Chasing Silver Part 20

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"Yeah. Gabriel de los Rios. He's been working in and out of Los Angeles for several years now. He's ... ruthless. So, you know, don't ever do that again."

He was so serious about his warning, she couldn't help but smile. "Or what?" Remy taunted. Leaning down, she skimmed along his jaw until her mouth hovered at his ear. "Are you going to spank me?"

"Yes. At the very least. My G.o.d, Remy, you almost..."

"But I didn't." Her tongue darted out, and the salt of his skin made her mouth p.r.i.c.kle for more. "I'm still here."

"I know," Nathan sighed. He tilted his head, a subtle invitation for her to continue. "But why would you do that? Why would you agree to be bait? You should have ... you shouldn't have..."

Remy closed her eyes as she licked a trail back to his mouth. "You haven't figured it out by now?" She kissed him again, this time tracing the seam of his lips with the tip of her tongue. "I'd do anything for you."

Nathan moaned beneath her lips before returning the kiss, but this time he wouldn't let the caress remain superficial. He kissed her hungrily, almost at a complete disregard for his own comfort.

"You know what the worst part was?" he asked once they broke apart.

She opened her eyes to see his intent on hers. A thousand possibilities tumbled through her head, each one a repeat of what had terrified her in his absence. "What?"

"The coin. When I thought you were going to use that G.o.dd.a.m.ned coin." Nathan shook his head. "It was a brilliant move, don't get me wrong. But knowing I could lose you forever, and it would be for the best..."

"It was never going to happen. But there was no way Gabriel would've known that."

"You had an excellent poker face." Nathan paused, looking at her thoughtfully. "We should set up a card game with Isaac. He'd never know to call your bluff."

She chuckled. There was something thrilling in his presumption about her place in his life, including her in future plans with Isaac. It made Remy even that much surer about what she had chosen.

"You're not mad I gave it up?"

"Gave up the coin?" Nathan shook his head. "I don't care. Obviously, it's a powerful artifact now in the hands of a very dangerous man, and maybe I should care, but I just don't."

"Good. Me neither."

She kissed him again, taking his earlier lead and deepening it with the first hungry press of her lips. The hand at her neck tightened, fingers lost in her heavy hair, and Remy slid hers down his shoulder, along his arm, down to his hand. When he winced, she jerked away.

"What is it?" Her eyes jumped over his covered body. "What did I hurt?"

Nathan held up his bandaged hand. "It's a good thing I'm not left-handed. I burned myself when I took the coin to the bank."

"On what?"

"I burned myself on the coin. I have no idea how it happened. It just got hot while I was holding it." Nathan smiled ruefully. "Which, of course, is how Kirsten knew I had the coin somewhere in my possession. That was great."

Gingerly, Remy sat back, picking up his injured hand and holding it in both of hers. "I don't remember it getting hot." Fear lanced through her, and her eyes leapt to his. "It wasn't doing something crazy like ... sending you to DC or something like that, was it?"

"No, I never left the bank. I wasn't even thinking about anything specific at the time. Maybe it didn't want to be locked away. I don't know. And why would I wish to be sent somewhere else?"

It was genuine confusion in his eyes, as if she'd made the most insane suggestion in the world. Remy was about to backtrack and try to get away from the awkward moment when she remembered what he had said earlier.

"Why would my leaving have been for the best?" His bewilderment didn't dissipate, so she elaborated. "The worst part. About using the coin? You said losing me forever would be for the best."

"Well, it was the best of the two options. I'd rather lose you forever, watch you slip into another time, than see you get shot. The Silver Maiden is meant to take you to safety, if we understand it correctly, and I could live with that. But I couldn't ... I couldn't see you..." He caressed the side of her face, his fingers light against her cheek. "I love you."

She stared at him, stunned. Everything in her ground to a halt, all except for the sudden racing of her heart. "What?"

Nathan offered a self-conscious, half-smile. "I'd rather you not die because I love you."

"That's ... what I thought you said."

