Terran Times - Atlantis Allure Part 4

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As if to answer her question, the door exploded inward with a loud crash. A half dozen of the ugliest, smelliest looking creatures she'd ever seen came bursting in. They were humanoid in shape, having two arms and walking upright on two legs, but that was where all similarities ended. Their faces were green, wet-looking and covered in scales. The same type of slime that had been all over Markus, oozed from every orifice of their body. The harsh smell of rotten fish the grossies gave off was so strong her eyes watered.

"I take it these are the Tritons? Funny, they don't look like what I'd imagined."

He moved his body protectively in front of hers. "I don't suppose you can shoot off some magic at them?"

She searched inside her body and saw that her magical stores were still too low. "No, I used up too much of it last night. How about you? Can you s.h.i.+ft?"

He gave a slight shake of his head. "I could, but I wouldn't be at full strength. My body is still recovering from healing itself. Do you have any weapons nearby?"

She gave a pointed look at her bedroom. "In there, but I seriously doubt they'll be polite and wait here patiently while we go get them."

The Tritons each pulled out a curved sword and started to advance on them. Just as they were inches from the pair, several magic bolts whizzed through the room and flung the creatures off their feet.

"What just happened?" she breathed out.

Markus half laughed. "The cavalry just arrived, that's what happened." He pulled her to her feet and they ran from the house. Outside were several more Tritons who were quickly being taken down, both by bullets and magic. h.e.l.l, there were even some felines snacking on the creatures.

Brianna gaped as she saw something that she'd never seen before. s.h.i.+fters and witches were standing side-by-side fighting. They were all wearing the same black leather uniform and they each had a patch on the shoulder of a paw print next to a triquetra. It looked like the freedom fighters weren't hiding in the shadows anymore.

A van screeched to a halt and the side door opened. Brianna was both shocked and pleased to see Garrett beckon impatiently with his hand.

"Get your in here. There's going to be more Tritons coming any minute," he ordered Markus jumped in, then turned and held his hand out to her.

This time Brianna didn't hesitate in taking it. As soon as her mate pulled her into the van, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

Garrett shut the door of the van and they sped away. To their new life together.

One that hopefully would lead to peace.


Madelaine Grant May 2015 Captain Fred Wainwright's merry blue eyes raked me from head to toe. "Well, Eden McCrory, you haven't lost your looks in the last five years. You're more beautiful than ever, my dear."

"Thank you," I murmured. The old codger hadn't changed either. Still had an eye for the feminine form.

He rose from behind his mahogany desk. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I know how busy you must be. When's the wedding? Have to get you back in time for the grand event."

"Over the Fourth of July weekend." Automatically my mind s.h.i.+fted to all the details involved. Jeff Hazlitt, my fiance, would have to bear the brunt of my defection. But how could I turn down the chance of a lifetime-a dive mission to explore the ruins of Atlantis, the lost continent, submerged for thousands of years under the sea? It had recently been discovered by a j.a.panese salvage operation. Now I would have a shot at finding some of the lost treasures from that long-buried continent.

I couldn't give up this adventure. It was my last fling before the marriage yoke descended to trap me into a conventional relations.h.i.+p. Not that it wasn't my choice. At thirty-two, I was ready to settle least that's what I a.s.sured myself.

The captain walked me out of his office and onto the deck of the one hundred fifty foot yacht anch.o.r.ed off the coast of Portugal. "Since you're the first of the team to arrive, you have first pick of staterooms. Inside you'll find a folder with all the pertinent information on the Atlantis mission. The others will arrive soon and by tomorrow, we should be operational."

Captain Fred led me to my cabin to unpack and stow away my gear. "Feel free to explore our lab facilities below deck. Our equipment is first-rate-only the best for our archeological team."

"Thanks. I will take advantage of your offer." After he left, I hurriedly changed from traveling clothes to shorts and a tee s.h.i.+rt. As I headed out the door, I couldn't help recalling my last conversation with my fiance.

"Remember, Eden, after we're married I don't expect you to traipse halfway around the world hunting for fossils...or whatever you search for. As a banker's wife, there'll be certain social obligations to maintain. You should become involved in a number of charitable organizations. My mother will be happy to take you under her wing."

I couldn't help feeling some trepidation at this upcoming huge change in my life. Still, I could understand Jeff's feelings. Brus.h.i.+ng aside those unwanted thoughts, I entered the s.p.a.cious cabin set aside to study artifacts retrieved from the underwater site. A mounting excitement coursed through me as I touched the delicate instruments we would use to clean our findings. Sitting down on one of the stools, I picked up fragments of a clay pot and began to fit them together. Before long, I was completely immersed in my task. I hardly noticed the pa.s.sing of time until the room, usually lit by florescent light, suddenly became dark.

