Chasing Silver Part 21

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As soon as he turned off the engine, he was moving to capture her mouth. Her hands were everywhere, threading through his hair, along the sides of his face, down his shoulders. He moved his fingers up her thigh, dipping beneath the black skirt to find the edge of her briefs. Her mouth was hot and demanding against his, the kiss almost punis.h.i.+ng. They both pressed for more as their hands moved in quick, graceless gestures.

Nathan lowered her to the seat once her briefs were discarded, unmindful of the possible witnesses that could stroll through the parking lot. He only had one thought, and she seemed to share his single need, her body arching as he positioned himself between her thighs. Bracing himself with one hand on the back of the seat, Nathan kissed her, catching her moan of satisfaction as he pushed the head of his c.o.c.k into her waiting body.

Her heels pressed into his a.s.s, pus.h.i.+ng his trousers down further around his hips as he thrust almost violently into her searing heat. One arm bent over her head to brace herself against the car door, while the other raked nails over his back, scratching even through the thin cotton of his s.h.i.+rt. Nathan growled in the back of his throat at the unexpected sting.

"f.u.c.k, I love this," Remy panted. Her skin was already growing slick from the force of his strokes, and her eyes were wide, riveted on him, when he pulled away from her swollen mouth. "Love you."

She told him all the time, as though the words tasted novel and sweet in her mouth. She told him before they fell asleep at night, told him when he stepped out of the shower, mentioned it over lunch, and in pa.s.sing whenever the mood struck her. But it didn't matter how many times he heard it. It always sent a warm thrill through his body, always took him a little bit by surprise. And if he ever doubted her, ever let the past's demons sneak into his mind, all he had to do was look in her eyes. She couldn't hide the truth in her brown depths, couldn't fake the emotions, the adoration, he saw there.

And it was just as thrilling to return the words. Just as thrilling to know she was as hungry to hear them as he was delighted to say them. "Love you, too." His lips fell on her face, her flushed skin hot against his mouth. "Love everything about you."

He wouldn't have thought it possible, but Remy ignited beneath him, her lush body meeting him thrust for thrust, his name and more filling her every breath. It didn't surprise him when she came, when the cries tore from the slim column of her throat, when her tight pa.s.sage quivered and clenched around his c.o.c.k. It only surprised him he hadn't come first.

A shudder wracked Nathan's body as he found the release he needed. He continued rocking his hips slowly after first wave of pleasure made his muscles convulse, trying to milk the moment for as long as possible. She buried her fingers in his hair, forcing his mouth to hers once more, her tongue moving languidly between his lips. Nathan finally stopped, but didn't pull away from her."What happened to begging?"

"That comes later. When I have the patience."

He felt her smile rather than saw it. "I get the feeling it's going to be a long time before that ever happens."

"Maybe a few days. A month, tops." He licked her neck. "Let me get you upstairs so we can start working on it."

It took all her willpower not to jump him again before they reached his apartment. The doctors had been suitably severe about Nathan taking it easy until the last of his st.i.tches were removed, and now that he'd been cleared of the worst of his injuries, all Remy wanted was to feel her against him. Without worry, without heed, with only their skin separating them. While the past week had been restful, long hours spent lying next to each other and talking, she was ready for time not so low-key. She wanted more than her fingertips as her only exploration. By his reaction in the car, so did Nathan.

She nestled into his side as he unlocked the door, her hand flat on his stomach, her nose buried against his chest. The fresh smell of him always made her mouth p.r.i.c.kle, and Remy had to tamp down the urge not to rip his s.h.i.+rt from him then and there. Inside, she reminded herself. Just a few more feet.

Nathan slammed the door behind them with surprising force. He flashed a sheepish smile as the walls shook, then took her by the shoulders and kissed her again. He kissed her as though it had been days since their last contact, not mere minutes. As though her thighs weren't still slick from their coupling. Nathan began walking without breaking the kiss, pus.h.i.+ng her backwards to the hall. Somehow, he managed to keep his feet from tangling with hers as he guided her to the bedroom.

Remy kept her back to the door as he fumbled around her to open it. Nothing was going to disturb the seal of their mouths, it would seem, not the hindrance of a k.n.o.b he couldn't find or their slight stumble over the threshold when he did. She reached past him and flicked the switch, flooding the bedroom in light.

Nathan broke the kiss, gasped for air, and lowered his head again, but he paused as his eyes flickered over her shoulder. He remained frozen for a moment before straightening, his gaze moving from the bed, to her, and back to the bed. "It's ... new?"

She couldn't hold back her smile of delight. It had taken a bit of finagling, and promises from Isaac to keep Nathan out all day so it could be delivered, and she had had to dip into the money they had put into the bank from the sale of her coins, but in the end, Remy was more than pleased with the result. Gone was Nathan's old full-size bed, with its saggy spring in the middle and the aged headboard. In its place was a king-sized four-poster, with the softest of comforters she had been able to find.

