Kristin Lavransdatter Part 5

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Arne didn't move. He said, "Would you rather go into a convent then, as they've planned for Ulvhild, and be a maiden all your days?"

Kristin wrung her hands in her lap. She felt a strange, sweet trembling inside her-and with a sudden shudder she realized how sad it was for her little sister. And her eyes filled with tears of sorrow for Ulvhild's sake.

"Kristin," said Arne gently.

At that moment Ulvhild screamed loudly. Her crutch had lodged between some stones and she had fallen. Arne and Kristin ran over to her, and Arne lifted her into her sister's arms. She had cut her mouth and was bleeding badly.

Kristin sat down with her in the doorway to the smithy, and Arne brought water in a wooden bowl. Together they began to wash Ulvhild's face. She had also sc.r.a.ped the skin on her knees. Kristin bent tenderly over the small, thin legs.

Ulvhild's wailing soon stopped and she whimpered softly, the way children do who are used to suffering pain. Kristin pressed Ulvhild's head against her breast and rocked her gently.

Then the bell up in Olav's church began ringing for vespers.

Arne spoke to Kristin, but she sat there as if she neither heard nor sensed what he said as she bent over her sister. Then he grew frightened and asked her whether she thought the injuries were serious. Kristin shook her head but refused to look at him.

A little later she stood up and started walking toward the farm, carrying Ulvhild in her arms. Arne followed, silent and confused. Kristin looked so preoccupied that her face was completely rigid. As she walked, the bell continued to toll across the meadows and valley; it was still ringing as she went into the house.

She placed Ulvhild on the bed which the sisters had shared ever since Kristin had grown too old to sleep with her parents. Then she took off her own shoes and lay down next to the little one. She lay there and listened for the bell long after it had stopped ringing and the child was asleep.

It had occurred to her, as the bell began to peal, while she sat with Ulvhild's little bloodied face in her hands, that perhaps this was an omen for her. If she would take her sister's place-if she would promise herself to the service of G.o.d and the Virgin Mary-then maybe G.o.d would grant the child renewed vigor and good health.

Kristin remembered Brother Edvin saying that these days parents offered to G.o.d only the crippled and lame children or those for whom they could not arrange good marriages. She knew her parents were pious people, and yet she had never heard them say anything except that she would marry. But when they realized that Ulvhild would be ill all her days, they at once proposed that she should enter a convent.

But Kristin didn't want to do it; she resisted the idea that G.o.d would perform a miracle for Ulvhild if she became a nun. She clung to Sira Eirik's words that so few miracles occurred nowadays. And yet she had the feeling this evening that it was as Brother Edvin had said-that if someone had enough faith, then he could indeed work miracles. But she did not want that kind of faith; she did not love G.o.d and His Mother and the saints in that way. She would never love them in that way. She loved the world and longed for the world.

Kristin pressed her lips to Ulvhild's soft, silky hair. The child slept soundly, but the elder sister sat up, restless, and then lay down again. Her heart was bleeding with sorrow and shame, but she knew that she could not believe in miracles because she was unwilling to give up her inheritance of health and beauty and love.

Then she tried to console herself with the thought that her parents would never give her permission to do such a thing. Nor would they ever believe that it would do any good. She was already betrothed, after all, and they would undoubtedly be loath to lose Simon, whom they liked so much. She felt betrayed because they seemed to find this son-in-law so splendid. She suddenly thought with displeasure of Simon's round, red face and his small, laughing eyes, of his leaping gait-it occurred to her all of a sudden that he bounced like a ball-and of his teasing manner of speaking, which made her feel awkward and stupid. And it was not such a splendid thing, either, to be given to him and then move only as far as Formo. And yet she would rather have him than be sent to a convent. But what about the world beyond the mountains? The king's castle, and the counts and the knights that Fru Aas.h.i.+ld had talked about, a handsome man with melancholy eyes who would follow her in and out and never grow tired. . . . She remembered Arne on that summer day long ago when he lay on his side and slept with his s.h.i.+ny brown hair spread out on the heath-she had loved him as if he were her own brother back then. It wasn't proper for him to speak to her the way he had today, when he knew they could never have each other.