"h.e.l.lo?" I called out. Had someone turned off the lights not knowing I was here? I heard the quiet tread of approaching footsteps. "Who's there?" My voice echoed in the darkened s.p.a.ce. I felt my heart beating madly and my throat constricted in fear. Nonsense, I scolded myself. Nothing could happen...Captain Fred told me I could explore the lab.

"Eden." The male voice was low and deep and achingly familiar. Two large hands encircled me from behind and pulled me from my seat.

Noah Hyland! A presence from my past. What was he doing here? From what I remembered, he'd emigrated to Australia right after college. So many years ago...and so many memories. They came flooding back as Noah turned me around in his arms. We'd been a couple throughout four years of college.

What happened to tear us apart? Was it my fierce independence that demanded I continue with my studies instead of settling down? Noah urged me to join him in Australia. I chose to enter graduate school in California and eventually obtain a doctorate in archeology.

I felt the warmth of his skin and smelled the clean, musk scent of him as he drew me close. "Eden, it's been awhile. I couldn't resist joining the team when I heard you'd be here. Doug Kruger backed out at the last minute so I'm the replacement diver."

I should have stepped away from him, but I didn't. Neither of us made a move to switch on the light. The darkness hid the heated flush on my face.

Noah ran his hands up and down my back. "You still have that long mane of blonde hair," he observed, as his fingers tangled in my ponytail.

His thumb rubbed the bare skin at the nape of my neck sending tingles of awareness throughout my nerve endings. I opened my mouth to tell him of my upcoming wedding. Before I could get a word out, his lips met mine in a kiss that could only be described as magical. His hands crept forward to cup my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then fondled the taut tips. Oh, why was this happening now? I wanted my life to be predictable and comfortable. His sudden appearance was like a monkey wrench thrown into a smooth, well-oiled piece of machinery. Everything ground to a halt.

"You've kept that great figure...curvy in all the right places," he said in a husky tone as his hands moved down my sides and then cupped my bottom. He pulled me closer to his firm thighs.

I had a sudden image of Noah as he was ten years ago-tall, lithe, with thick dark hair, a seductive smile and mesmerizing gray eyes. One gorgeous hunk. Had he changed? Hard to tell without light. But I could feel that same hypnotic spell settling over me.

His caressing touch sent sparks of heat shooting along my nerve ends like firecrackers on the Fourth of July-my wedding day. Taking a deep breath, I decided I must put an end to this...this a.s.sault on my willpower. "Noah, please, this shouldn't be happening. I'm getting married in six weeks."

"That so?" His tone was matter-of-fact. He didn't stop his marauding hands, which drove me to distraction.

"Yes, I am," I averred, although my words lacked conviction.

"Mmmmmm," was his reply as his hands slowly inched their way down my stomach to rest on the inner part of my thighs, perilously close to the throbbing heat of my c.u.n.t.

I was so taken with the way his mouth was molding itself to my lips again that I didn't notice his fingers sliding under the edge of my shorts until it was too late. One long finger inserted itself into my hot, moist c.u.n.t and expertly stroked while his thumb rubbed my c.l.i.t.

OmiG.o.d! I was experiencing meltdown-big time.

His free hand slid through my hair and shaped itself to my nape as his tongue made its initial foray into my mouth. Even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. Imprisoned by mounting l.u.s.t, I was greedy for more. As our tongues met and dueled, I was overwhelmed by sensations at once electrifying and mortifying. How could he conquer me so easily? Where were my morals? How could I face myself after this miserable defeat?

Unfortunately, these last misgivings flew by in milliseconds and disappeared from my consciousness like puffs of smoke dissolving in air. All I was left with was this intense craving for the release only Noah's deft touch could deliver. I pressed my heated body closer to his potent masculine form, lifting my arms to encircle his neck.

At my unspoken surrender, his kiss deepened with ferocious possession while his fingers moved further inside my hot and eager c.u.n.t. His rigid c.o.c.k was thrust against my belly. Selfishly I was concerned only with my own relief. Within seconds I arched into a powerful o.r.g.a.s.m. My cries were m.u.f.fled by his mouth on mine. When my body stopped shuddering, Noah held me close murmuring soothing words.

"That was good, Eden. You haven't lost your pa.s.sion. I love touching you and holding you."

I buried my head in his shoulder and started to sob. The ramifications of what I had experienced sunk in. "I-I sh-shouldn't h-have let that happen."

He ran his hands up and down my back and arms in a calming motion. "Why not? You're human and there's always been that great chemistry between us." He tipped up my chin and kissed the tears away. "You're ent.i.tled to a last fling before settling down, aren't you?"

