Terran Times - Atlantis Allure Part 37

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"When it comes down to it, this is all that matters."

Deepening the kiss, he pulled me closer to him, his tongue delving inside my mouth as I nipped him. Pulling back, I smiled and looked at Maleka. "I thought you said he was shy," I murmured.

Chuckling, she answered. "I guess everyone has a surprise or two up their sleeve."

"Nah," Jonas piped in, "he's not as shy as you all think."

"I think we all need to shut up. We have a new family member here and we need to give her a proper welcome."

Standing up, he pulled me to my feet and swung me up into his arms. I must admit I felt small and delicate when I was anything but. Taking me upstairs into the bedroom, I looked over my shoulder to see the other two sitting in stunned silence. "You're going to join us, aren't you?" I reached my hand out to them. I saw faces brighten when I was placed on the bed and lost sight of them because Bruin took center stage. He slowly began to unb.u.t.ton my top, caressing each area of bare skin.

"You're not afraid of me, are you?"

I placed my hands over his to still his movements, and sat up. "No, I'm not afraid." I pulled his face to mine and ran my fingers through his hair. "You are so different than Jonas, yet, I still feel as safe and protected as I do with him." And to be honest, I just couldn't explain why I felt that way. But from the moment I met Maleka then Bruin, I knew I had finally found a place I truly belonged. I just felt a bonding with them I had only felt before with Jonas. This would be an adventure of a lifetime, if I only let it.

I felt the bed dip behind me and a body I was very familiar with brushed up against me. Jonas's hands caressed my b.r.e.a.s.t.s as Bruin kissed me yet again. Looking around, I noticed Maleka in the chair across the room. "You can join us," I whispered.

"Not this first time. This time I just watch."

I hesitated for a moment. This would be a relations.h.i.+p for all of us, not just me. "Are you sure?"

"Don't feel self conscious and yes, I am very sure."

I watched her stroke herself for a few minutes before I was brought back to the two men now rubbing against me. Looking at Bruin with eyes half-mast, I snaked my tongue out to fondle his lower lip before pulling it into my mouth to nip at it yet again. Arching my back, I allowed Jonas to slide his hands into my s.h.i.+rt even further to tweak my nipples. "That feels good," I whispered.

Bruin leaned down, took a nipple in his mouth, s.h.i.+rt and all, to gently suck on it.

I felt the tug all the way to my p.u.s.s.y and moaned. Jonas pulled one arm out of my s.h.i.+rt, caressing the tender inner flesh, making me s.h.i.+ver in antic.i.p.ation. Kissing the other one from shoulder to fingertip, he stripped the s.h.i.+rt from my body as I pressed my breast further into Bruin's mouth. It felt so good, and my body reveled under the attention. "That feels so good."

"Then this should feel even better."

Bruin lifted my hips and pulled the flowing skirt off my body, making each movement a sensual touch. Rubbing my inner thighs with his large fingers, he spread my legs and replaced his fingers with lips. "Ah..." My body arched even further into him. I could feel every push and tug on my body as his tongue slid up my inner thighs to my wet slit.

Jonas's thumbs made slow circles around my sensitive nipples and he moved to scoot me closer to the edge of the bed. Bruin slid off and sat on the floor spreading my legs to look at my now very wet p.u.s.s.y. Within seconds, I felt his hot tongue lick my slit paying special attention to the hard nub, swirling gently, nipping occasionally as pleasure rose higher and higher. But he never stayed in one place long enough for me to wrap myself totally around the sensations I now felt.

Bruin's fingers spread the lips of my p.u.s.s.y as he leaned in and started to suck on my hardened c.l.i.t, teasing it until I felt like I would explode. Putting his fingers inside me, he moved them in and out swiftly, pulling liquid out to spread into the tight rosette of my a.s.s. Every stroke heightened the pleasure I now felt, with my body spilling cream, which Bruin lapped up immediately.

I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair, dragging him away from my body. "I want both of you to get out of your clothes." I reached behind me and tugged on Jonas's s.h.i.+rt. I wanted to feel their skin next to mine, to feel their d.i.c.ks inside me. "Please," I breathed. "I need to feel you in me."

"Both of us?" Jonas whispered.

