Forging Ahead in Business Part 14

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=T. Va.s.sar Morton, Litt.B.=

Graduate Rutgers College; engaged in sales work with the American Hard Rubber Company; office manager of the Voorhees Rubber Manufacturing Company; afterward Subscription Credit and Collection Manager of Doubleday, Page and Company; member of the National a.s.sociation of Credit Men; appointed Bursar of the Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute October 1, 1918. Collaborator on the Modern Business Text "Credit and Collections."

=Bruce D. Mudgett, Ph.D.= _Life Insurance_

Graduate of University of Idaho; one year of graduate work at Columbia University and four years at University of Pennsylvania; seven years instructor in insurance, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania; a.s.sistant Professor of Insurance, School of Business Administration, University of Was.h.i.+ngton, Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton.

On leave 1918-1919 as Statistical Economist, Bureau of Research, War Trade Board, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C.; now a.s.sociate Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota. Joint author with S. S.

Huebner of volume on Life Insurance; author of "The Disability Clause in Life Insurance Contracts;" several articles in economic periodicals; contributor on life insurance to the Modern Business Text on "Insurance."

=E. L. Stewart Patterson= _Domestic and Foreign Exchange_

Educated in England; entered Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps Bank at Sherbrooke in 1888; acted as Accountant for this bank in Granby and Montreal, 1889-1901; became a.s.sistant Manager at Montreal in 1902; served three years (1904-1907) as a.s.sistant Manager at Sherbrooke; later became Manager, and in 1909 a.s.sistant General Manager; since amalgamation of the Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps Bank with the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in 1912, has served as Inspector at Toronto, and is now Superintendent of the Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps Branches, with headquarters at Sherbrooke; fellow of Bankers'

Inst.i.tute, London; of Inst.i.tute of Banking of the United States; and member of the Canadian Bankers' a.s.sociation. Collaborator on the Modern Business Text on "International Exchange."

=Frederic E. Reeve, C.P.A.= _Accounting_

Born January 3, 1886; graduate of New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, June, 1911. C.P.A. Degree, New York State, August, 1911. Former instructor in Accounting at New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. Member of the firm of White and Reeve, Certified Public Accountants, 1913-1917. Since that date practising as a certified public accountant in New York City. Collaborator on the Modern Business Text on "Accounting Principles."

=Frederick C. Russell, B.C.S.= _Auditing_

Graduate New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. Formerly accountant for Carter, Howe and Company, manufacturing jewelers; connected with the Auditing Department of the New York Telephone Company; formerly Instructor in Accounting, New York University School of Commerce; Controller, Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute since 1916. Author of the Modern Business Text on "Accounting Principles."

=Bernard K. Sandwell, B.A.= _International Finance_

Graduated Toronto University, 1897; began newspaper work in England, but returned to Canada in 1900; editorial writer on Toronto _News_; editorial writer and dramatic critic on Montreal _Herald_; specialized in economic subjects, and in 1910 was one of the founders of the Montreal _Financial Times_ and became editor of that paper; resigned 1918 to take present post of a.s.sistant Professor of Economics, McGill University, Montreal; editor of the _Canadian Bookman_, 1918; National Secretary Canadian Authors a.s.sociation; author of financial section of "Canada and the Great World War."

=William W. Swanson, Ph.D.= _Money and Banking_

Studied at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and specialized in Economic Science under Dr. Adam Shortt; graduated with honors in 1905; Fellow at the University of Chicago in the Department of Political Economy, 1905-1908; graduated Ph.D., 1908; author of "The Establishment of the National Banking System"; a.s.sociate editor of the Montreal _Journal of Commerce_, 1914; since special writer for the _Journal of Commerce_; contributor to _Monetary Times_ and other financial journals in Canada; investigated the unemployment problem for the Ontario Government Commission on Unemployment, 1915; a.s.sociate Professor in Economic Science in Queen's University, Kingston, 1908-1916; Professor of Economics at the Provincial University of Saskatchewan, since 1916.