Word was sent from Laugarbru that her mother would stay there overnight. Kristin got up to undress and get ready for bed. She began to unlace her dress, but then she put her shoes back on, wrapped her cloak around her, and went out.

The night sky, bright and green, stretched above the mountain crests. It was almost time for the moon to rise, and at the spot where it waited below the ridge, small clouds drifted past, gleaming like silver underneath; the sky grew lighter and lighter, like metal gathering dew.

Kristin ran between the fences, across the road, and up the hill toward the church. It was asleep, black and locked, but she went over to the cross that stood nearby-a memorial to the time when Saint Olav once rested there as he was fleeing from his enemies.

Kristin knelt down on the stone and placed her folded hands on the base. "Holy Cross, the strongest of masts, the fairest of trees, the bridge for those who are ill to the fair of health . . ."

As she spoke the words of the prayer, she felt her yearning gradually spread like rings on water. The various thoughts that were making her uneasy were smoothed out, her mind grew calmer, more tender, and a gentle sorrow, empty of all thought, replaced her troubles.

She stayed there on her knees, aware of all the sounds of the night. The wind was sighing so oddly, the river was roaring beyond the groves on the other side of the church, and the stream was flowing nearby, right across the road-and everywhere, both close at hand and far away in the dark, her eyes and her ears caught hints of tiny rivulets of running and dripping water. The river flashed white down in the village. The moon glided up over a small gap in the mountains; stones and leaves wet with dew s.h.i.+mmered faintly, and the newly tarred timbers of the bell tower near the cemetery gate shone dull and dark. Then the moon vanished again where the ridge of the mountain rose higher. Many more gleaming white clouds appeared in the sky.

She heard a horse approaching at a slow pace higher up the road, and the sound of men's voices, speaking evenly and softly. Kristin was not afraid of people so close to home where she knew everyone; she felt quite safe.

Her father's dogs came rus.h.i.+ng toward her, turned around and bounded back to the grove, then turned again and raced back to her; then her father called a greeting as he emerged from among the birches. He was leading Guldsvein by the bridle; a bunch of birds dangled in front of the saddle, and Lavrans was carrying a hooded hawk on his left hand. He was in the company of a tall, hunchbacked man in monk's clothing, and before Kristin had even seen his face, she knew it was Brother Edvin. She went to greet them, and she couldn't have been more surprised than if she had dreamed it. She merely smiled when Lavrans asked her whether she recognized their guest.

Lavrans had met the monk up by Rost Bridge. Then he had persuaded him to come home with him and stay the night at the farm. But Brother Edvin insisted on being allowed to sleep in the cowshed: "For I've picked up so many lice that you can't have me lying in your good beds."

And no matter how much Lavrans begged and implored, the monk was adamant; at first he even wanted them to bring his food out into the courtyard. But finally they coaxed him inside the house, and Kristin put wood in the fireplace in the corner and set candles on the table, while a maid brought in food and drink.

The monk sat down on the beggar's bench near the door, but he would only take cold porridge and water for his evening meal. And he refused to accept Lavrans's offer to prepare a bath for him and to have his clothes washed.

Brother Edvin scratched and rubbed himself and his gaunt old face beamed with glee.

"No, no," he said. "The lice bite better at my proud hide than any scourges or the guardian's words. I spent this summer under an overhang up on the mountain. They had given me permission to go into the wilderness to fast and pray, and there I sat, thinking that I was as pure as a holy hermit, and the poor people over in Setna valley brought food up to me and thought they beheld a pious monk, living a pure life. 'Brother Edvin,' they said, 'if there were more monks like you, then we would soon mend our ways, but when we see priests and bishops and monks shoving and fighting like piglets at the trough . . .' Well, I told them that was not a Christian way to talk-but I liked hearing it all the same, and I sang and prayed so my voice resounded in the mountains. Now it will be to my benefit to feel how the lice are biting and fighting on my skin and to hear the good housewives, who want to keep their houses clean and neat, shouting that the filthy monkhide can just as well sleep in the barn during the summer. I'm heading north to Nidaros now, to celebrate Saint Olav's Day, and it will do me good to see that people aren't so keen to come near me."