I nodded, because I couldn't trust my voice.

"Not until I get you off, or close," Bruin whispered.

"It might make you more relaxed," Jonas agreed.

"Please...don't make me beg." Both men chuckled. Jonas clutched one of my hands while kneading my b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his free hand, first one, then the other, tweaking the nipples into tight buds. Kissing me deeply, his tongue thrusting inside, making me want even more as I sucked his tongue, dueling his with my own. Bruin's fingers rubbed my a.s.s and soon he prodded my body there, slowly at first, then faster. My crotch felt as if it were on fire, my mind trying its best to stay together, as I wanted, no needed, more. Suddenly, fingers were moving in and out as Bruin's mouth jerked gently on my c.l.i.t. My hips responded with a need I had never imagined before and I pumped up and down, going from fast to slow and back again.

Unexpectedly, Bruin pulled me to him, thrusting into me with a huge c.o.c.k, making me gasp as my body tried to accommodate his. I almost came undone in that one moment, but somehow managed to keep from leaping into the abyss. He put his arms under my knees and pulled my body even closer. Standing, he held me tight to him for a few moments, before kneeling on the bed.

"Jonas move, I'll be on the bottom. You know what to do. Just be gentle about it."

I watched Bruin with lazy eyes as he laid me down gently, then rolled over to where I was on top. I felt as if I were on fire as his body stroked mine, each movement intensifying my pleasure. I leaned up slightly and felt Jonas behind me, spreading my cheeks to caress my a.n.u.s, each stroke arching me even more as I tried to wring each bit of bliss from the movement.

Jonas leaned in to whisper. "I'm going to stretch your a.s.s and it's going to feel great for both of us. But first I want you to suck my d.i.c.k."

I could only grunt in return since my senses were already on overload. I just wanted to let myself shatter into a thousand pieces, but I knew I needed to wait, as there was obviously more to come. Jonas moved to be by Bruin's side and tapped his p.e.n.i.s against my cheek. Looking up, I reached out with my tongue to rim the large purple head. Grabbing my head, he pulled me closer, making his d.i.c.k go deep down my throat, causing him to moan in what I hoped was delight. Bruin gripped my hips and firmly seated my body on his.

"Kiss her, then kiss me and let's get on with this. It's everything I can do to not pound into Lindsay mercilessly."

"It can feel even better if you'll allow it," he growled.

I continued to suck and nip his d.i.c.k paying special attention to the head until he pulled himself from me. I mewed in protest. "Please..."

"We'll get you there, sweetheart."

He leaned in and kissed me hard. He slowly snaked out his tongue to touch Bruin's lips and the thrill in my p.u.s.s.y increased ten-fold as I watched the two men. I never thought I would be turned on by seeing two men together, but there was something primeval about them and it was definitely turning me on. It took a few seconds for their slow kiss to end. Sitting up, Jonas moved once again to be behind me and pushed me forward with a gentle shove. I felt his p.e.n.i.s at my a.n.u.s and I cringed slightly.

"Is the lube in the bedside stand?"

Jonas addressed Maleka and until that moment I had forgotten all about her. I would definitely need to make it up when I figured out how.

"Yes," she said breathlessly.

I managed to get a quick glance back in her direction and saw she had shed her clothes. Her body was magnificent with high firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a vee of hair, which matched her reddish hair. Her stomach was flatter than mine ever would be and I had a momentary lapse into jealousy. I reeled myself in and knew we needed to learn to function as a unit no matter what we were doing.

Maleka stroked her own body with one hand on a breast and the other between her legs rubbing furiously.

Cool liquid streamed down my crack as Jonas's hands made short work of ma.s.saging it into my skin and my a.s.s. Each rub notched my heightened senses, working me up even more. Leaning down over Bruin, I presented my a.s.s to Jonas and soon felt his p.e.n.i.s at my a.n.u.s once again.

"I'll try not to hurt you."

Slowly, he slid into me and I realized just how thin the barrier between the two men really was. "Oh...that feels so tight..." I murmured and tried my best not to move.

"Baby, it is tight," Bruin whispered.

I turned unfocused eyes to him and licked my lips. Reaching up, he tugged me down to him and kissed me deeply.