"Do you like it?" She went over to the bed, climbing on to jump up and down near its foot. "And look! No squeaking!"

"No squeaking," Nathan repeated under his breath, gliding his fingers along the comforter. He circled it once, tracing the edge as he walked. She couldn't read his face, and she couldn't tell if he was about to smile or about to yell at her for presuming she had the right to make major purchases and replace his furniture. Nathan moved to stand in front of her, wrapping his hands around her waist. "But what did you need with such a big bed?"

Dropping to her knees, Remy rested her arms on his shoulders. "We were always so crowded on your bed. This gives us room to move around, so if you get hot in the middle of the night, you can just kick me over to the other side. And it wasn't that much more expensive than the queen, so I thought..."

Her voice trailed off. She was no longer certain this had been the best idea. All she had wanted was to get Nathan something special, but she hadn't wanted it to be frivolous. This had seemed like the perfect compromise.

"Isaac said you would like it," she finished lamely.

Well..." Nathan pushed her lightly, forcing her to lie back on the bed. He crawled onto the mattress, bracing himself on his hands and knees above her, and looking surprised at the way the bed moved beneath him. "Isaac was right." He bounced, testing the springs. "Wow, this is a nice mattress."

Relief suffused through her as she watched his curiosity manifest with more experimental bounces. "We can always exchange the headboard if you don't like it." She stretched to reach the smooth pedestal, curling her hand around it to stroke the soft wood. "I liked the way this one felt. It felt English to me."

Nathan chuckled, his eyes dancing. "The bed felt English to you?" He took her hand, moving it against his chest and to the outline of his semi-erect c.o.c.k. "What about this?"

Her fears about the gift fled in the face of the much more pleasant reality of his ready body. "I dunno," she said in mock seriousness. She slid down between his legs, working at the b.u.t.ton and zipper of his pants until his c.o.c.k sprang free. "I think this requires further testing."

Remy didn't give him time to argue, leaning up to run the flat of her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Nathan groaned, his hand leaving hers to tangle in her hair, and his c.o.c.k jumped in her grip, stiffening further with her attention. She didn't disappoint him. Angling it away from his body, she directed the length to her wet mouth, sucking the sensitive head past her lips.

Nathan indicated his pleasure with a long sigh as he s.h.i.+fted his weight forward, letting the length of his shaft slide between her lips and along her tongue. His breath was ragged, as though her mouth had been an unexpected, but not unwelcome, shock to his system. Her name fell from his lips as he began rocking his hips.

He tasted of his come and her juices and smelled of heaven, every soft stroke into her mouth probing a little further. Remy's hand slipped down the back of his pants to cup his a.s.s, guiding him even more firmly, and she pushed past the fabric in front to fondle the heavy sac of his b.a.l.l.s, almost chuckling as his groans turned into growls. There was the one spot, velvety smooth, right behind the sac, that always garnered one of the strongest responses from him, and she deliberately let her fingers stretch in order to find it.

Nathan buckled as she found the bit of skin she was looking for, his chest hitching above her as she began to ma.s.sage his sensitive skin with the pad of her finger. He was always so responsive when she caressed him, his muscles always jerking and dancing beneath her touch. Now was no exception, and as she guided him forward, she could feel the tension in his body s.h.i.+ft, hear the difference in his breathing.

"Remy, I'm going to..."

If she hadn't had her mouth full, she would have smiled and told him that was the whole point. Instead, she tightened her grip on his muscular a.s.s and pulled him closer, swallowing so her throat opened and the head of his c.o.c.k slipped inside.

Nathan cried out as the first of his come splashed down her throat, and Remy pulled away just enough to catch the rest on her waiting tongue. She swallowed convulsively, unwilling to lose even a single, salty drop, and savored the quivering of his muscles as his body trembled above her. This was one of her favorite parts. It never ceased to amaze her how he reacted to her touch.

He pulled away from her, collapsing on his side with a soft sigh. Nathan watched her with half-closed eyes, but he didn't move or speak for a moment. Finally, he propped himself up on his elbow and offered a wicked grin. "Undress for me."

Licking her lips, Remy slid the rest of the way off the bed. "You get bossy after you come." Deliberately, she turned around and pulled her hair away, exposing the simple back of the dress. "And you know I can't get out of this thing by myself."

"Oh, right. It hooks." Nathan eased the hook out of its eyelet, then slid the zipper down. She expected him to pause, to be distracted by the sudden exposure of her back. The very warmth of her skin always seemed to distract him, but he made short work of the zipper and pulled away.