I love you. When was the last time someone had said those words to her? Had When was the last time someone had said those words to her? Had anybody anybody ever said them to her and ever said them to her and meant meant them? Because she had no doubt Nathan did. It was in the blue fire of his eyes, in the possessive stroke of his fingers. It had been in the grim determination when he had threatened Gabriel. She saw it now in the nervous smile curving his mouth. them? Because she had no doubt Nathan did. It was in the blue fire of his eyes, in the possessive stroke of his fingers. It had been in the grim determination when he had threatened Gabriel. She saw it now in the nervous smile curving his mouth.

As many times as she had made her own confessions, frightened of his response, there had always been his concurrence, his I know that made it easier to believe she wasn't crazy for feeling like she did. Now here he was making his own confession. It was terrifying to consider, but there was no way Remy was going to deny it. This was her permission to unlock the stronghold she'd placed her own emotions in.

Her hand was trembling when she reached up to touch his face. "Do you know why my threat wasn't going to work?" She didn't wait for a response. "Because I lied to him. I would've died without blinking if it meant you would be safe. Because I love you, too."

Nathan's smile changed from hesitant to glowing. "Do I need to remind you we only just met?"

The sudden exhalation of breath came out as the laugh she intended. "You're the one who said it first. So if Isaac or anybody gives us s.h.i.+t about this being too fast, I'll make sure he knows that." Her face softened, and her thumb brushed over his mouth. "Not that it matters. Not really. Being with you has always felt like being home."

Nathan's fingers were all over her face, his eyes searching hers. "It hasn't even been a week," he murmured. Something seemed to occur to him, and he frowned. "Though speaking of home, I wish I had something more to offer you."

Remy smiled. "Do I get you?"

Nathan traced the outline of her lips. "Yes."

"Then that's all that matters to me."

She leaned down and captured his mouth again, allowing the tide of emotions swelling inside her to rise and crash into the simple kiss. Not even a week. It was inconceivable. Then again, so was the idea of her being here in the first place, so maybe not so insane after all. It wasn't about time. It was about what was right.

"I love you," she said again when they parted. "You should probably get used to hearing it."

"No," Nathan shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing that." He pulled her closer, but winced as she brushed against his chest. "I wish we weren't having this conversation in a hospital room."

"Docs say you can go home tomorrow if you make it through the night okay." Remy carefully stretched alongside him, heedful of his injuries. "We can always have a repeat of this conversation then."

Nathan caressed her arm, his knuckles brus.h.i.+ng against the side of her breast. "We might need to. The drugs are making me a little fuzzy."

Snaking her hand beneath the blanket, she found the line of his half-hard c.o.c.k and stroked it with a single finger. "Doesn't feel so fuzzy to me."

"Don't do that," Nathan moaned, but the protest sounded weak, and he didn't attempt to push her hand away.

"You say that a lot." He was hardening beneath her touch, and she let her finger drift to the sensitive head of his c.o.c.k and trace around the ridge. "I can be gentle, you know. Scout's honor."

"I believe you," Nathan sighed, reaching beneath the blanket to grip her wrist. The material s.h.i.+fted as he pulled her hand away, exposing the top of his chest. "But I don't think I can be, and then I'll pop a few st.i.tches, and they won't let me leave."

She had only been teasing, but the visible proof of his injuries, the small irregular slashes dotting his chest, kept Remy from pus.h.i.+ng. Her heart was pounding as she propped herself up, pulling free from his grip to skim her fingertips over the worst of the injuries.

"You're going to have more scars, and all because of me."

"No, Remy. It's not your fault. h.e.l.l, you probably saved my life. Cesar and Tian had orders not to kill me until I turned you over. Do you think they would have hesitated otherwise?" Nathan looked down, watching her trace the marks. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have let them grab me."

She lifted her eyes to his, serious as the memories of that morning washed over her. "Will you promise me one thing?"

"Okay, but just one thing."

Her lips twitched but she refused to give in to his good humor yet. "Don't lie to me again. You could've told me what you were doing with the coin. I know you were doing it to protect me, but if I'd been with you instead of at the grocery store-"

Nathan held up his hand. "If you had been with me, then maybe Cesar would have ignored me in favor of carving you. Gabriel didn't just send one or two people. They cornered me with at least four cars, and they were all full of armed thugs." He kissed her forehead. "If you had been with me, we could still be trapped in that house, or worse."