"Lindsay, you are so beautiful. When Jonas told me about you, I knew you would be the perfect complement to our mate unit." He gently caressed my face and I leaned into his large hand. "I know I'm big and someday you'll have me where Jonas is. But for today, I just want to move and come inside you as does Jonas. Is that going to be okay?"

"Yes," I finally managed to whisper, the emotions cras.h.i.+ng over me. Unhurriedly, Bruin tugged his big d.i.c.k from my body as Jonas strained in even further. Soon, they had a rhythm of one in and one out that pushed the pleasure even higher, the slap of flesh against flesh a boon on my senses. Each thrust, each pull, drove my body even higher toward total fulfillment as I tried my hardest to hold onto the feelings which were swelling deep inside me. Soon, there was no holding it back, the waves rolled over me again and again as I was flung into the far reaches of s.p.a.ce as if I were an exploding supernova. My body tightened around the two huge c.o.c.ks.

A cry from Jonas came as he spilled his seed deep inside me while Bruin held on a few more moments before a guttural sound left his throat and he sat straight up, arms around both of us pulling us in tighter to him. We stayed there a few minutes before Jonas's body slipped out of mine. I just wanted to fall asleep as the day had been full. I slumped in their arms. "Please, I need to lie down. I'm so tired." I felt Maleka's smooth hand on my brow.

"Rest, my darling. We'll talk later."

I fell on my side with two wonderful men sandwiching me with their bodies and a fantastic woman holding my hand. I drifted off to sleep feeling very loved and wanted.

I awoke to an empty bed. It was the next morning, or at least I a.s.sumed it was the next morning. I pushed the covers off me and slowly sat up. My body felt stiff and very used, but used in a good way. I was happy to see the robe Maleka and I had purchased at the end of the bed. I reached for it and put it on so I could find the voices I heard in the main living area. "Good morning," I mumbled as I walked in rubbing my eyes. Three sets of eyes looked up at me from where they were all sitting.

"I'm sorry. Did we wake you?" Maleka rose from her seat. "Would you like a cup of coffee? It's one of the few things we brought from Earth recently."

I sniffed and sat down. "Coffee would be great. So what's up?" Everyone just stared at me, making me frown. "Don't pretend something isn't going on. I heard the tone of your voices. What's going on?"

Maleka sighed. "The council has suddenly decided they want to see us all. Apparently, someone has brought up the very thing we talked about yesterday."

"What is that?" I brought the cup up my lips and drank of the rich, aromatic brew.

"They want to know what you're going to do here. Someone brought up the fact you were exclusively seeking Atlantis and now you've found us, the council needs some rea.s.surances you aren't going to try and tell the rest of Earth."

I frowned. "Surely there are some safe guards against that? I mean, didn't you tell me yesterday there were other seekers here in Atlantis from Earth?"

Maleka looked at Jonas. "There may be someone who has escaped from here. Or at least that's what I was told."

"What do you mean escaped?"

"All of the people are given a choice when they arrive. Most are seekers of the truth of Atlantis and only those the council deems worthy, or those they feel can commit to our society are allowed entrance."

Bruin's rich voice slid over me. "I got that from Maleka's and my conversation yesterday. What am I missing?"

"The fact everyone was on the brink of death when they were brought here."

I rubbed my face with my hand. Now it made sense. "Okay, now I get it. You saved all of us. And once we were here, that's when you gave us the choice, not before." I frowned at them all. "Just what did you plan to do to those who refuse?"

Maleka sighed heavily, her eyes filled with sorrow. "We put them back into the scenario which made us issue the invitation in the first place. I think I mentioned it before."

"Did the person know that was the only other alternative if they didn't fit in or want to fit in?" I chewed my lip. While I didn't agree with what they did, I understood it.

"Yes and we've had some refuse. We made sure their remains could be found. We felt we owed them that much."

I nodded. "I don't agree, but I understand. But what does this have to do with me?"

"The council wants to make sure there are no mistakes. They need to know you will contribute to the society. Have you thought any more about what you might want to do?" Jonas questioned.

I could see the concern in his eyes. I slowly nodded, bit my lip and ran my hands through my short hair. My mind went a mile a minute. "How long do we have?"

