Michelangelo Part 4

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Marcellus II., 1550-1555.

Paul IV., 1555-1555.

Pius IV., 1555-1559.

Pius V., 1559-1566.


Boiardo, 1434-1494, poet (Orlando Innamorato).

Ariosto, 1474-1533, poet (Orlando Furioso).

Aretino (Venetian) 1492-1557, poet.

Frances...o...b..rni, 1496-1535, burlesque poet.

Bandello, 1480-1562, _novelliero_.

Sannazaro, 1458-1530, poet (Arcadia).

Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527, author of The Prince.

Gucciardini, 1483-1540, historian., 1544-1595, poet (Gerusalemme Liberata).

_Group centring about Lorenzo the Magnificent in Florence._

Cristoforo Landino, 1424-1504, tutor of Lorenzo, and professor of Latin Literature.

Bartolommeo Scala, 1430-1497, chancellor of Florence.

Luigi Pulci, 1431-1487, writer of burlesque epic Il Morgante Maggiore, and intimate friend of Lorenzo and Poliziano.

Marsilio Ficino, 1433-1499, president of Academy in 1463, translator of Plato and Plotinus.

Angelo Poliziano, 1454-1494, tutor of Lorenzo's children, and professor of Greek and Latin Literature in University of Florence.

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 1463-1494, published 900 theses at Rome in defence of Platonic mysticism.

_Group in Rome_:--

Pietro Bembo, 1470-1547, made cardinal in 1539, master of Latin style and also writer in Italian.

Jacopo Sadoleto, 1477-1547, made cardinal in 1536, writer of Latin verses, moral treatises, and commentary on Romans.

Egidio Canisio, 1470-1532, made cardinal in 1457, Latin orator and writer on philosophy, history, and theology.

Paolo Giovio, 1483-1552, bishop of Nocera 1528, historian and biographer.

Balda.s.sare Castiglione, 1478-1529, diplomatist and scholar.

Gian Francesco Pico della Mirandola, 1470-1533, author of life of Savonarola.

Jerome Aleander, 1480-1542, made cardinal in 1536, librarian at Vatican.

Marcus Musurus, 1470-1517, lecturer in Gymnasium Caballini Montis.

Joannes Lascaris, 1445-1535, superintendent of Greek press established in Rome by Leo X.

Riario, Giulio de' Medici, Bibbiena, Petrucci, Farnese, Alidosi, Gonzaga, cardinals and patrons of literature.


Ghirlandajo, 1449-1495? Florentine Verrocchio, 1435-1488 "

Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 "

Bartolommeo, 1475-1517 "

Francesco Granacci, 1477-1543 (friend of Michelangelo) "

Giuliano Bugiardini, 1475-1554 (friend of Michelangelo) "

Raphael, 1483-1520 "

Andrea del Sarto, 1486-1531 "

Sebastiano del Piombo, 1485-1547 "

Giorgio Vasari, 1512-1574 "

Giovanni Bellini, 1428-1516 Venetian Giorgione, 1477-1510 "

t.i.tian, 1477-1576 "

Tintoretto, 1518-1594 "

Paolo Veronese, 1528-1588 "

Perugino, 1446-1523 Umbrian Bazzi, 1477-1549 Sienese Balda.s.sare Peruzzi, 1481-1536 (also architect) "

Domenico Beccafumi, 1486-1551 "

Mantegna, 1431-1506 Mantuan Francia, 1450-1518 Bolognese Correggio, 1494-1534 Emilian


Savonarola, 1452-1498, prior of monastery of S. Marco, Florence, preacher, reformer, martyr.

Marc' Antonio, 1487-1539, engraver.

Bramante, 1444-1514, architect of St. Peter's.

Antonio da San Gallo, 1485-1546, architect of St. Peter's.

Christopher Columbus, 1436 or 1446-1506, discoverer.

Aldo Manuzio (Teobaldo Mannucci), 1450-1515, printer, established press at Venice 1490.

Vittoria Colonna, 1490-1547, poet.

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Michelangelo Part 4 summary

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