White Calculation Chapter 18

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Chapter 17 - Teaching Xiaoli

The sky had turned completely dark with thick clouds covering the sky and not a single star could be seen tonight.

As the young Lord Guos.h.i.+ walked slowly along the long verandah, all along the way, the hazy light from the lanterns fell on his face that was void of expression.

He walked to the small Zhu Xing Courtyard and stopped in front of the entrance.  When he raised his head to look up at the sky, all he could see was only deep darkness.

From the heart of the Great Ye Kingdom's destined guardian, a strange and inexplicable feeling that he had never felt before floated up.

He reached out and pushed the door opened.  The person inside did not notice his appearance but the pigeon that was as fat as a chicken and kept in a cage hanging under the beams of the verandah flapped its wings and made sounds of 'ji-ji ku-ku'.

Ji Xiaoli ran out while holding some pigeon food in her hands and dragged on her words as she said.  "Xiao Bai, are you hungry again?"

As soon as she skipped over the threshold, she saw her s.h.i.+fu standing in the courtyard.  The little girl jumped with fright and she retreated two steps.  Eyeing him with vigilance, her face was full of anger but she did not dare to say anything.

In his heart, Chen Yubai clearly understood and could not help but sneer.  "It is only but a small wound.  Why make a big fuss?"

The little girl who received the small cut said with anger.  "A fairy can't be injured!  Shedding of blood will damage the fundamental spirit!  Isn't s.h.i.+fu also a fairy?  Don't tell me s.h.i.+fu doesn't even know this?!"

Chen Yubai's eyebrows lifted slightly.  "If you put it like this, don't tell me you have never been injured or bled before?"

"Oh…….when I was young it happened once.  Then later, Sister Qin Sang gave me celestial pills.  If I bleed, I have to take one and my vitality will increase greatly!"

"Nonsense!  How can there be such celestial pills?"  Chen Yubai faintly provoked her.

"Who said there aren't?!"  As expected, the young girl became agitated and anxiously tried to stand up for Qin Sang.  "Every month Elder Sister Qin Sang will give me a celestial pill!  My life span will lengthen and my body will be as light as a swallow!"

Chen Yubai responded.  "Oh?  How is that possible?"

Ji Xiaoli thought hard for a while and then said loudly.  "Twice she came a bit late and was unable to give me the celestial pill in time, so I fell sick!  I lay in bed feeling hot and uncomfortable…….later when she arrived, she gave me a celestial pill, and instantly, I felt fine again!  Therefore, I must take the celestial pill so that I won't fall sick!"

She was very determined and strongly wanted him to believe.  Chen Yubai quietly looked at her anxious expression and did not know how to question her any further, so he turned his head away to avoid her eyes.

The light from inside the house behind the little girl shone on him.  When the girl looked at the man in the light, suddenly her eyes brightened up and her expression changed to a happy look.

"You changed?  Um…….you look good!"

Just at this time, Chen Yubai who was unable to understand the odd feeling in his heart was surprised by her show of happiness.  Then he remembered that he was wearing the robe that she had personally sewn for him.

He did not know what to say and he lowered his eyes as an answer.

Ji Xiaoli thought her s.h.i.+fu had specifically come wearing this robe to apologize.  After all, her s.h.i.+fu is a shy person.

Immediately, she forgave him and said happily.  "s.h.i.+fu looks good wearing this embroidery pattern………I saw Elder Sister Qin Sang's sleeves were embroidered with this pattern and she looked very good wearing it, so I also embroidered the same for s.h.i.+fu!"

The corners of Chen Yubai's mouth twitched.  The image of Emissary Qian Mi, the devastating beauty which could cause the downfall of a country flashed in front of his eyes and he really wanted to shatter his body into pieces instantly.

"Shut up!"  In a low voice, he interrupted her endless praises.  "Ji Xiaoli, I want to ask you a few questions.  You have to answer me honestly.  If you lie to me…….."  He paused and raised his eyes…….then he saw the pill cauldron that was billowing with smoke in the room behind her.  He only flicked his fingers lightly and suddenly two sounds of 'hong' came from the cauldron.  The white smoke that was billowing from the cauldron then turned purple!

"I can poison you by just simply mixing something into your medicine and no one will know."  Lord Guos.h.i.+ said coldly.

Ji Xiaoli turned to look at her cauldron in horror and then turned back again to nod her head desperately.

