Kristin Lavransdatter Part 36

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"I have promised to travel with others," replied Erlend.

"Ah yes, you will join your father-in-law-yes, that seems only fitting."

"Well, no-I don't know these men from the valley who are riding with him." Erlend sat in silence for a moment. "No, I have promised to look in on Munan at Stange," he said quickly.

"You don't need to waste your time looking for Munan there," replied Erling. "He's gone to his estates at Hising, and it might be some time before he comes north again. Has it been a long time since you heard from him?"

"It was around Michaelmas-he wrote to me from Ringabu."

"Well, you know what happened in the valley here last autumn," said Erling. "You don't? Surely you must know that he rode around to the district sheriffs of Lake Mjsa and all along the valley carrying letters stating that the farmers should pay for provisions and horses for a full campaign3-with six farmers for each horse-and that the gentry should send horses but would be allowed to stay at home. Haven't you heard about this? And that the men of the northern valleys refused to pay this war tax when Munan accompanied Eirik Topp to the ting ting in Vaage? And Lavrans Bjrgulfsn was the one who led the opposition-he demanded that Eirik pursue a lawful course, if anything remained of the lawful taxes, but he called it an injustice against the peasantry to demand war taxes from the farmers to help a Dane in a feud with the Danish king. And yet if our king required the service of his retainers, then he would find them quick enough to respond with good weapons and horses and armed men. But he would not send from Jrundgaard even a goat with a hemp halter unless the king commanded him to ride it himself to the mustering of the army. You truly didn't know about this? Smid Gudleikssn says that Lavrans had promised his tenants that he would pay the campaign levies for them, if need be." in Vaage? And Lavrans Bjrgulfsn was the one who led the opposition-he demanded that Eirik pursue a lawful course, if anything remained of the lawful taxes, but he called it an injustice against the peasantry to demand war taxes from the farmers to help a Dane in a feud with the Danish king. And yet if our king required the service of his retainers, then he would find them quick enough to respond with good weapons and horses and armed men. But he would not send from Jrundgaard even a goat with a hemp halter unless the king commanded him to ride it himself to the mustering of the army. You truly didn't know about this? Smid Gudleikssn says that Lavrans had promised his tenants that he would pay the campaign levies for them, if need be."

Erlend sat there stunned.

"Lavrans did that? Never have I heard of my wife's father involving himself in matters other than those concerning his own properties or those of his friends."

"No doubt he seldom does," said Sir Erling. "But this much was clear to me when I was at Nes-when Lavrans Bjrgulfsn decides to speak about a matter, he receives everyone's full support, for he never speaks without understanding the issue so well that his opinion would be difficult to refute. Now, regarding these events, he has no doubt exchanged letters with his kinsmen in Sweden. Fru Ramborg, his father's mother, and Sir Erngisle's grandfather were the children of two brothers, so Lavrans has strong family ties over there. No matter how quiet his manner, your father-in-law commands power of some consequence in those parishes where people know him-although he doesn't often make use of it."

"Well, now I can understand why you have taken up with him, Erling," said Erlend, laughing. "I was rather surprised that you had become such good friends."

"Why should that surprise you?" replied Erling soberly. "It would be an odd man who would not want to call Lavrans of Jrundgaard his friend. You would be better served, kinsman, to listen to him than to Munan."

"Munan has been like an older brother to me, ever since the day when I left home for the first time," said Erlend, a little heatedly. "He has never failed me whenever I was in trouble. So if he's in trouble now . . ."

"Munan will manage well enough," said Erling Vidkunssn, his voice still calm. "The letters he carried were written and sealed with the royal seal of Norway-unlawful, but that's not his problem. Oh yes, there's more. That to which he testified and attached his seal when he was a witness to the maiden Eufemia's betrothal 4 4-but this cannot be easily revealed without mentioning someone whom we cannot . . . If truth be told, Erlend, I think Munan will save himself without your support-but you may harm yourself if you-"

"It's Lady Ingebjrg that all of you want to depose, I see," said Erlend. "But I've promised our kinswoman to serve her both here and abroad."

"I have too," replied Erling. "And I intend to keep that promise-as does every Norwegian man who has served and loved our lord and kinsman, King Haakon. And she is now best served by being separated from those advisers who counsel so young a woman to the detriment of her son and herself."