Ulvhild woke up. Then Lavrans went over and lifted her up in his cape.

"Here is the child I told you about, dear Father. Place your hands on her and pray to G.o.d for her, the way you prayed for the boy up north in Meldal-we heard he regained his health."

The monk gently put his hand under Ulvhild's chin and looked into her eyes. Then he lifted one of her hands and kissed it.

"You should pray instead, you and your wife, Lavrans Bjrg ulfsn, that you will not be tempted to bend G.o.d's will with this child. Our Lord Jesus himself has set these small feet on a path so that she can walk safely toward the house of peace-I can see in your eyes, blessed Ulvhild, that you have your intercessors in that other house."

"I heard that the boy in Meldal got well," said Lavrans quietly.

"He was the only child of a poor widow, and there was no one to feed or clothe him when the mother pa.s.sed away, except the village. And yet the woman only asked that G.o.d give her a fearless heart so that she might have faith that He would let happen whatever was best for the boy. I did nothing more than pray alongside her."

"It's not easy for Ragnfrid and me to be content with that," said Lavrans gloomily. "Especially since she's so pretty and so good."

"Have you seen the child they have over in Lidstad, in the south of the valley?" asked the monk. "Would you rather your daughter were like that?"

Lavrans shuddered and pressed the child close.

"Don't you think," Brother Edvin went on, "that in G.o.d's eyes we are all like children for whom He has reason to grieve, crippled as we are by sin? And yet we don't think that things are the worst in the world for us."

He walked over to the painting of the Virgin Mary on the wall, and everyone knelt down as he said the evening prayer. They felt that Brother Edvin had offered them great comfort.

But after he had left the house to find his sleeping place, Astrid, who was in charge of all the maids, vigorously swept the floor everywhere the monk had stood and hastily threw the sweepings into the fire.

The next morning Kristin got up early, put some milk porridge and wheat cakes into a lovely red-flecked bowl made from birch roots-for she knew that the monk never touched meat-and took the food out to him. No one else in the house was awake yet.

Brother Edvin was standing on the ramp to the cowshed, ready to leave, with his staff and bag in hand. With a smile he thanked Kristin for her trouble and sat down in the gra.s.s and ate, while Kristin sat at his feet.

Her little white dog came running over to them, making the tiny bells on his collar ring. Kristin pulled the dog onto her lap, and Brother Edvin snapped his fingers, tossing little bits of wheat cake into the dog's mouth, as he praised the animal.

"It's the same breed that Queen Eufemia brought over to Norway," he said. "Everything is so splendid here at Jrundgaard now."

Kristin blushed with pleasure. She knew the dog was particularly fine, and she was proud to own him. No one else in the village had a pet dog. But she hadn't known that he was of the same type as the queen's pet dogs.

"Simon Andressn sent him to me," she said, hugging the dog as he licked her face. "His name is Kortelin."

She had planned to speak to the monk about her uneasiness and ask for his advice. But now she had no wish to spend any more time on her thoughts of the night before. Brother Edvin believed that G.o.d would do what was best for Ulvhild. And it was generous of Simon to send her such a gift even before their betrothal had been formally acknowledged. She refused to think about Arne-he had behaved badly toward her, she thought.

Brother Edvin picked up his staff and bag and asked Kristin to give his greetings to the others; he wouldn't wait for everyone to wake up, but would set off while the day was cool. She walked with him up past the church and a short way into the grove.

When they parted, he offered her G.o.d's peace and blessed her.

"Give me a few words, as you did for Ulvhild, dear Father," begged Kristin as she stood with her hand in his.

The monk poked his bare foot, knotty with rheumatism, in the wet gra.s.s.

"Then I would impress upon your heart, my daughter, that you should pay close attention to the way G.o.d tends to the welfare of the people here in the valley. Little rain falls, but He has given you water from the mountains, and the dew refreshes the meadows and fields each night. Thank G.o.d for the good gifts He has given you, and don't complain if you think you are lacking something else that you think would be beneficial. You have beautiful golden hair, so do not fret because it isn't curly. Haven't you heard about the woman who sat and wept because she had only a little sc.r.a.p of pork to give to her seven hungry children for Christmas dinner? Saint Olav came riding past at that very moment. Then he stretched out his hand over the meat and prayed to G.o.d to feed the poor urchins. But when the woman saw that a slaughtered pig lay on the table, she began to cry because she didn't have enough bowls and pots."