=John B. Swinney, A.B.= _Merchandising_

Graduated at Syracuse University in 1904; previous to entering college engaged in retail merchandising; 1904-1906, Superintendent of Schools, Springville, N. Y.; 1906-1908, with John Wanamaker in retail merchandising; 1908-1913, with Longmans, Green & Company, in wholesale merchandising; a.s.sistant Secretary in charge of Service, Alexander Hamilton Inst.i.tute, 1913-1917; Lecturer on Wholesale Merchandising in New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, 1916-1917; editor Harper's Retail Business Series; Professor of Marketing, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Tulane University, 1917. Lecturer on Merchandising in Columbia University, 1919. Now Superintendent of merchandising, The Winchester Stores (Chain Sporting Goods and Hardware Stores).

Collaborator on the Modern Business Text on "Marketing and Merchandising."

=William H. Walker, LL.D.= _Financial Problems_

Educated in the Wharton School of Finance of University of Pennsylvania; a.s.sistant Purchasing Agent, Consolidated Lithograph Company; later engaged by the same company in the installation of cost systems and the organization of branch plants; a number of years Superintendent and a.s.sistant Manager, Erie Lithographing and Printing Company; resigned to become President of the Grape Products Company; director and officer of numerous other corporations; engaged for many years in special study of finance, corporations and business efficiency; financial counsel to corporations; lecturer and writer on finance and corporations; in 1913, appointed Dean of the School of Accounts, Finance and Commerce, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh; director, Pittsburgh Commercial Club; member of Pittsburgh Tax Commission and Chairman of its Committee on Administration; author of the Modern Business Text on "Corporation Finance."


_The Special Lecturers have prepared written lectures for the Modern Business Course and Service, presenting results of their successful business experience._

=Erastus W. Bulkley= _Partner, Spencer Trask & Company_

Graduated from New York University in 1891; five years later receiving a degree from the New York College of Pharmacy.

Following a short period of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, he entered the service of Spencer Trask & Company, Investment Bankers, in 1898, as a.s.sistant manager of their Albany, New York, office. Six years later he was appointed sales manager of the New York City office; in 1906, he was admitted as a partner in that firm, and is at present an active member. He established the educational courses now in use by Spencer Trask & Company for salesmen and office employes. He is recognized among investment bankers as a close student of finance, especially of the methods of distributing securities to individual investors. Governor and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Investment Bankers' a.s.sociation of America, 1912-1915; member of the Advisory Board of New York University School of Commerce; member of the American Economic a.s.sociation and of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

=Herbert S. Collins= _Vice-President and General Manager, United Cigar Stores Company_

Born in Orleans County, New York; became a clerk in Mr. Whelan's cigar store, becoming the manager of the business; came to New York in 1900, and was one of the first salesmen of the United Cigar Stores Company; as sales manager Mr. Collins is credited with the development of window display in the United Cigar Stores; in the arrangement of goods visible from the sidewalk, he takes special interest, in order that it may dovetail with the other advertising of the store.

=Henry M. Edwards= _Auditor, New York Edison Company_

Born in New York City; educated at College of the City of New York; had short experience in wholesale drygoods and fire insurance business; was connected successively with the office, manufacturing and selling organizations of John Anderson and Company, Tobacco Manufacturers; entered the employ of the Manhattan Electric Light Company, 1889, as bookkeeper; subsequently appointed Auditor of the company, and two years later was made Director and Secretary, which office he retained until the company, in 1900, was consolidated with the Edison Electric Illuminating Company; was in charge of the financial operations incident to the consolidation of all the companies forming the present New York Edison Company, of which company he was made Auditor; has been Chairman of the Accounting Committee of the National Electric Light a.s.sociation, since 1907; author of "Electric Light Accounts and Their Significance;" has contributed to trade journals and other magazines, many papers on accounting and financial subjects and has delivered many addresses on these subjects.