Remy didn't believe she couldn't have made a difference, but she decided to let it go for now. The important thing was that he was safe, she was free, and the future was theirs.

Nothing else mattered.


Remy's eyes widened as the waitress set a ma.s.sive platter of ribs in front of her, and another platter with all the sides she ordered. Nathan smiled as the shock on her face turned to hunger. The greedy hunger was mirrored on Isaac's face as a second waitress brought his food. They dug in without hesitation, their fingers and mouths soon covered in sticky red sauce.

Nathan picked at his own food, taking the time to b.u.t.ter his roll and cut into his steaming baked potato. Isaac tossed a bone to the side of his plate without thought and dug in for the next one. Nathan liked the Barn well enough, but he never understood the gusto Isaac exhibited every time they ate there. He always behaved as though it was his last chance to eat ribs ... or anything at all, for that matter. Remy looked to have the same fear.

"You have to try this," she said around a mouthful of spiced apples. She scooped a spoon into the dish, then slipped it past his lips and the hot cinnamon liqueur coated his tongue. "The only thing that would make this better is if I was eating it off you."

Isaac grimaced. "Whoa, whoa, back it up." He waved a bone in Remy's direction, the sauce still clinging to his fingertips. "Remember the conversation in the car about appropriate subjects to talk about over dinner? Any reminder Nathan is getting some while I am not is at the top of that list."

Nathan swallowed the apple before smirking. "I'll ask the waitress to bring us another order to go." He cut into his steak and chewed it thoroughly while Isaac looked at him with exasperation. "What?"

He shook his head before tossing the bone aside and tearing another from the slab in front of him. "I take you to the best rib place in a hundred mile radius, and you order a steak." Abruptly, Isaac picked up a knife and jabbed at Nathan's meal. "It's not even b.l.o.o.d.y! Who orders a ribeye that isn't rare?"

Nathan hit his hand away. "After thirty-five years, I thought I was capable of choosing my own food. But I guess not. Would you like to order for me next time?"

"If you're going to order like an idiot, yes."

Nathan cut another measured piece and chewed it with exaggerated care. "You know what makes this steak so delicious? The fact you're paying." He sipped from his beer and turned to Remy. "Are you enjoying your dinner?"

He almost jumped when he felt her small foot in his lap, though from the zest with which she was attacking her food, he was sure Isaac had no clue what she was doing under the table. "Food this good makes a girl hungry for even more."

"Hey!" Isaac said with a good-natured smile. "The list, remember?"

Remy's eyes were large and innocent as she turned them to Isaac, but her toes were most definitely not, curling over Nathan's growing erection. "What? Did I say it was Nathan I'd be jumping?"

"Watch it," Nathan warned, his voice light. "I'm the jealous sort."

He tried to catch Remy's eye, but she was pointedly not looking at him. If she didn't stop, he might have to carry her out of the restaurant over his shoulder. The past week had been excruciating, and not just because of his healing st.i.tches. The fear of opening his cuts had been a serious one and had put a serious damper on their activities.

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Like she even knows the rest of the world exists when you're in the room. It's almost enough to make a guy lose his appet.i.te." He licked spare sauce from his finger. "Almost."

"Let's make a toast." Her foot stopped against his c.o.c.k and Nathan looked up from his plate to see Remy holding up her bottle of beer. "To Nate's clean bill of health. May I spend the rest of the night figuring out just how healthy he is."

"Cheers!" Nathan tapped his bottle against hers, his smile matching hers. She slid her foot along his inner thigh, a wicked gleam in her eye. Isaac rolled his eyes and shoved another rib in his mouth. "I'd like to make a toast, too. To Isaac's long-suffering patience."

"I'm just glad you're around to try my patience." They tapped the lips of their bottles together. "Even if you do order like an idiot."

Nathan motioned at the waitress as she pa.s.sed. "Can we get a couple of to-go containers? Thanks."

"You're leaving already?"

"I'm eager to see how healthy I am," Nathan explained. "Unless Remy wants to stay for dessert?"