Kristin ran off toward home, and Kortelin danced around at her feet as he nipped at her clothing and barked, making all his tiny silver bells ring.


ARNE WAS HOME at Finsbrekken for the last time before he left for Hamar. His mother and sisters were outfitting him with clothes.

The day before he was supposed to ride south he went to Jrundgaard to say farewell. There he asked Kristin in a whisper whether she would meet him on the road south of Laugarbru on the following evening.

"I would like us to be alone, just the two of us, the last time we meet," he said. "Do you think that's too much to ask? We who have grown up together as brother and sister?" he added when Kristin hesitated a moment before replying.

Then she promised to come if she could slip away from home.

The next morning it snowed, but later in the day it began to rain and soon the roads and fields were nothing but gray mud. Wisps of fog hovered and drifted along the mountain ridges, occasionally dropping down and twining into white mist at the foot of the mountains, but then the weather closed in again.

Sira Eirik came over to help Lavrans put together several boxes of letters. They went into the hearth house because it was more comfortable there in that kind of weather than in the larger house where the fireplace filled the room with smoke. Ragnfrid was at Laugarbru, where Ramborg was recuperating from an illness and fever she had suffered earlier that fall.

So it was not difficult for Kristin to slip away from the farm unnoticed; she didn't dare take a horse, so she went on foot. The road was a mora.s.s of slushy snow and withered leaves; the air smelled mournfully raw and dead and moldy, and now and then a gust of wind would blow the rain right into her face. Kristin pulled her hood up over her head and held her cloak closed with both hands as she walked briskly onward. She was a little apprehensive-the clamor of the river sounded so m.u.f.fled in the oppressive air, and the clouds were black and ragged, drifting above the mountain crests. Occasionally she would stop and listen behind her, thinking that she might hear Arne.

After a while she became aware of a horse's hooves on the sodden road, and then she stopped, for she had reached a rather desolate spot and thought it would be a suitable place for them to say goodbye to each other undisturbed. A moment later she saw the rider appear behind her, and Arne jumped down from his horse, leading it forward as he walked toward her.

"It was good of you to come," he said, "in this awful weather."

"It's worse for you, who will have to ride such a long way. But why are you leaving so late in the evening?"

"Jon has invited me to stay at Loptsgaard tonight," said Arne. "And I thought it would be easier for you to come here at this time of day."

They stood in silence for a moment. Kristin thought she had never before realized how handsome Arne was. He wore a s.h.i.+ny steel helmet, and under it a brown woolen hood that framed his face and spread out over his shoulders; underneath, his thin face looked so bright and fair. His leather breastplate was old, flecked with rust, and scratched from the coat of mail that had been worn over it-Arne's father had given it to him-but it fit snugly on his slender, lithe, and strong body. He wore a sword at his side and carried a spear in his hand; his other weapons hung from his saddle. He was a full-grown man and looked imposing.

Kristin put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Do you remember, Arne, that you once asked me whether I thought you were as splendid a fellow as Simon Andressn? I want to tell you something now, before we part. You seem to me as much his superior in fair appearance and bearing as he is held above you in birth and wealth by people who value such things most."

"Why are you telling me this?" asked Arne breathlessly.

"Because Brother Edvin impressed on my heart that we should thank G.o.d for His good gifts and not be like the woman who wept because she had no bowls when Saint Olav multiplied the meat for her. So you shouldn't fret over the fact that He hasn't given you as much wealth as He has physical gifts. . . ."

"Is that what you meant?" said Arne. And when Kristin didn't reply he went on, "I was wondering whether you meant that you would rather have been married to me than to that other man."

"I probably would, at that," she said quietly. "For I know you much better."

Arne threw his arms around her so tight that he lifted her feet off the ground. He kissed her face many times, but then he set her down.

"G.o.d help us, Kristin. You're such a child!"