"Has anyone ever told you where you came from?"  Chen Yubai asked her.

"From……I was picked up from the mountain……"  Ji Xiaoli replied with fear and trepidation.  "Mother said……..I was given to her by Guanyin Niang Niang* but I know she was trying to make me feel happy.  I was actually picked up from the roadside!"

(Guangyin Niang Niang is the G.o.ddess of Mercy.)

"Who told you this?"

"The momos in Princess Niang Niang's courtyard told me!  They said that when I was born, I was……an idiot……my biological parents did not want me so they threw me away."  As she spoke her head gradually lowered and after a while, she raised her head again.  In her eyes, there was helplessness and confusion.  "But I have seen the babies that were just born.  The little ones would sleep all the time and it is impossible to see whether the child is an idiot or not!"

The light from the room lighted up a patch of the ground just outside the door.  She was standing in the middle of this patch of light as she looked at him.  Her facial features were not clear and only her eyes were s.h.i.+ning brightly like stars.

"Is that right, s.h.i.+fu?"

Chen Yubai tightened his lips and slowly nodded.

The young girl who received an affirmation felt very happy.  She came down the steps to stand in front of him and looked up at him with a happy smile.

"So the reason my parents did not want me is not that I am an idiot!  Elder Sister Qin Sang told me that my parents were unable to take care of me as they were going to Heaven, so they gave me to w.a.n.gfei Niang Niang to take care of me.  They knew that w.a.n.gfei Niang Niang is a good person, so they left me by the roadside for her to pick me up!"

"Um……"  She smiled happily and being so close, her smile looked dazzling.  Chen Yubai could not help but close his eyes and said.  "She is right."

Qin Sang is meticulous and secretive, and this girl is……

Chen Yubai knew that even if he continued to question her, he would not get anything from her.  Everything that should be asked, he had already asked.  So he raised his hand and said.  "Alright, I have finished.  Go and rest."

Ji Xiaoli turned to take a look at the pill cauldron which was still billowing with purple smoke and asked cautiously.  "I didn't tell lies…….you won't poison me, right?"

Just now he had only flicked two strands of her hair into that cauldron just to frighten her.  Where did the poison come from?

Feeling the situation was a bit funny Chen Yubai let out a humph as a reply and put on a stiff expression.  He turned around to leave and then unable to control himself, he called out to her.

"Ji Xiaoli……."

"Ah?"  The little girl who had just reached the top of the steps turned around and stood on the spot.

"Why are you so eager to learn divine cultivation recently?"

Actually, why did she have this obsessive desire for divine cultivation to become a fairy?  He had wanted to ask her since very early.  In this world, he had seen many people looking for fame and wealth and some people desire longevity without growing old.  But those are the people who are afraid of losing in life.  But she……she is at this young age and also without having to worry about food and clothing……what is the reason?  Even when he treated her so harshly, why did she still stubbornly endured to become a fairy?

In the gentle night breeze, the little girl stood on the steps with a smile that looked a little foolish.  "I want to see my parents.  I have not seen them before.  Elder Sister Qin Sang said that my mother was very beautiful and my father was very good at martial arts……  I want to see them and I also want to let them have a look at me……."

The night was without stars and it was covered in a thick layer of darkness.  In the small courtyard that was lighted up, the innocent little girl told him her wish and the black-robed Lord Guos.h.i.+ stood in the dark shadows looking at her from a distance.

Suddenly, he felt that he should teach her something.  Of course, it is impossible to become a fairy by cultivation but it can still be used for self-defense in the future.

He turned around to walk out and at the same time, he ordered her coldly.  "Change the name of your pigeon."

"Why?"  Ji Xiaoli asked in puzzlement.  "Doesn't the name 'Xiao Bai' sound good?"

(Chen Yubai's name also has the character 'Bai' and some elders like to call the younger generation affectionately by adding the character 'Xiao' which means 'Little' in front of the given name.  In other words, Chen Yubai can also be called Xiaobai, and the little dog of Princess Yanyang is also called Xiaobai.)

"Don't talk any more nonsense!  If you still dare to call it by that name, I will poison you!"

"……I will change!  What shall I change it to?"


The corner of the black ice silk robe flashed past the door of the courtyard and the man was already gone after leaving behind a word coldly.

Ji Xiaoli stood there in a daze for a long time.  Then she turned her head around and walked silently to the pigeon cage.  She fed the pigeon with the food in her hand and with an expression of sympathy, she sighed.  "Here, eat this……Idiot……."

