A School History of the Great War Part 14

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July 1 Russian army led in person by Kerensky, the Minister of War, begins an offensive in Galicia, ending in disastrous retreat (July 19-Aug. 3).

July 20 Kerensky succeeds Prince Lvov as premier of Russia.

July 30 Mutiny in German fleet at Wilhelmshaven and Kiel. Second mutiny Sept. 2.

July 31- Battle of Flanders (Pa.s.schendaele Ridge); British successes.


Aug. 15 Peace proposals of Pope Benedict published (dated Aug. 1).

_United States replies Aug. 27;_ Germany and Austria, Sept. 21.

Aug. 15 Canadians capture Hill 70, dominating Lens.

Aug. 19-24 New Italian drive on the Isonzo front.

Aug. 20-24 French attacks at Verdun recapture high ground lost in 1916.

Sept. 3 Riga captured by Germans.

_Sept. 8 Luxburg dispatches ("Spurlos versenkt") published by United States._

Sept. 15 Russia proclaimed a republic.

Oct. 17 Russians defeated in a naval engagement in the Gulf of Riga.

Oct. 14.- Great German-Austrian invasion of Italy. Italian line s.h.i.+fted Dec to Piave River.

Oct. 26 Brazil declares war on Germany.

Nov. 2 Germans retreat from the Chemin des Dames, in France.

_Nov. 3 First clash of American with German soldiers._

Nov. 7 Overthrow of Kerensky and Provisional Government of Russia by the Bolsheviki.

Nov. 13 Clemenceau succeeds Ribot as French premier.

Nov. 20- Battle of Cambrai (page 119).

Dec. 13

Nov. 29 First plenary session of the Interallied Conference in Paris. Sixteen nations represented. _Col. E.M. House, chairman of American delegation._

Dec. 3 Conquest of German East Africa completed.

_Dec. 6 U.S. destroyer "Jacob Jones" sunk by submarine, with loss of over 60 American men._

Dec. 6 Explosion on munitions vessel wrecks Halifax.

_Dec. 7 United States declares war on Austria-Hungary._

Dec. 10 Jerusalem captured by British.

Dec. 23 Peace negotiations opened at Brest-Litovsk between Bolshevik government and Central Powers.

_Dec. 28 President Wilson takes over the control of railroads._


Jan. 4 British hospital s.h.i.+p "Rewa" torpedoed and sunk in English Channel.

_Jan. 8 President Wilson sets forth peace program of the United States._

Jan. 18 Russian Const.i.tuent a.s.sembly meets in Petrograd.

Jan. 19 The Bolsheviki dissolve the Russian a.s.sembly.

Jan. 28 Revolution begins in Finland; fighting between "White Guards"

and "Red Guards."

Jan. 28-29 Big German air raid on London.

Jan. 30 German air raid on Paris.

_Feb. 3 American troops officially announced to be on the Lorraine front near Toul._

Feb. 5 British transport "Tuscania" with 2,179 American troops on board torpedoed and sunk; _211 American soldiers lost_.

Feb. 9 Ukrainia makes peace with Germany.

Feb. 10 The Bolsheviki order demobilization of the Russian army.

Feb. 14 Bolo Pasha condemned for treason against France; executed April 16.

Feb. 17 Cossack General Kaledines commits suicide. Collapse of Cossack revolt against the Bolsheviki.

Feb. 18- Russo-German armistice declared at an end by Germany; Mar. 3 war resumed. Germans occupy Dvinsk, Minsk, and other cities.

Feb. 21 German troops land in Finland.

Feb. 23 Turkish troops drive back the Russians in the northeast (Trebizond taken Feb. 26, Erzerum March 14).

Mar. 2 German and Ukrainian troops defeat the Bolsheviki near Kief in Ukrainia.

Mar. 3 Bolsheviki sign peace treaty with Germany at Brest-Litovsk.

Ratified by Soviet Congress at Moscow March 15.

Mar. 7 Finland and Germany sign a treaty of peace.

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A School History of the Great War Part 14 summary

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