The Facts About Shakespeare Part 38

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Allen, C. Notes on the Bacon-Shakespeare question. Boston, 1900. An account of Shakespeare's legal phrases.

Bacon, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. 1857.

Bacon, Francis. Life and Letters. Ed. J. Spedding. 7 vols. 1861-1872.

Beeching, H. C. William Shakespeare: Player, Play maker and Poet. A reply to Mr. George Greenwood. 1908.

Bompas, G. C. The Problem of Shakespeare's Plays. 1902.

Booth, W. S. Some Acrostic Signatures of Francis Bacon. Boston, 1909.

Donnelly, I. The Great Cryptogram. 2 vols. Chicago, 1887.

Fiske, John. Forty Years of Bacon-Shakespeare Folly. Atlantic Monthly, 1897; reprinted in Century of Science, 1899.

Gallup, E. W. The Bi-literal Cypher of Francis Bacon.

Greenwood, G. G. The Shakespeare Problem restated. Lane, 1908.

---- In re Shakespeare Beeching _v._ Greenwood. Lane, 1909.

Lang, A. Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown. 1912.

Pott, Mrs. H. Did Francis Bacon write Shakespeare? Chicago, 1891.

Robertson, J. M. The Baconian heresy, 1913.

Wyman, W. H. Bibliography of the Shakespeare-Baconian controversy.

Cincinnati, 1884. Continued in Shakespeariana. Philadelphia.




The Shakespeare Allusion Books. Ed. J. Munro. 2 vols. This reprints references to Shakespeare before 1700.

Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. D. Nichol Smith. Glasgow.

Contains Rowe's, Pope's, Theobald's, Johnson's prefaces, Farmer's essay on Shakespeare's learning, Morgann's essay on Falstaff, etc.

Shakespearian Wars. T. R. Lounsbury. i. Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, ii. Shakespeare and Voltaire. 2 vols. Yale Univ., 1901.

First Editors of Shakespeare or The Text of Shakespeare (Pope and Theobald). T. R. Lounsbury. 1906.

Shakespeare en France sous l'ancien regime. J. J. Jusserand. Paris.

1898. Eng. trans. London, 1899.

Considerable matter in the following volumes from the Clarendon Press bears on the early criticism of Shakespeare: Elizabethan Critical Essays, ed. Gregory Smith, 2 vols.; Seventeenth Century Critical Essays, ed. J. E. Spingarn, 3 vols.; Dryden's Essays, ed. W. P. Ker, 2 vols.


Baker, G. P. The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist. Macmillan, 1907.

Boas, F. S. Shakespeare and his Predecessors. 1895.

Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy. Macmillan, 1904.

---- Oxford Lectures on Poetry. Macmillan, 1909.

Brandes, G. William Shakespeare. Copenhagen, 1896. Eng. trans. 2 vols., 1898.

Coleridge, S. T. Notes and Lectures on Shakespeare, etc. 2 vols. 1849.

Reprinted in Everyman's Library, the New Universal Library, and Bohn's Library.

Collins, J. C. Studies in Shakespeare. 1904.

Dowden, E. Shakspeare: His Mind and Art. 1874.

---- A Shakspere Primer. 1877.

---- Introduction to Shakespeare. 1893.

Elze, K. William Shakespeare. Halle, 1876. Eng. trans., 1888.

Goethe. Wilhelm Meister, book IV, chaps. 13-16, contains an a.n.a.lysis of Hamlet.

---- Wahrheit und Dichtung, and Eckermann's Reports of Goethe's conversations contain references. An essay "Shakespeare und kein Ende"

appears in his collected works.

Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakespeare's plays, 1817. Reprinted in Everyman's Library, New Universal Library, Bohn's Library.

Heine, Heinrich. Shakespeare's Maidens and Women, in Works. Eng. trans.

Heinemann, 1851.

Jameson, Mrs. Shakespeare's Heroines. Temple Cla.s.sics.

Kreyssig, F. S. T. Vorlesungen uber Shakespeare. 2 vols. 3d ed. Berlin, 1876.

Lamb, Charles. On Some of the Old Actors (Essays of Elia). Reprinted in Everyman's Library.

---- On the Tragedies of Shakespeare (Misc. essays). Reprinted in Temple Cla.s.sics.

Lee, Sidney. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage. 1906.

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