The Plants of Michigan Part 29

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9b. Leaves smooth beneath; filaments smooth, inserted at the middle of the perianth tube (5-15 dm. high) =Great Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum commutatum.=

10a. Leaves distinctly clasping the stem; flowers greenish-white =Twisted-stalk, Streptopus amplexifolius.=

10b. Leaves closely sessile; flowers reddish to purple --11.

11a. Rootstock short and thick; berries spherical =Twisted-stalk, Streptopus roseus.=

11b. Rootstock long and slender; berries 3-angled =Twisted-stalk, Streptopus longipes.=

12a. Perianth-segments 5-12 cm. long --13.

12b. Perianth-segments shorter than 5 cm. --19.

13a. Leaves all or chiefly basal, stem-leaves bract-like or none --14.

13b. Leaves chiefly or entirely on the stem --15.

14a. Leaves numerous, linear or sword-shape (flowers orange, summer) =Day Lily, Hemerocallis fulva.=

14b. Leaves a single pair, oblong or lanceolate --21.

15a. Leaves a single whorl of 3 (Wake Robin, Trillium) --22.

15b. Leaves numerous (6-12 dm. high; flowers yellow, orange, or red, in summer) (Lily) --16.

16a. Flowers erect --17.

16b. Flowers nodding --18.

17a. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, 6-15 mm. wide, mostly whorled =Wood Lily, Lilium philadelphic.u.m.=

17b. Leaves linear, 5 mm. wide or less, almost all alternate =Wood Lily, Lilium philadelphic.u.m var. andinum.=

18a. Perianth-segments strongly revolute =Turk's-cap Lily, Lilium superb.u.m.=

18b. Perianth-segments half-recurved =Yellow Lily, Lilium canadense.=

19a. Flower solitary --20.

19b. Flowers in cl.u.s.ters, not solitary --31.

20a. Stem with a single pair of basal leaves (Dog's-tooth Violet) --21.

20b. Stem with a single whorl of 3 leaves (1-3 dm. high; spring) (Wake Robin, Trillium) --22.

20c. Stem leafy (Bellwort) --29.

21a. Perianth yellow =Dog's-tooth Violet, Erythronium americanum.=

21b. Perianth white, bluish, or pinkish =Dog's-tooth Violet, Erythronium albidum.=

22a. Flower sessile, red or brown --23.

22b. Flower peduncled, white or pink, rarely red --24.

23a. Leaves sessile, sepals spreading =Wake Robin, Trillium sessile.=

23b. Leaves short-petioled, sepals reflexed =Wake Robin, Trillium recurvatum.=

24a. Ovary with 6 distinct wing-like angles --25.

24b. Ovary obtusely 3-angled or lobed --28.

25a. Stamens distinctly longer than the pistil --26.

25b. Stamens equaling or shorter than the pistil --27.

26a. Stigmas erect or nearly so, slender =Wake Robin, Trillium grandiflorum.=

26b. Stigmas strongly recurved or spreading =Wake Robin, Trillium er.e.c.t.u.m.=

27a. Filaments about as long as the anthers =Wake Robin, Trillium cernuum.=

27b. Filaments half as long as the anthers or shorter =Wake Robin, Trillium declinatum.=

28a. Leaves obtuse; petals obtuse, white =Dwarf White Trillium, Trillium nivale.=

28b. Leaves ac.u.minate; petals acute, purple-striped at base =Painted Trillium, Trillium undulatum.=

29a. Leaves sessile (3-6 dm. high; flowers yellow, spring) =Bellwort, Oakesia sessilifolia.=

29b. Leaves perfoliate (4-6 dm. high; flowers yellow, in spring) --30.

30a. Leaves minutely p.u.b.escent beneath =Bellwort, Uvularia grandiflora.=

30b. Leaves glabrous and all glaucous =Bellwort, Uvularia perfoliata.=

31a. Stem bearing 2 whorls of 3-9 leaves (3-6 dm. high; flowers pale yellow, early summer) =Indian Cuc.u.mber-root, Medeola virginiana.=

31b. Stem-leaves not whorled, or all leaves basal --32.

32a. Flowers in umbels --33.

32b. Flowers in racemes or panicles --38.

33a. Plant with the odor of onions or garlic (leaves all or chiefly basal; flower-stalks 2-8 dm. high, late spring or summer) --34.

33b. Plant not with the odor of onions (leaves basal; flower-stalks 2-3 dm. high, with an umbel of 3-6 greenish-yellow flowers in late spring) =Clintonia, Clintonia borealis.=

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The Plants of Michigan Part 29 summary

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