She shook her head, an emphatic no.

Ten minutes later, they left Isaac to finish his apple cobbler. Nathan carried the boxes in one hand, the other pressed against Remy's back. Her warm skin and the brush of her hair against his knuckles was almost more than he could stand. His apartment was only eight miles away, but it might as well have been on the other side of the city. By the time they reached the Mustang, he knew Remy sensed the tension in his body.

As he unlocked her door, she slithered between him and the car, running her fingers along his waistband. "He's going to make us pay for ditching him, you know."

"Yes, I'm sure I'll have to hear about it until the day I die." He pinned her against the car with his body, tilting his head to kiss her full lips. "It's worth it, though."

With the last of his st.i.tches removed earlier that day, it was a welcome relief to feel Remy slipping her arms around his shoulders, clinging to him almost precariously as her mouth opened to his. "This has been the longest week in recorded history," she murmured. "Not getting to touch you whenever I want, however I want, has been awful."

"The universe has got to keep balance somehow." Nathan lowered his head to kiss her again, but the heat from the boxes burned his arm, distracting him. Grimacing, he reached behind her and pulled open the door, eager to get on the road. "The week hasn't been so awful. The other night was nice."

She slid into her seat, but not before he caught the satisfied smile on her face. "There's that word again," Remy teased as she took the food from his arms. Her fingers stroked his. "But yeah, it was."

Nathan hated breaking physical contact with her-no matter how slight-but since the burn on his palm was still healing, he needed both hands to drive. He was able to focus until they reached the Ten and she slid across the seat, closing the distance between them. She pressed her chest against his arm, her head resting on his shoulder. Her fingers danced across his chest, light enough she didn't aggravate his sensitive skin.

"It's hard for me to drive while you're doing that."

Her hand drifted downward, outlining his erection through his pants. "What about when I do this instead?"

Nathan figured they were about five miles from home. Only five minutes away from the apartment, if the traffic and lights went their way. He would just have to push her away for a few minutes- He didn't even try to push her away. Instead, he bit his tongue and kept his eyes glued to the road as she smoothed her palm over his c.o.c.k.

"Have you missed me?" Her breath was hot against his neck, and he s.h.i.+vered when her tongue snaked out to run along his jaw. "I've missed you. Missed how hard you pound into me, how tight you hold me against you." She turned her hand near the base of his c.o.c.k so that her fingernails dug into his inner thigh. "Will you do that for me tonight? I'll even ... beg for it if you want."

"Remy..." Nathan knew if she kept that up, he'd be begging her. It was on the tip of his tongue to plead with her right then, but he didn't know what he wanted. Did he need her to stop? Continue? The large sign over the freeway promised his exit was only another mile and a half away. "I did promise to make you beg, didn't I?"

"You did." She was nibbling on his neck now, tiny bites leading straight to his ear. "Will you wait until I'm on my knees? I can't beg you with my mouth full, you know. Or maybe that's what you want." When she dragged her palm back up his c.o.c.k this time, Remy let her nails against his covered b.a.l.l.s. "Maybe you want me sucking instead of f.u.c.king. G.o.d, do you know how much I love the way you taste?"

Nathan moaned in frustration as the traffic seemed to close around him. Jerking the car over to the right lane, he took the next exit without thought, knowing he needed to get off the freeway. He couldn't sustain speeds of over seventy-five miles and imagine Remy on her knees in front of him at the same time.

"Both," he managed. "I'm greedy."

Her low chuckle went straight to his c.o.c.k. "That's my Nate," she murmured. "Always wanting more."

"It's not my fault you're irresistible," Nathan countered. He turned down his block with a sigh of relief. The torment was going to end, one way or the other. "We're not going to make it upstairs. I thought I'd give you fair warning now."

She must have exhausted all her words. Remy's response was a fresh attack along his neck, teeth and tongue and warm breath rasping along every inch of exposed skin she could reach. As she began to pull at his c.o.c.k, his knuckles turned bone-white around the steering wheel, his concentration slipping with every roll of the tires. He had to get the car parked. It was his mantra until he finally came to a stop.

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Chasing Silver Part 20 summary

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