A School History of the Great War Part 15

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_Mar. 10 Announcement that American troops are occupying trenches at four different points on French front._

_Mar. 11 First wholly American raid, made in sector north of Toul, meets with success._

Mar. 11 Great German air raid on Paris, by more than fifty planes.

Mar. 13 German troops occupy Odessa on Black Sea.

Mar. 21- First German drive of the year, on 50-mile front, extending Apr. 1 to Montdidier (page 143).

Apr. 9-18 Second German drive, on a 30-mile front between Ypres and Arras.

May 6 Roumania signs peace treaty with the Central Powers.

May 7 Nicaragua declares war on Germany and her allies.

May 9-10 British naval force attempts to block Ostend harbor.

May 14 Caucasus proclaims itself an independent state; but the Turks overrun the southern part, and take Baku Sept. 19.

May 21 British transport "Moldavia" is sunk _with loss of 53 American soldiers._

_May 24 Major General March appointed Chief of Staff with the rank of General._

May 24 Costa Rica declares war on the Central Powers.

_May 25- German submarines appear off American coast and sink 19 June coastwise vessels, including Porto Rico liner "Carolina"

with loss of 16 lives._

May 27- Third German drive, capturing the Chemin des Dames and June 1 reaching the Marne River east of Chateau-Thierry. _American Marines aid French at Chateau-Thierry._

_May 28 American forces near Montdidier capture Tillage of Cantigny and hold it against numerous counter-attacks._

_May 31 U.S. transport "President Lincoln" sunk by U-boat while on her way to the United States; 23 lives lost_.

June 9-16 Fourth German drive, on 20-mile front east of Montdidier, makes only small gains.

June 10 Italian naval forces sink one Austrian dreadnaught and damage another in the Adriatic.

_June 11 American Marines take Belleau Wood, with 800 prisoners._

June 14 Turkish troops occupy Tabriz, Persia.

_June 15 General March announces that there are 800,000 American troops in France._

June 15- Austrian offensive against Italy fails with heavy losses.

July 6

_June 21 Official statement that American forces hold 39 miles of French front in six sectors._

June 27 British hospital s.h.i.+p "Llandovery Castle" is torpedoed off Irish coast with loss of 234 lives. Only 24 survived.

July 10 Italians and French take Berat in Albania.

July 13 Czecho-Slovak troops occupy Irkutsk in Siberia.

_July 15-18 Anglo-American forces occupy strategic positions on the Murman Coast in northwestern Russia._

July 15-18 Fifth German drive extends three miles south of the Marne, but east of Rheims makes no gain.

July 16 Ex-Czar Nicholas executed by Bolshevik authorities.

July 18- Second battle of the Marne, beginning with Foch's Aug. 4 counter-offensive between Soissons and Chateau-Thierry. French _and Americans_ drive the Germans back from the Marne nearly to the Aisne.

July 22 Honduras declares war on Germany.

_July 27 American troops arrive on the Italian front._

_July 31 President Wilson takes over telegraph and telephone systems._

Aug. 2 Allies occupy Archangel, in northern Russia.

Aug. 8- Allies attack successfully near Montdidier, and continue the Sept. drive until the Germans are back at the Hindenburg line, giving up practically all the ground they had gained this year.

_Aug. 15 American troops land in eastern Siberia._

_Sept. 3 The United States recognizes the Czecho-Slovak government._

_Sept. 12-13 Americans take the St. Mihiel salient near Metz._

Sept. 15 Allied army under Gen. D'Esperey begins campaign against Bulgarians.

_Sept. 16 President Wilson receives an Austrian proposal for a peace conference, and refuses it._

Sept. 22 Great victory of British and Arabs over Turks in Palestine.

_Sept. 26 Americans begin a drive in the Meuse valley._

Sept. 30 Bulgaria withdraws from the war.

Oct. 1 St. Quentin (on the Hindenburg line) taken by the French.

Oct. 1 Damascus captured by the British.

Oct. 3 King Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdicates.

Oct. 3 Lens taken by the British.

_Oct. 4 Germany asks President Wilson for an armistice and peace negotiations_ (page 150); _other notes Oct. 12, 20, etc.; similar notes from Austria-Hungary Oct. 7, and from Turkey Oct. 12. Wilson's replies Oct. 8, 14, 18, 23._

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A School History of the Great War Part 15 summary

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