His logic was ridiculous and yet I couldn't help the feeling of relief that swept through me. Maybe he was right...maybe I was ent.i.tled to one last affair before leading an ordinary life. After all, men had bachelor parties before getting married and who knew what went on at those occasions. With several more comforting thoughts along these lines, I managed to push away my misgivings. "You're something else, Noah Hyland."

Later that evening, I dressed in a long black skirt and a frilly white top for dinner with Captain Fred and the rest of the team. I couldn't help wondering how Noah would behave. Would he continue his earlier romantic advances? I couldn't decide if I wanted him to or not.

I needn't have bothered thinking about it. Noah behaved with perfect formality and politeness. You'd never guess we'd been involved in anything remotely l.u.s.ty a mere two hours ago. Well, if he could put up a good front, so could I. Without missing a beat, I turned all my attention to the two other members of our team-Rory Lehman and Greg Matheson, both young and good-looking.

"I'm pleased you could join us," I gushed, giving each of them a big smile, completely ignoring Noah seated on my left. Captain Fred kept up a lively conversation about his recent salvage operations. In spite of my best resolve, Noah's close presence caused my body temperature to rise several degrees. Occasionally his thigh brushed mine and once our hands touched, which sent a spark of heat right through me. Ridiculous. I was relieved to see the end of the meal.

Escaping to the balmy air on deck, I inhaled several steadying breaths. Overhead the night sky twinkled with a million stars while a full moon glowed with a luminous light. I hardly expected to be joined by Noah who draped an arm around my shoulders.

Whirling around, I faced him. "Well, h.e.l.lo stranger," I said in a mocking tone. If he planned to treat me with reserve in front of others and come on to me at night...

He brushed a light kiss over my lips. "Eden, you owe me. Do you prefer your room or mine?"

I couldn't help the tremor of excitement that shot through me. I wasn't about to reveal my feelings, though. "You must be kidding. Since when do we keep score?"

"Since you're to be married soon, I have to take advantage of every opportunity. With nothing pressing to do until tomorrow, we have the night to ourselves."

Annoyed at his arrogance, I couldn't help considering his reasoning. Reviewing my impulsive behavior in the lab earlier, he was probably right, although I hated to admit it.

"Well?" he queried, his eyes glinting with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"It doesn't matter," I muttered, disgruntled at his high-handed manner, but also aware of the fire burning low in my belly.

"Good. We'll use my bed."

Noah closed the door of his stateroom and proceeded to shrug off his jacket. Next, he took off his tie and belt.

I stood nearby watching him disrobe and wondered if I could go through with this scenario. On the one hand, I couldn't help feeling guilty about what I was doing. On the other hand, my body was yearning for his touch.

Noah turned to me with a stern expression. "What are you waiting for? Strip."

Strip? The word made my heart thud and my stomach tighten. At the same time, my s.e.x juices started to flow. Unbelievable. Quickly I began shedding my long skirt and dressy top. Next to go were my bra and panties.

"You can keep your sandals on," he said in a low voice.

"Thanks," I said, distracted by his naked body and his already erect c.o.c.k.

"First, get down on your knees and suck my c.o.c.k," he ordered.

I could see how much he was enjoying his role, which bothered me. "This isn't the way we used to make love," I protested, remembering those intimate interludes.

"This isn't lovemaking. You're servicing me, doing whatever I want you to do."

His voice sounded hard and almost contemptuous. I should have been turned off, but I wasn't. I must have a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic streak. I knelt before him, took his fully engorged c.o.c.k into my mouth and sucked. The tips of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s hardened and my c.u.n.t throbbed with excitement. With Jeff I'd never experienced anything like this instant s.e.xual response. Why was I enjoying this so much?

"I want you on your hands and knees on the edge of the bed," Noah commanded. "Now."

His sharp order had me scrambling to obey. I a.s.sumed the position he wanted for his next move with rising pa.s.sion.

"Spread wide," he said as he gave my b.u.t.tocks a sharp slap.

I'd never encountered Noah in this mood before, but my submission only increased the heat coursing through me.

He fingered my c.u.n.t and chuckled. "You're so wet, Eden. Can't wait for me, right?" Without expecting an answer, he slid his finger from my dripping c.u.n.t to my rear entrance and inserted it. "That should soften you up."

He was not going to try a.n.a.l s.e.x...I won't allow that, my mind screamed. Before I could react, his c.o.c.k entered me. "Stop," I cried, trying to dislodge him.

He leaned over and grasped my hands imprisoning me within his strong frame. "Behave yourself, Eden. I'm in charge here and you'll do as I say. I gave you satisfaction this afternoon. Now it's your turn to satisfy me."

