marine Insurance and Life Insurance in the Modern Business Text on "Insurance."

=Jeremiah W. Jenks, Ph.D., LL.D.= _Relation of Government to Business_

(See Advisory Council.)

=Joseph French Johnson, D.C.S., LL.D.= _Economic Problems_ _Business Ethics_

(See Advisory Council.)

=Walter S. Johnson, K.C.= _Commercial Law_

Educated in McGill University (B.A., B.C.L.); member of the Quebec Bar; practising law in Montreal; Lecturer on the Law of Agency, the Law of Partners.h.i.+p and Lease and Const.i.tutional History, McGill University; collaborator in writing the Modern Business Texts on "Credit and the Credit Man" and "Business Organization"; author of the Canadian Modern Business Text on "Commercial Law"; editor, the Quebec Civil Code.

=Edward D. Jones, M.A. (Hon.), Ph.D.= _Investments_

Educated in Ohio Wesleyan University; graduated in 1892 with degree of B.S., M.A., 1912; entered University of Wisconsin and received degree of Ph.D. in 1895; Instructor in statistics and Economics, 1895-1898; a.s.sistant Professor of Economics and Commercial Geography, 1900-1901, University of Wisconsin; United States Commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1899-1900; Professor of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1902-1919; member of International a.s.sociation of Arts and Sciences, St.

Louis, 1903; holder of Diploma and Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, and Gold Medal, Buffalo Exposition; during the war with the General Staff of the War Department, and with the War Industries Board; member of American Economic a.s.sociation, of American Society of Industrial Engineers and of Industrial Relations a.s.sociation of America; now in charge of Harvard University Service in Foreman Training; author of "The Economic Crises," "The Business Administration," "The Administration of Industrial Enterprises" and of the Modern Business Text on "Investments."

=John G. Jones= _Sales Management_

Educated in Public School and University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; came to America in 1888 and engaged in newspaper work and mining in Montana and Colorado; engaged in sales work since 1903; Vice-President and Director of Sales and Advertising of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute since 1912; also a Director and member of the Executive Committee of Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute; Special Lecturer on Salesmans.h.i.+p and Sales Management in the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance; chairman of the International Committee on Business Methods and Industrial Relations, Industrial a.s.sociation of Rotary Clubs, 1920-21; author of the Modern Business Text on "Salesmans.h.i.+p and Sales Management."

=Dexter S. Kimball, A.B., M.E.= _Cost Finding_

Practical work with Pope and Talbot, Port Gamble, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1881-1887; entered shop of Union Iron Works, San Francisco, 1887, continuing this practical work until 1893; graduated Leland Stanford University, 1896; entered the Engineering Department of the Union Iron Works, 1896; Designing Engineer, Anaconda Mining Company, 1898; a.s.sistant Professor Machine Design, Sibley College, 1898-1901; Professor Machine Construction, 1904-1905; Professor Machine Design and Construction, 1905-1915; Professor Machine Design and Industrial Engineering, 1915-1919; Dean of the Engineering Colleges, Cornell University; member of Council on Industrial Education, New York State Department of Education, 1911; member of American Society Mechanical Engineers; member of Society for Promotion of Engineering Education; author "Elements of Machine Design" (with John H. Barr), 1909; "Industrial Education," 1911; "Principles of Industrial Organization," 1913; "Elements of Cost Finding,"

1914; contributor to scientific press; author of the Modern Business Text on "Cost Finding" and "Plant Management."

=Bernard Lichtenberg, M.C.S.= _Advertising Principles_

Graduate of New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. Two years post-graduate study in advertising at New York University. Formerly with the Clark-Hutchinson Company, of Boston; and with the Business Book Bureau, New York City; Office Manager of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute, 1912-1915; a.s.sistant Director of Advertising since June, 1915. Co-author of the Modern Business Text on "Advertising Principles."

=Frank L. McVey, Ph.D., LL.D.= _Economics_

Born in Wilmington, Ohio, November 10, 1869; educated in Ohio Wesleyan University and Yale University, receiving degree of Ph.D. in 1895 from the latter; also studied in England in 1898.

He became Professor of Economics in the University of Minnesota in 1896; President of the State University of North Dakota in 1909-1917; now President of the University of Kentucky; Chairman of North Dakota State Educational Commission, 1911; member of North Dakota State Board of Education; member of American Economic a.s.sociation; member of American Statistical a.s.sociation, and member of other commercial clubs and societies; Secretary and founder of the Minnesota Academy of Social Sciences; member and Chairman of Minnesota Tax Commission, 1907-1909, and member of other commissions and committees.

Author of numerous tracts, books and pamphlets, including "Modern Industrialism," "Railway Transportation," "The Making of a Town," and Editor, National Social Science Series; collaborator on the Modern Business Text on "Economics--the Science of Business."

=John Thomas Madden, B.C.S., C.P.A. (N. Y.)= _Accounting Practice_

Born in Worcester, Ma.s.s.; graduate of New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance (summa c.u.m laude); employed with Swift & Company's subsidiary interests in various capacities, 1900-1909; with Leslie & Company, Chartered Accountants, New York, 1910-1911; practising public accountant; Instructor in Accounting, New York University, 1911-1913; a.s.sistant Professor of Accounting, 1913; now Professor of Accounting and Head of Department of Accounting, New York University; special lecturer in accounting, a.s.sociation of Employes, New York Edison Company; Treasurer, Old Colony Club; President, American a.s.sociation of University Instructors in Accounting, 1920-21; National President, Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity, 1919-1920; and collaborator on the Modern Business Text on "Accounting Practice and Auditing."

=Mac Martin= _Advertising Campaigns_

Educated in Minneapolis public schools; graduate of University of Minnesota; President Mac Martin Advertising Agency; Ex-President Minneapolis Advertising Forum; Agency Service Committee, American a.s.sociation of Advertising Agencies; Professional Lecturer in Advertising at the University of Minnesota; author "Planning an Advertising Campaign for a Manufacturer"; author "Modern Methods of Merchandising"; author "Martin's Merchandising Reporting Service," and of the text on "Advertising Campaigns" in the Modern Business Series.

=G. F. Michelbacher, M.S.= _Compensation and Liability Insurance_

Graduate of the University of California, 1912; Teaching fellow in mathematics in the University, 1912-1913; Lecturer in Insurance and Mathematics, 1913-1915; in charge of the preparation of the California Schedule for Rating Permanent Injuries, for the Industrial Accident Board of the State of California, 1913-1914; later superintendent of the permanent disability rating department of the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California and superintendent of the claims department of the State Compensation Insurance Fund; a year later became Statistician of the National Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau in New York, 1916-1920; Actuary of the Bureau; Secretary of the National Council on Workman's Compensation Insurance; contributor on Liability and Workman's Compensation Insurance to the Modern Business Text on "Insurance," also Secretary of the National Council on Workmen's Compensation Insurance.

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