Business English Part 25

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Be careful to avoid using a double sign for the comparative degree; as,

_Wrong_: This writing is _more neater_ than yours.

Some adverbs are also compared; as,

_Positive_ _Comparative_ _Superlative_ well better best quickly more quickly most quickly

Some adjectives and adverbs cannot be compared because the positive degree in itself expresses a complete or _absolute_ meaning; as,

absolute,-ly eternal perfect sufficient circular extreme perpendicular supreme continual faultless perpetual unanimous dead full right unique decisive impossible round universal empty incurable square white

Compare those of the following adjectives that may be compared. Explain why some do not admit of comparison.

great spotless expensive wise tall dear parallel high desirable east old new honorable early exclusive blank

=Exercise 94=

In the following exercise, select the correct one of the two italicized forms. Remember that the comparative degree is used in comparing two objects, the superlative in comparing three or more.

1. I had three pens. I have lost the _better_--_best_ one.

2. I have two clerks. John is the _older_--_oldest_.

3. Of the two colors, I think the tan is the _more_--_most_ becoming to you.

4. You are the _taller_--_tallest_ of all the boys.

5. Of two professions, choose the _more_--_most_ honorable.

6. He is the _faster_--_fastest_ workman in the shop.

7. Which of your hands is the _cleaner_--_cleanest_?

8. Which do you like _better_--_best_, skating or sleighing?

9. Which of your eyes has the _better_--_best_ vision?

10. Of all the shops, she likes Leslie's _better_--_best_.

11. Which is _more_--_most_ durable, serge or broadcloth?

12. Which tree lives _longer_--_longest_, the poplar or the elm?

13. Which is the _best_--_better_ policy, honesty or dishonesty?

14. He is the _wittier_--_wittiest_ one in the cla.s.s.

15. He is the _wittier_--_wittiest_ boy in the cla.s.s.

There is only one boy in the cla.s.s besides him.

16. Of our twenty salesmen, he is considered _better_--_best_ because he is _quicker_--_quickest_ witted than any other.

17. You should not mention the two men in one breath.

The _former_--_first_ is famous and the _latter_--_last_ infamous.

18. Which of you two do you think deserves _more_--_most_ praise?

19. Which of you two deserves _less_--_least_ praise?

20. Which of you two can run the _faster_--_fastest_?

=Exercise 95=

Remember that the double negative is wrong; as,

_Wrong_: I haven't no paper.

_Right_: I have no paper.

Correct any of the following sentences that contain this mistake:

1. None of them didn't come.

2. I couldn't do the problem neither.

3. This paper isn't very good, I don't think.

4. Couldn't you find no better pen?

5. I didn't choose none of them.

6. I don't see nothing to complain of.

7. He couldn't hardly see across the street.

8. We didn't find the paper nowhere.

9. They can't scarcely believe the report.

10. She couldn't stay with us only a few minutes.

=Exercise 96--Fewer, Less=

_Fewer_ refers to a smaller number by counting, _less_ refers to a smaller quant.i.ty by measuring. Insert the correct word:

1. You are making ---- mistakes each day.

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