"Do you think you're capable of that? that?" asked Erlend, his voice subdued.

"Yes," said Erling Vidkunssn firmly. "I think we are. And everyone else thinks so too, if they refuse to listen to malicious and slanderous talk." He shrugged his shoulders. "And those of us who are kinsmen of Lady Ingebjrg should be the last to do that."

A servant woman raised the hatch in the floor and said that if it suited them, the mistress would now have the food carried into the hall.

While everyone was sitting at the table, the conversation, such as it was, constantly touched on the great news that was circulating. Kristin noticed that both her father and Sir Erling refused to join in; they brought up news of bride purchases and deaths, inheritance disputes and property trades among family and acquaintances. She grew uneasy but didn't know why. They had business with Erlend-this much she understood. And yet she didn't want to admit this to herself. She now knew her husband so well that she realized Erlend, with all his stubborn-mindedness, was easily influenced by anyone who had a firm hand in a soft glove, as the saying goes.

After the meal, the gentlemen moved over to the hearth, where they sat and drank. Kristin settled herself on a bench, put her needlework frame in her lap, and began twining the threads. A moment later Haftor Graut came over, placed a cus.h.i.+on on the floor, and sat down at Kristin's feet. He had found Erlend's psaltery; he set it on his knee and sat there strumming it as he chatted. Haftor was quite a young man with curly blond hair and the fairest features, but his face was covered with freckles. Kristin quickly noticed that he was exceedingly talkative. He had recently made a rich marriage, but he was bored back home on his estates; that was why he wanted to travel to the gathering of the king's retainers.

"But it's understandable that Erlend Nikulaussn would want to stay home," he said, laying his head in her lap. Kristin moved away a bit, laughed, and said with an innocent expression that she knew only that her husband was intending to travel south, "for whatever reason that might be. There's so much unrest in the country right now; it's difficult for a simple woman to understand such things."

"And yet it's the simplicity of a woman that's the main cause of it all," replied Haftor, laughing and moving closer. "At least that's what Erling and Lavrans Bjrgulfsn say-I'd like to know what they mean by that. What do you think, Mistress Kristin? Lady Ingebjrg is a good and simple woman. Perhaps right now she is sitting as you are, twining silk threads with her snow-white fingers and thinking: It would be hard-hearted to refuse the loyal chieftain of her deceased husband some small a.s.sistance to improve his lot."

Erlend came and sat down next to his wife so that Haftor had to move over a bit.

"The women chatter about such nonsense in the hostels when their husbands are foolish enough to take them along to the meeting."

"Where I come from, it's said that there's no smoke unless there's fire," said Haftor.

"Yes, we have that saying too," said Lavrans; he and Erling had come over to join them. "And yet I was duped, Haftor, this past winter, when I tried to light my torch with fresh horse droppings." He perched on the edge of the table. Sir Erling at once brought his goblet and offered it to Lavrans with a word of greeting. Then the knight sat down on a bench nearby.

"It's not likely, Haftor," said Erlend, "that up north in Haalogaland you would know what Lady Ingebjrg and her advisers know about the undertakings and enterprises of the Danes. I suspect you might have been short-sighted when you opposed the king's demand for help. Sir Knut5-yes, we might as well mention his name since he's the one that we're all thinking about-he seems to me a man who wouldn't be caught unawares. You sit too far away from the cookpots to be able to smell what's simmering inside them. And better to prepare now than regret later, I say."

"Yes," said Sir Erling. "You might almost say that they're cooking for us on the neighboring farm-we Norwegians will soon be nothing more than their wards. They send over the porridge they've made in Sweden and say: Eat this, if you want food! I think our lord, King Haakon, made a mistake when he moved the cookhouse to the outskirts of the farm and made Oslo the foremost royal seat in the land. Before then it was in the middle of the courtyard, if we stay with this image-Bjrgvin6 or Nidaros-but now the archbishop and chapter or Nidaros-but now the archbishop and chapter7 rule here alone. What do you think, Erlend? You who are from Trndelag and have all your property and all your power in this region?" rule here alone. What do you think, Erlend? You who are from Trndelag and have all your property and all your power in this region?"

"Well, G.o.d's blood, Erling-if that's what you want: to carry home the cookpot and hang it over the proper hearth, then-"

"Yes," said Haftor. "For far too long we up here in the north have had to settle for smelling the soup cooking while we spoon up cold cabbage."