She stood there with her head bowed, but she kept her hands on his shoulders. He gripped her wrists and held them tight.

"I see now that you don't realize, my sweet, how my heart aches because I am going to lose you. Kristin, we've grown up together like two apples on a branch. I loved you before I began to realize that one day someone else would come and tear you away from me. As certain as G.o.d had to die for us all, I don't know how I can ever be happy again in this world after today."

Kristin wept bitterly and lifted her face so that he could kiss her.

"Don't talk like that, my Arne," she begged, patting his arm.

"Kristin," said Arne in a muted voice, taking her in his arms again. "Couldn't you consider asking your father . . . Lavrans is such a good man, he would never force you against your will. Couldn't you ask him to wait a few years? No one knows how my fortune may change-we're both so young."

"I must do what those at home want me to do," she sobbed.

Then tears overcame Arne too.

"You have no idea, Kristin, how much I love you." He hid his face on her shoulder. "If you did, and if you loved me too, then you would go to Lavrans and beg him sweetly-"

"I can't do that," sobbed the maiden. "I don't think I could ever love a man so dearly that I would go against my parents' will for his sake." She slipped her hands under Arne's hood and heavy steel helmet to find his face. "You mustn't cry like that, Arne, my dearest friend."

"I want you to have this," he said after a moment, giving her a small brooch. "And think of me now and then, for I will never forget you, or my sorrow."

It was almost completely dark by the time Kristin and Arne had said their last farewells. She stood and gazed after him when he finally rode away. A yellow light shone through the clouds, and the light was reflected in their footsteps, where they had walked and stood in the slush of the road; it looked so cold and bleak, she thought. She pulled out the linen cloth covering her bodice and wiped her tear-streaked face; then she turned around and set off for home.

She was wet and cold and she walked fast. After a while she heard someone approaching on the road behind her. She was a little frightened; it was possible that strangers might be traveling on this main road, even on an evening like this, and she had a lonely stretch ahead of her. Steep black scree rose up on one side, but on the other there was a sharp drop-off, covered with pine woods all the way down to the pale, leaden river at the bottom of the valley. So she was relieved when the person behind her called her name; she stopped and waited.

The person who approached was a tall, thin man wearing a dark surcoat with lighter colored sleeves. When he came closer, Kristin saw that he was dressed as a priest and carried an empty knapsack on his back. She now recognized Bentein Prestesn, as they called him-Sira Eirik's grandson. She noticed at once that he was quite drunk.

"Well, one departs and the other arrives," he said and laughed after they had greeted each other. "I met Arne from Brekken just now-and I see that you're walking along and crying. So how about giving me a little smile because I've come back home? The two of us have also been friends since childhood, haven't we?"

"It's a poor bargain to have you come back to the valley in his stead," said Kristin crossly. She had never liked Bentein. "Quite a few people will say the same, I'm afraid. And your grandfather was so happy that you were getting on so well down south in Oslo."

"Oh, yes," said Bentein with a snicker and a sneer. "So you think I was getting on well, do you? Like a pig in a wheat field, that's how it was for me, Kristin-and the end result was the same. I was chased off with a shout and a long stick. Well, well. He doesn't have much joy from his offspring, my grandfather. Why are you walking so fast?"

"I'm freezing," said Kristin curtly.

"No more than I am," said the priest. "The only clothing I have to wear is what you see. I had to sell my cape for food and ale in Lillehammer. But you must still have warmth in your body from saying farewell to Arne. I think you should let me come under your furs with you." And he seized hold of her cloak, threw it around his shoulders, and wrapped his wet arm around her waist.

Kristin was so startled by his boldness that it took a moment for her to regain her senses-then she tried to tear herself away, but he was holding on to her cloak and it was fastened with a st.u.r.dy silver clasp. Bentein put his arms around her again and tried to kiss her, shoving his mouth close to her chin. She tried to strike him, but he was gripping her upper arms.

"I think you've lost your mind," she seethed as she struggled against him. "How dare you manhandle me as if I were a . . . You're going to regret this bitterly tomorrow, you miserable wretch."

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Kristin Lavransdatter Part 5 summary

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