The pigeon that was as fat as a chicken turned its head away with integrity.


The next day, Xiao Tian came to Zhu Xing Courtyard to relay a message to Ji Xiaoli…….. Her break would be changed to once every forty days.

Ji Xiaoli was shocked and went to Guan Xing Pavilion to look for her s.h.i.+fu to ask him the reason for the change.

"What have you learned after following s.h.i.+fu for so long?  The whole day you only know to harp on divine cultivation."  Lord Guos.h.i.+ said coldly with a frown.  "You have accomplished nothing.  Do you still have face to ask for a break every ten days?"

Ji Xiaoli felt his words made sense.  Her s.h.i.+fu had also said that he would start to teach her today, so she accepted in high spirits.

However, on the other side of the residence, the Ji Family exploded.

As soon as Ji Bei received the news from the Guos.h.i.+ Residence, he grabbed his big sword and jumped on his horse.  With a murderous aura, he rushed into the 10-li forest, and Ji Xi who was unable to stop him chased after Ji Bei with a dark expression.  When Ji Nan saw the unfavorable situation, he also chased behind them.  As a result, the Ji Family's three brothers……were trapped in the 10-li formation.

When the old Housekeeper came to report the news, Chen Yubai was teaching Xiaoli qinggong in the rear courtyard of Wan Qian Hall.   As a member of the Ji Military Family, she was good with her ears and eyes and at least she possessed some basic foundation but the only setback is……she is very stupid.  Just as he was feeling annoyed teaching her, he heard that her three brothers had bravely barged into his 10-li formation.  He laughed grimly.

When the old Housekeeper heard him, he understood Chen Yubai's meaning was to 'let them be trapped'.  He hardened his scalp and persuaded.  "General Ji Junior, Ji Nan, is also trapped in the formation.  This……if the Second Prince is to come, then you will feel unhappy……."

As expected, Lord Guos.h.i.+ immediately waved his sleeve with disgust.

The old Housekeeper hurriedly rushed out to help the three brothers of the Ji Family out of their trouble and brought them into the residence.

When Ji Xiaoli saw that her three brothers had come, she jumped down happily from the tree.  With a smile, Ji Bei stepped forward and caught her.  At the side, Ji Xi pinched her cheeks and whispered a word……. 'mischievous'.

In the shadows of the tree, Lord Guos.h.i.+ was standing with his hands behind his back.  His eyes rested on Ji Xi's hands that were used to pinch her cheeks and when he turned his gaze, he saw the joyful smile of the person whose cheeks were pinched.  The expression on his face became colder a few more degrees.

The old Housekeeper was very observant and he went forward to interrupt the siblings with a smile.

"Gongzi, please proceed to the front hall to take your seats.  As soon as our Lord has completed the lesson for Miss Xiaoli, he will be there."

Ji Xi and Ji Nan observed proper decorum and when invited to the front hall by the old Housekeeper, they followed.  After Ji Bei had walked two steps forward, he turned his face around quietly and teased her by pulling a face.  When Ji Xiaoli saw, she let out a laugh 'Puchi' but when she turned back to face her s.h.i.+fu, she was shocked by the cold and unpleasant expression on his face.

"s.h.i.+fu……Did I do something wrong?"  She asked cautiously.

"There is a distinction between men and women.  At the age of seven, you should not be sharing a seat*.  Didn't your mother teach you?  You have already performed the hairpin ceremony, so how can you still have close interaction with them?"  Lord Guos.h.i.+ had a serious expression and gave her a lesson on the expected appropriate behavior required between men and women.

(Should not share a seat at seven years old means a girl who had reached the age of seven should not have proximity with males and keep their distance.)

"It seems my Mother did tell me this before."  Ji Xiaoli tilted her head.  "But those are my brothers.  As brothers……the distinction between men and women should not apply to them, right?"

Lord Guos.h.i.+ raised his eyebrow and felt her words…….um, sounded quite reasonable.

"Just the same as with s.h.i.+fu."  The young girl happily added a sentence.

His breathing stagnated.  Lord Guos.h.i.+ tightened his lips and abruptly left for the front hall without a word.

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White Calculation Chapter 18 summary

You're reading White Calculation. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Big Grey Wolf With Wings,长着翅膀的大灰狼. Already has 611 views.

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