Lavrans joined in.

"As things stand, Erlend, I would not have presumed to be spokesman for the people of the district back home unless I had letters in my possession from my kinsman, Sir Erngisle. Then I knew that none of the lawful rulers plans to break the peace or the alliance between the countries, neither in the realm of the Danish king nor in that of our own king."

"If you know who now rules in Denmark, Father-in-law, then you know more than most men," said Erlend.

"One thing I do know. There is one man that n.o.body wants to see rule, not here nor in Sweden nor in Denmark. That was the purpose of the Swedes' actions in Skara last summer, and that is the purpose of the meeting we will now hold in Oslo-to make clear to everyone who has not yet realized it, that on this matter all sober-minded men are agreed."

By this time they had all drunk so much that they had grown boisterous, except for old Smid Gudleikssn; he was slumped in his chair next to the hearth.

Erlend shouted, "Yes, you're all so sober-minded that the Devil himself can't trick you. It makes sense that you'd be afraid of Knut Porse. You don't understand, all you good gentlemen, that he's not the kind who can be satisfied with sitting quietly, watching the days drift past and the gra.s.s grow as G.o.d wills. I'd like to meet that knight again; I knew him when I was in Halland. And I'd have no objections to being in Knut Porse's place."

"That's not something I I would dare say if my wife could hear me," said Haftor Graut. would dare say if my wife could hear me," said Haftor Graut.

But Erling Vidkunssn had also drunk a good deal. He was still trying to maintain his chivalrous manner, but he finally gave up. "You!" he said, laughing uproariously. "You, kinsman? No, Erlend!" He slapped the other man on the shoulder and laughed and laughed.

"No, Erlend," said Lavrans bluntly, "more is needed for that than a man who is capable of seducing women. If there was no more to Knut Porse than his ability to play the fox in the goose pen, then all of us Norwegian n.o.blemen would be much too lazy to make the effort to leave our manors to chase him off-even if the goose was our own king's mother. But no matter who Sir Knut may lure into committing foolish acts in his behalf, he never commits follies without having some reason for doing so. He has his purpose, and you can be certain that he won't take his eyes off it."

There was a pause in the conversation. Then Erlend spoke, and his eyes glittered.

"Then I would wish that Sir Knut were a Norwegian man!"

The others were silent. Sir Erling drank from his goblet and said, "G.o.d forbid. If we had such a man among us here in Norway, then I fear there would be a sudden end to peace in the land."

"Peace in the land!" said Erlend scornfully.

"Yes, peace in the land," replied Erling Vidkunssn. "You must remember, Erlend, that we knights are not the only ones who live in this country. To you it might seem amusing if an adventurous and ambitious man like Knut Porse should rise up here. In the past, things were such in the world that if a man stirred up a group of rebels, it was always easy for him to win a following among the n.o.blemen. Either they won and acquired t.i.tles and land, or their kinsmen won and they were granted a reprieve for both their lives and their estates. Yes, those who lost their lives have been entered in the records, but the majority survived, no matter whether things went one way or the other-that's how it was for our our fathers. But the farmers and the townspeople, Erlend-the workers who often had to make payments to two masters many times in a single year, but who still had to rejoice each time a band of rebels raced through their villages without burning their farms or slaughtering their cattle-the peasants, who had to endure such intolerable burdens and attacks-I think fathers. But the farmers and the townspeople, Erlend-the workers who often had to make payments to two masters many times in a single year, but who still had to rejoice each time a band of rebels raced through their villages without burning their farms or slaughtering their cattle-the peasants, who had to endure such intolerable burdens and attacks-I think they they must thank G.o.d and Saint Olav for old King Haakon and King Magnus and his sons, who fortified the laws and secured the peace." must thank G.o.d and Saint Olav for old King Haakon and King Magnus and his sons, who fortified the laws and secured the peace."

"Yes, I can believe you would think that way." Erlend threw back his head. Lavrans sat and stared at the young man-Erlend was now fully alert. A flush had spread over his dark, fierce face, the sinews of his throat were arched taut in his slender, tan neck. Then Lavrans glanced at his daughter. Kristin had let her needlework sink to her lap, and she was intently following the men's conversation.