=Harrington Emerson= _Efficiency Engineer_

Born in Trenton, N. J.; educated in Paris, Munich, Vienna, Athens; took the mechanical engineering course in Royal Polytechnic, Munich; professor in University of Nebraska, 1876-1882; after 1883 engaged in professional work with C., B. & Q., Union Pacific and Santa Fe Railways; now president of the Emerson Company, Efficiency Engineers; author of various important works which have had a strong influence on business methods, including "Efficiency" and "Twelve Principles of Efficiency."

=Charles Ernest Forsd.i.c.k= _Controller, Union Oil Company_

Born at Greenwich, England; educated in the grammar schools there, later attended Morden College and the Shrewsbury Schools; came to the United States in 1888, and until 1893 was engaged in accounting work in the Southern States; then became affiliated with the accounting department of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company in Philadelphia, of which company he became general bookkeeper; in 1901 Mr. Forsd.i.c.k became a.s.sociated with Haskins and Sells, certified public accountants in New York, with whom he remained for ten years; he became a.s.sociate at Large of the American a.s.sociation of Public Accountants and a member of the Inst.i.tute of Accounts, and was for four years a member of the faculty of the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance.

=Orlando C. Harn= _Advertising Manager, National Lead Company_

Born in Dayton, Ohio; educated in Ohio Wesleyan University and in Cornell University; entered business as clerk in a retail book store, afterward engaged in newspaper and trade paper work; at one time advertising manager of H. J. Heinz Company; chairman, National Advertising Commission; for two terms president of the Technical Publicity a.s.sociation; was the second president of the a.s.sociation of National Advertising Managers; now advertising manager and chairman of the sales committee of the National Lead Company; originator of the "Dutch Boy"


=A. Barton Hepburn= _Chairman Advisory Board, Chase National Bank, New York_

Born at Colton, N. Y.; graduated from Middlebury College and received degrees of LL.D. and D.C.L. at St. Lawrence, Columbia and Williams College. Practised law in New York State, was appointed superintendent of the Banking Department for New York and later Comptroller of the Currency. In 1892 he was made President of the Third National Bank of New York, then Vice-President of National City Bank, and later President of the Chase National Bank of New York. He is director of a number of prominent financial, industrial and commercial organizations; trustee of Middlebury College and Rockefeller Foundation; member of New York Chamber of Commerce and various scientific and literary societies.

=Lawrence M. Jacobs= _Vice-President, International Banking Corporation_

Born in Sturgis, Michigan; graduated from the University of Chicago in 1899; was sent by the Government in 1900 to the Philippine Islands, China and j.a.pan; in 1903 he entered the National City Bank of New York; in 1909 he was made foreign representative of the National City Bank; when the National City Bank acquired the International Banking Corporation and the International Bank, he was made Vice-President of the former and the President of the latter.

=Jackson Johnson= _Chairman of the Board, International Shoe Company_

Born in LaGrange, Alabama; entered the general store business in Holly Springs, Mississippi; for five years engaged in the wholesale shoe business. In 1898 moved to St. Louis, and was one of the leaders in organizing the Roberts, Johnson and Rand Shoe Company; President of this company until 1911, when the International Shoe Company was formed by the consolidation of the Roberts, Johnson and Rand Shoe Company and the Peters Shoe Company. In 1912 the Friedman-Shelby Shoe Company was purchased and became one of the sales branches of the International Shoe Company. Mr. Johnson was elected the first president of the International Shoe Company, a position which he held for five years, and until he was chosen chairman of the board the position which he now fills. Is director in the First National Bank in St. Louis and the St. Louis Union Trust Company; member of the Board of Trustees of Was.h.i.+ngton University. For two terms, ending November, 1919, was president of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce and during his inc.u.mbency the activities of this organization were greatly extended and intensified. During the war he served the Government as regional adviser to the War Industries Board.

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