A School History of the Great War Part 13

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_Apr. 18 United States note declaring that she will sever diplomatic relations unless Germany abandons present methods of submarine warfare._

Apr. 24- Insurrection in Ireland.

May 1

Apr. 29 Gen. Townshend surrenders at Kut-el-Amara.

_May 4 Germany's conditional pledge not to sink merchant s.h.i.+ps without warning_ (page 116).

May 14- Great Austrian attack on the Italians through the Trentino.

June 3

May 19 Russians join British on the Tigris.

May 24 Conscription bill becomes a law in Great Britain.

May 31 Naval battle off Jutland, in North Sea.

June 4-30 Russian offensive in Galicia and Bukowina.

June 5 Lord Kitchener drowned.

July 1- Battle of the Somme (page 108).

Nov. 17

July 27 Germans execute Captain Fryatt, an Englishman, for having defended his merchant s.h.i.+p by ramming the German submarine that was about to attack it.

Aug. 9 Italians capture Gorizia.

Aug. 27 Italy declares war on Germany.

Aug. 27- Roumania enters war on the side of the Allies, and most of Jan. 15 the country is overrun. (Fall of Bucharest, Dec. 6.)

_Oct. 7 German submarine appears off American coast_ and sinks British pa.s.senger steamer "Stephano" (Oct. 8).

Nov. 19 Monastir retaken by Allies (chiefly Serbians).

_Nov. 29 United States protests against Belgian deportations._

Dec. 6 Lloyd George succeeds Asquith as British prime minister.

Dec. 12 German peace offer. Refused (Dec. 30) as "empty and insincere."

_Dec. 18 President Wilson's peace note._ Germany replies evasively (Dec. 26). Entente Allies' reply (Jan. 10) demands "restorations, reparation, indemnities."


Jan. 10 The Allied governments state their terms of peace.

Jan. 31 Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare in specified zones.

_Feb. 3 United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany._

Feb. 24 Kut-el-Amara taken by British under Gen. Maude.

_Feb. 26 President Wilson asks authority to arm merchant s.h.i.+ps._

_Feb. 28 "Zimmermann note" published._

Mar. 11 Bagdad captured by British under Gen. Maude.

Mar. 11-15 Revolution in Russia, leading to abdication of Czar Nicholas II (Mar. 15). Provisional Government formed by Const.i.tutional Democrats under Prince Lvov.

_Mar. 12 United States announces that an armed guard will be placed on all American merchant vessels sailing through the war zone._

Mar. 17-19 Retirement of Germans to the "Hindenburg line" (page 118).

_Mar. 24 Minister Brand Whitlock and American Relief Commission withdrawn from Belgium._

_Apr. 2 President Wilson asks Congress to declare the existence of a state of war with Germany._

_Apr. 6 United States declares war on Germany._

_Apr. 8 Austria-Hungary severs diplomatic relations with the United States._

Apr. 9- British successes in battle of Arras (Vimy Ridge taken May 14 Apr. 9).

Apr. 16- French successes in battle of the Aisne between Soissons and May 6 Rheims.

_Apr. 21 Turkey severs relations with United States._

_May 4 American destroyers begin cooperation with British navy in war zone._

May 15- Great Italian offensive on Isonzo front.

Sept. 15

May 15 Gen. Petain succeeds Gen. Nivelle as commander in chief of the French armies.

_May 18 President Wilson signs selective service act._

June 7 British blow up Messines Ridge, south of Ypres, and capture 7,500 German prisoners.

June 10 Italian offensive in Trentino.

June 12 King Constantine of Greece forced to abdicate.

_June 26 First American troops reach France._

June 29 Greece enters war against Germany and her allies.

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A School History of the Great War Part 13 summary

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