She made a show of turning to face him again, the black fabric hanging loose around her body. As she lifted a hand and leisurely pulled a strap off her shoulder, exposing the lacy cup of her bra, she asked, "Why do you ask me to wear this dress so often if you just want to get me out of it?"

Nathan smiled. "Because you look stunning in that dress. But you look better out of it."

The second strap came down at the same relaxed pace.

Her nipples were already hard, but under his hungry scrutiny, Remy felt the need to play, cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and running her thumbs across the sensitive tips. "So I get to be naked and you get to lie there with all your clothes still on. Hardly seems fair to me."

Nathan absently began unb.u.t.toning his s.h.i.+rt, his gaze drawn to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "You're not naked yet."

"Not yet," she agreed.

Sliding her hands down her hips, she pushed the dress off the rest of the way, letting it fall to a black pool at her feet before stepping out of it. Nathan's eyes followed her hands back up as they returned to her bra, this time playing with the clasp between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"What's in it for me once I've done as you said?" Remy asked.

"You'll make me very happy. Isn't that enough?" Nathan teased, shrugging his s.h.i.+rt off and exposing his nearly healed chest. He looked down with a wry smile. "Unfortunately, even with the st.i.tches gone, I'm still rather ... unattractive."

"Impossible." Ignoring the rest of his directive, she stepped back to the bed, crawling up to stretch out next to him. Pus.h.i.+ng him onto his back, Remy began trailing her tongue around his scars, winding from one side of his chest to the other, circling a nipple and then up to his neck. His hands came to her waist, guiding her atop him, and she more than gladly complied, throwing her leg over until she straddled his waist.

"I love these scars." Carefully, she licked across a tender spot on his shoulder. "I love this one..." Her mouth descended to another near the hollow of his throat. "...and this one..." She felt her breath reflect off his heated skin and warm her cheeks as she s.h.i.+fted to a mark on the opposite side. "...and this one."

When she pushed up, she knew she was glowing, but d.a.m.n it, this was their first real night together, post-confessions about their feelings, post-worries about his health. Everything he did testified that he felt the same way, from the casual brushes across her cheek when her hair would fall across it, to the possessive touch of his hand whenever it seemed she was stepping beyond arms reach. He said it, too, made the same admissions he'd made in the hospital, over and over as if it still took him by surprise. The last thing she would ever do was deny what he meant to her.

Nathan smiled at her, mollified for now. "That's good, because I love you and you're stuck with me. Deformities and all."

Remy squirmed against his hips. "But they're such nice deformities," she purred. She bent to kiss him, her hair tumbling over her shoulder, when a m.u.f.fled ring came from his pants. Both of them stiffened as her eyes flew to his. "You're not going to answer that, are you?"

Nathan sighed. "It's Isaac." Remy looked at him, unimpressed with his rationale. "Despite everything, he's not just ringing now to be a p.r.i.c.k. It's important." He smiled apologetically and brought the phone up to his ear.

She rolled off, stretching back along his side as he answered the call. Though the glance he shot her was sympathetic, he greeted with Isaac with his usual politeness, prompting her to call out, "You have lousy timing, Ike!"

"He says he knows." Nathan's smile changed, his face growing serious. "When did this happen? Well, why didn't they call sooner?" He swung his legs off the side of the bed, reaching for a pen and paper. "Blah blah blah, Isaac. What's his name?" He scribbled his notes. "Probably ... no ... yes, I'm aware of that." Reaching for the s.h.i.+rt he discarded, he smirked into the phone, "Yes, mother. I'll be sure to call. Yeah. Bye."

The fact that he was slipping his s.h.i.+rt back on even before he'd disconnected the call meant Remy didn't have to ask, but that didn't stop her from doing it anyway. "A job?"

"Yes. Fairly straightforward. It'll just take a few hours to find the guy and haul him back. Isaac gave me express instructions not to let you help." Nathan smiled. "So wear something more sensible than the black dress, yeah?"

She had been prepared to argue with him about letting her go, so the simple declaration about what to wear left her speechless. Only for a moment, though. In the next, she was vaulting toward him, arms around his shoulders, mouth hard and hungry on his, before scrambling away to get her clothes.

"Don't discount the power of the dress," she said, grabbing a pair of jeans. "Flash a bit of leg, show some cleavage, most guys turn into idiots."

"Just most?" Nathan asked, slipping his shoulder holster on. "Or are you being modest?"

She grinned. "I'd say modest, but then you broke that theory, didn't you?"

Nathan spared her one more smile before s.h.i.+fting, and she could see he was all business. "You're my back-up. That means you leave the work to me and just make sure n.o.body shoots at my a.s.s. Right?"

"n.o.body gets your a.s.s but me. Got it." She was dressed in record time, ready even before he'd finished preparing his weapons. As Remy followed him out of the bedroom, she asked, "So when do I get my own gun?"


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Chasing Silver Part 21 summary

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