"It's still really early and the council meeting is in about seven hours."

I sat there rocking myself, thinking.

"Is she okay?"

I looked up to see Maleka look at both Jonas and Bruin.

"She's thinking. She does this when she needs to devote all her brain power to a subject."

I broke into a wide grin. "Tell me you guys have computers."

"We do," Bruin answered, a quizzical look on his face.

"And you have access to everything on the language at the entrance door to Atlantis...the wood and metal one with the strange s.h.i.+mmer." I tapped my lips with a finger. "I also need to make sure I can present an idea to the whole council by using slides and maybe a demonstration."

"This sounds interesting." Jonas sat up. "The software is similar to what you had on your laptop and shouldn't be too hard to figure out. I can help you to configure whatever you want to present once you have it finished."

"Good. Now tell me everything you three know about the ancient language on the portal." We spent the next two hours with them telling me everything they knew about the language even if it were the most minute detail. They knew it was old and it was also found on the other two portals they had, but no one could determine whether they were related. At least, no one the scientists were talking to at the present time. No one had interviewed the shaman that they knew about.

"So you're telling me you have all these texts and yet you don't know what they say. You have a series of portals or portages that are on at least three worlds, including this one and Earth, you know about. And no one has talked to the one group of people who can shed light on this subject? Have I got that much right?"

Maleka nodded her head in agreement. "That's all true."

"And you've also discovered this language on a derelict s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p you found when someone tried to do a salvage operation on it."

Bruin cleared his throat. "There wasn't much of it on the s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p. Just the odd item or two. And then there was the portal in a room by itself."

I arched my eyebrow. "Portal? You're telling me someone found a door, a portage, in a room by itself and still no one has studied this language?"

"Yes," Jonas answered and leaned back in his chair. "We brought the whole room and placed it in a laboratory the council is in charge of, and, as far as I know, they haven't tasked anyone to do any studies."

"I've gotten the feeling they really don't know what to do with the thing when I've talked to any of them." Maleka sighed and looked at her hands. "There is also a lot on our plate right now. We're trying to expand our territory in a non-threatening way because Atlantis right now is a pretty closed system and we will run out of resources in around one hundred Earth years if we don't take action soon."

"Understood, but if my hunch is right, we'll have the solution to this and other problems within a short amount of time. Now, you all just need to leave me alone for a while so I can put this together."

"Not a problem." Maleka smiled. "I think we can do that."

I nodded. "But first, I need to take a shower."

"Need some company?" Bruin asked, a hopeful look on his face.

I smiled. "Can we all fit?"

Jonas jumped up. "It's huge. Let's go."

Maleka and I laughed, allowing ourselves to be propelled up the stairs toward the shower by two anxious men. And while I wanted to be touched by both men, I really wanted to see Maleka, to touch her lovely skin.

Going into the shower, we all shed our clothes and stepped into the warm stream of water. I already loved this house because a lot of it was run automatically and the moment, Bruin stepped a toe inside the s.p.a.cious gla.s.s enclosed room, the water came on. Once there, I pressed a b.u.t.ton on a canister located on the side wall and was rewarded with an aromatic flow of what appeared to be soap. Lathering my hands, I turned to see Maleka doing much the same, as were the men.

Approaching her, I stood silent before her for a moment, before I placed my hand on her chest, swirling the lather around her breast.

"That feels great," she murmured.

I heard similar noises from the men and found they were stroking and kissing each other, too. Turning back, Maleka leaned in and kissed me, her tongue demanding entrance to my mouth. She slowly explored my mouth and I returned the favor. Soon her hands were stroking my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and going lower to rub my hard c.l.i.t. Reaching down I did the same, fondling her hard tight nub. Soon both of us were writhing with pleasure, close, but not quite there. I pulled away breathing hard. "Wow," I whispered. "I didn't know it would be so...stimulating...with another woman." My breath came in heavy pants.

"I know something even better." She turned and watched the men as they ran their hands along the other's body, their d.i.c.ks standing out from the patch of hair in their crotch.

Bruin was huge, long and thick while Jonas was just as long but not as thick. Both men had the equipment to bring any woman fulfillment and I was determined to get my share.

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Terran Times - Atlantis Allure Part 37 summary

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