"Are you so sure that the farmers and common men think this way and are rejoicing over the new sovereign?" said Erlend. "It's true that they often had difficult times-back when kings and their rivals waged war throughout the land. I know they still remember the time when they had to flee to the mountains with their livestock and wives and children while their farms stood in flames down below in the valley. I've heard them talking about it. But I know they remember something else-that their own fathers were part of the hordes. We weren't alone in the battle for power, Erling. The sons of farmers were part of it too-and sometimes they even won our ancestral estates. When law rules the land, a b.a.s.t.a.r.d son from Skidan who doesn't know his own father's name cannot win a baron's widow and her estate, such as Reidar Darre did. His descendant was good enough to be betrothed to your daughter, Lavrans; and now he's married to your wife's niece, Erling! Now law and order rule-and I don't understand how it happens, but I do know that farmers' lands have fallen into our hands, and lawfully so. The more entrenched the law, the more quickly they lose their power and authority to take part in their own affairs or those of the realm. And that, Erling, is something that the farmers know too! Oh, no, don't be too certain, any of you, that the peasants aren't longing for the past when they might lose their farms by fire and force-but they could also win with weapons more than they can win with law."

Lavrans nodded. "There may be some truth in what Erlend says," he murmured.

But Erling Vidkunssn stood up. "I believe you're right; the peasants remember better the few men who rose up from meager circ.u.mstances to become lords-in the time of the sword-than the unspeakable numbers who perished in filthy poverty and wretchedness. And yet none was a sterner master to the commoners than they were. I think it was of them that the saying was first spoken: kinsmen behave worst toward their own. A man must be born to be a master, or he will turn out to be a harsh one. But if he has spent his childhood among servant men and women, then he will have an easier time understanding that without the commoners, we are in many ways helpless children all our days, and that for G.o.d's sake as well as our own, we ought to serve them in turn with our knowledge and protect them with our chivalry. Never has it been possible to sustain a kingdom without n.o.blemen who had the ability and the will to secure with their power the rights of those poorer than themselves."

"You could compete in sermonizing with my brother, Erling," said Erlend with a laugh. "But I think the people of Outer Trn-delag liked the gentry better back when we led their sons on military incursions, let our blood run and mingle with theirs across the planks, and split apart rings and divided up the booty with our serving men. Yes, as you can hear, Kristin, sometimes I sleep with one ear open when Sira Eiliv reads aloud from the great books."

"Property that is unlawfully won shall not be handed down to the third heir," said Lavrans Bjrgulfsn. "Haven't you ever heard that before, Erlend?"

"Of course I've heard that!" Erlend laughed loudly. "But I've never seen it happen."

Erling Vidkunssn said, "Things are such, Erlend, that few are born to rule, but everyone is born to serve; the proper way to rule is to be your servants' servant."

Erlend clasped his hands behind his neck and stretched, smiling. "I've never thought about that. And I don't think my leaseholders have any favors to thank me for. And yet, strange as it may seem, I think they're fond of me." He rubbed his cheek against Kristin's black kitten, which had jumped up onto his shoulder and was now walking around his neck, purring and with its back arched. "But my wife here-she is the most eager to serve of all women, although you wouldn't have reason to believe me, since the pitchers and mugs are now empty, my Kristin!"

Orm, who had been sitting quietly and listening to the men's conversation, stood up at once and left the room.

"Your wife grew so bored that she fell asleep," said Haftor, smiling. "And the blame is yours-you could have let me talk to her in peace-a man who knows how to speak to women."

"All this talk has no doubt gone on much too long for you, mistress," began Sir Erling contritely, but Kristin answered with a smile.

"It's true, sir, that I haven't understood everything that's been said here this evening, but I will remember it well, and I will have plenty of time to think about it later."

Orm came back with several maids who brought in more ale. The boy walked around, pouring for the men. Lavrans looked sorrowfully at the handsome child. He had tried to start up a conversation with Orm Erlendssn, but he was a taciturn boy, although he had a striking and n.o.ble bearing.

One of the maids whispered to Kristin that Naakkve was awake over in the little house and crying terribly. Kristin then bid the men good night and followed the maids out when they left.