In the confined position I was in, I couldn't argue. Besides, the adrenaline was flowing and my overheated senses clamored for more. When Noah's climax came, I was on the brink of mine. Instead of allowing me my release, he pulled out and turned me over. "You can get dressed now and go to your room. We're up early tomorrow."

I was frustrated and mad as h.e.l.l, which I am sure he could see. "That wasn't very nice," I cried angrily.

He laughed at my outraged expression. "It was my turn, remember?"

Needless to say, I tossed and turned most of the night, cursing my former lover for his outrageous behavior, then chastised myself for being unfaithful to my fiance. Toward dawn, I finally dozed off. I was in a deep sleep when a loud knock on my door jolted me awake. "Go away," I called out and buried my head under the covers. Too late I realized I'd forgotten to lock my door.

I heard the door creak open. "Eden, rise and s.h.i.+ne. We're doing a practice dive right after breakfast." Noah's deep baritone sounded over my head.

"Later," I moaned, unwilling to face the light of day and Noah. How could I have allowed him such liberties? And how was I going to work alongside him for the next ten days and pretend nothing had happened?

In a split second, he ripped the covers off my body, tossed them to the foot end of the bed and scooped me up. He sat down and settled me on his lap. "C'mon Little Mermaid, it's time to get wet."

Little Mermaid. That was Noah's pet name for me. The old nickname brought unexpected tears. I buried my head in his firm chest and cried for the lost years we'd been apart. I didn't realize until that moment how much I'd missed him...his teasing and the warmth of his touch. I'd taken him for granted until he left for Australia. Then I'd been too busy with school and starting my career to grieve the end of our relations.h.i.+p. Still, it didn't excuse my wanton behavior. I was engaged to Jeff. My wedding date was set and invitations had gone out. What was I to do?

It took several long minutes for me to compose myself. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I raised my head. "I shouldn't have responded to your advances in the first place. It wasn't morally right, no matter what you say. My actions yesterday could jeopardize my whole life."

"Or change it," he responded with an enigmatic look.

After breakfast we geared up for an exploratory dive. On this first dive Noah and I acclimated ourselves to the underwater video cameras we'd be utilizing. We dove to a depth of one thousand feet and found ourselves surrounded by colorful sea life-brightly patterned fish, crabs, and small octopuses. Several cave-like structures hinted at more exotic creatures.

Noah gestured to one of the larger caves and swam ahead. I followed behind. We each carried a large flashlight, which came in handy in dark s.p.a.ces. Cautiously we entered the cave and looked around. A sudden stir of whirling sand alerted us to the presence of a large sea creature.

Noah signaled me to go back. He moved forward slowly while I waited for his go-ahead sign. s.h.i.+ning his flashlight into every possible crevice, he tried to locate the cave dweller. After that first flurry of movement, it was eerily quiet. I felt a sudden p.r.i.c.kling at the back of my neck. Turning my head, I saw an enormous serpent-like sea animal staring at me. This prehistoric monster blocked the cave entrance. I tried to get Noah's attention, but he didn't look my way. Petrified, I stood stock still.

The creature lowered its head and slowly wriggled forward. Still frozen with fear, I watched as the sea serpent's head gently nudged first my shoulder, then my face. I looked into the creature's eyes and couldn't help sensing a connection between us. Amazing.

Noah returned from his foray into the cave interior and motioned me not to move. The sea creature abruptly retreated, disappearing from view.

When we came up from our dive, I was excited about my encounter. "Noah, that was unbelievable. I think the creature felt a kins.h.i.+p with me. We looked at each other for several long minutes. It's not fearsome-it's just shy."

We filled Captain Fred in about our experience. He looked skeptical. "Really? Haven't heard of anything like that. Why didn't you film the animal?"

"It happened so quickly, we didn't have time," Noah explained. "But we'll try again."

The next few days pa.s.sed in a whirl of activity. Our a.s.signment was to film the mountain fortress in the center of Atlantis. I wondered how much Noah knew about the Atlantis legends. "Did you know Poseidon was in love with a mortal woman named Cleito? He was the jealous type-didn't want any compet.i.tion, so he built zones of alternating water and land around the area she lived. Actually, he enclosed the whole hill trying to keep men away from her."

Noah chuckled. "I can understand his feelings. When you have a good thing..." He sent me a meaningful look.

I disregarded his words. "At least he provided her with a super palace decorated with silver and gold. It's rumored there were statues of kings as well as dolphins. Wouldn't it be something else to find one of those?" My archeological world would be complete if I ever came across a treasure like that."

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Terran Times - Atlantis Allure Part 4 summary

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