The men started drinking again. Sir Erling and Lavrans exchanged occasional glances, and then the former said, "There is something, Erlend, that I meant to discuss with you. A campaign force will certainly be summoned from the countryside here around the fjord and from Mre. People to the north are afraid that the Russians will return this summer, stronger than before, and they won't be able to handle their defense alone. This is the first benefit for which we can thank the royal union with Sweden-but it wouldn't be right for the people of Haalogaland8 to profit from it alone. Now, things are such that Arne Gjavvaldssn is too old and sickly-so there has been talk of making you chieftain of the farmers' s.h.i.+ps from this side of the fjord. What would you think of that?" to profit from it alone. Now, things are such that Arne Gjavvaldssn is too old and sickly-so there has been talk of making you chieftain of the farmers' s.h.i.+ps from this side of the fjord. What would you think of that?"

Erlend pounded one fist into the palm of his other hand. His whole face glowed. "What I would think of it!"

"It's unlikely that a large contingent could be mustered," said Erling, admonis.h.i.+ngly. "But perhaps you should find out what the sheriffs think. You're well known in this area-there has been talk among the men on the council that you were perhaps the man who could do something about this matter. There are those who still remember that you won more than a little honor when you were a guardsman for Earl Jacob. I myself recall hearing him say to King Haakon that he had acted unwisely when he dealt so harshly with a capable young man. He said you were destined to be a support to your king."

Erlend snapped his fingers. "You're not thinking of becoming our king, Erling Vidkunssn! Is that what all of you are plotting?" he asked, laughing boisterously. "To make Erling king?"

Erling said impatiently, "No, Erlend. Can't you tell that now I was speaking in earnest?"

"G.o.d help me-were you joking before? I thought you were speaking in earnest all evening. All right then, let's speak seriously. Tell me about this matter, kinsman."

Kristin was asleep with the child at her breast when Erlend came into the little house. He stuck a pine branch into the embers of the hearth and then let it s.h.i.+ne on the two of them for a long time.

How beautiful she was. And he was a handsome child, their son. Kristin was always so sleepy in the evening now. As soon as she lay down and placed the boy close to her, they would both fall asleep. Erlend laughed a bit and tossed the twig back into the hearth. Slowly he undressed.

Northward in the spring with Margygren Margygren and three or four wars.h.i.+ps. Haftor Graut with three s.h.i.+ps from Haalogaland. But Haftor had no experience; Erlend would be able to command him as he liked. Yes, he realized that he would have to take charge himself because this Haftor did not look either fearful or indecisive. Erlend stretched and smiled in the dark. He was thinking of finding a crew for and three or four wars.h.i.+ps. Haftor Graut with three s.h.i.+ps from Haalogaland. But Haftor had no experience; Erlend would be able to command him as he liked. Yes, he realized that he would have to take charge himself because this Haftor did not look either fearful or indecisive. Erlend stretched and smiled in the dark. He was thinking of finding a crew for Margygren Margygren outside of Mre. But there were plenty of bold and hearty boys both here in the parish and in Birgsi-he would be able to choose from the finest of men. outside of Mre. But there were plenty of bold and hearty boys both here in the parish and in Birgsi-he would be able to choose from the finest of men.

He had been married little more than a year. Childbirth, penance, and fasting. And now the boy, always the boy, night and day. And yet . . . she was still the same sweet, young Kristin, whenever he could make her forget the priest's words and the greedy suckling child for a brief time.

He kissed her shoulder, but she didn't notice. Poor thing-he would let her sleep. He had so much to think about tonight. Erlend turned away from her and lay staring across the room at the tiny glowing dot in the hearth. He ought to get up and cover the ashes, but he didn't feel like it.

In bits and pieces, memories from his youth came back to him. A quivering s.h.i.+p's prow that paused a scant moment, waiting for the approaching swell; then the sea was.h.i.+ng over it. The mighty sound of the storm and the sea. The whole vessel shuddered under the press of the waves, the top of the mast cut a wild arc through the scudding clouds. It was somewhere off the coast of Halland. Overwhelmed, Erlend felt tears fill his eyes. He hadn't realized himself how much these years of idleness had tormented him.

The next morning Lavrans Bjrgulfsn and Sir Erling Vidkunssn were standing at the end of the courtyard, watching some of Erlend's horses that were running loose outside the fence.

"I think," said Lavrans, "that if Erlend is to come to this meeting, then he is of such high position and birth, being the kinsman of the king and his mother, that he must step forward to join the ranks of the foremost men. But I don't know, Sir Erling, whether you feel you can trust that his judgment in these matters won't lead him to the opposing side. If Ivar Ogmundssn attempts to make a countermove . . . Erlend is also strongly tied to the men who will follow Sir Ivar."

"I think it unlikely that Sir Ivar will do anything," said Erling Vidkunssn. "And Munan . . ." He gave a slight smile. "He's wise enough to stay away. He knows that otherwise it might become clear to everyone how much or how little influence Munan Baard-sn wields." They both laughed. "The truth is . . . Yes, no doubt you know better than I, Lavrans Lagmanssn,9 you who have your ancestors and kinsmen over there, that the Swedish n.o.bles are reluctant to consider our knighthood equal to their own. For that reason it's important that we exclude no man who is among the richest and most highborn. We cannot afford to let a man like Erlend win permission to stay at home, jesting with his wife and tending to his estates-in whatever manner he tends to them," he said when he saw Lavrans's expression. you who have your ancestors and kinsmen over there, that the Swedish n.o.bles are reluctant to consider our knighthood equal to their own. For that reason it's important that we exclude no man who is among the richest and most highborn. We cannot afford to let a man like Erlend win permission to stay at home, jesting with his wife and tending to his estates-in whatever manner he tends to them," he said when he saw Lavrans's expression.

A smile flickered across Lavrans's face.

"But if you think it unwise to pressure Erlend in order to make him join us, then I will not do so."

"I think, dear sir," said Lavrans, "that Erlend would do more good here in the villages. As you said yourself-we can expect that this war levy will be met with opposition in the districts south of Namdalseid, where the people feel they have nothing to fear from the Russians. It's possible that Erlend might be the man who could change people's minds about these matters in some way."

"He has such a cursed loose tongue," Sir Erling exclaimed.

Lavrans replied with a small smile. "Perhaps that's the language that will appeal more to people than . . . the speech of more in sightful men." Again they looked at each other and laughed. "However that may be, he could do more harm if he went to the meeting and spoke too loudly."

"Well, if you cannot restrain him, then . . ."

"No, I can do so only until he meets up with the kind of birds he's used to flying around with; my son-in-law and I are too unlike each other."

Erlend came over to them. "Have you benefited so much from the ma.s.s that you need no breakfast?"

"I haven't heard mention of breakfast-I'm as hungry as a wolf, and thirsty." Lavrans stroked a dirty-white horse that he had been examining. "Whoever the man is who tends to your horses, son-in-law, I would drive him off my estate before I sat down to eat, if he was my my servant." servant."

"I don't dare, because of Kristin," said Erlend. "He has gotten one of her maids with child."

"And do you deem it such a great achievement here in these parts," said Lavrans, raising his eyebrows, "that you now find him irreplaceable?"

"No, but you see," said Erlend, laughing, "Kristin and the priest want them to be married-and they want me to place the man in such a position that he'll be able to support the two of them. The girl refuses and her guardian refuses, and Tore himself is reluctant. But I'm not allowed to drive him off; she's afraid that then he would flee the village. But Ulf Haldorssn is his overseer, when he's home."

Erling Vidkunssn walked over toward Smid Gudleikssn. Lavrans said to his son-in-law, "It seems to me that Kristin is looking a little pale these days."

"I know. Can't you talk to her, Father-in-law?" Erlend said eagerly. "That boy is sucking the marrow out of her. I think she wants to keep him at her breast until the third fast, like some kind of pauper's wife."

"Yes, she is certainly fond of her son," said Lavrans with a slight smile.

"I know." Erlend shook his head. "They can sit there for three hours-Kristin and Sira Eiliv-talking about a rash he has here or there; and for every tooth he gets, they seem to think a great miracle has occurred. I've never heard otherwise but that all children get teeth. And it would be more wondrous if our Naakkve should have none."


ONE EVENING A year later, toward the end of the Christmas holidays, Kristin Lavransdatter and Orm Erlendssn arrived quite unexpectedly to visit Master Gunnulf at his residence in Nidaros.

The wind had raged and sleet had fallen all day long, since before noon, but now, late in the evening, the weather had grown worse until it was an actual snowstorm. The two visitors were completely covered in snow when they stepped into the room where the priest was sitting at the supper table with the rest of his household.

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Kristin Lavransdatter Part 36 summary

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