White Calculation Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - She is alive

Minister Chu pleaded nicely with Chen Yubai for a long time but he was still unable to make any progress.  Just like the rumors described him, the young Lord Guos.h.i.+ was as cold as a Zhe Xian.  No matter how Minister Chu tried to cajoled or tempted him with rewards, Lord Guos.h.i.+ neither raised his head nor raised his eyes.

Minister Chu felt very sad and was in despair.

While he silently drowned in sorrow and despair, Chu Haoran's happy and dreamy voice from afar came floating in.  "Father!  Father!  Quick, take a look!"

Chu Gongzi rushed in holding the hand of the young girl who wanted to learn divine cultivation.

In Wan Qian Hall, the atmosphere changed dramatically.

Lord Guos.h.i.+ who originally had not shown any change in expression or said anything raised his eyes and rested his gaze on the confused face of the young girl standing beside Chu Haoran.

His thin lips tightened and on his face, a kind of icy-frost with the vastness like a thousand-li seemed to have appeared.

After a long time, he slowly released his fingers and gently placed down the teacup in his hand.

Minister Chu who was overcome with sadness and despair just now, rested his eyes on his son's hand that was holding the girl's hand.  Instantly, his gaze s.h.i.+fted…….

Alive!  Look!  Her eyes are still moving!  There is no mistake, she is alive!

Ah!….Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!……..

Minister Chu joyfully spurted out two drops of old tears.

The Chu Family is finally able to have descendants!

"Lord Guos.h.i.+!"  Minister Chu was so excited that he could not sit still and looked towards Lord Guos.h.i.+ with cupped fists.  "Can this girl be……."

"Xiaoli……"  Chen Yubai did not even look at him and stared coldly at the little muddleheaded girl beside Chu Gongzi.  "Come here!"

Minister Chu stared blankly when he saw the girl obediently withdrew her hand from his son's grasp and went over to Lord Guos.h.i.+.  His heart sank and he asked solemnly.  "Dare I ask Lord Guos.h.i.+, who is this girl?"

Chen Yubai raised his hand and pushed the young girl, who ran to him happily, behind him.   His voice could no longer be described as being cold as it was emitting ice.

"She is my disciple."

He stared at Chu Haoran who was still obsessively watching the disciple with his eyes.  Chu Gongzi who was startled into awareness by Chen Yubai's frosty stare instantly broke off from his play-acting and the dreamlike expression on his face shattered.

Minister Chu is an Official of the Imperial Court, so naturally, he knew about the Emperor's decree to Lord Guos.h.i.+ to take in this disciple.  Instantly, his voice rose and he said happily.  "This beloved disciple of Lord Guos.h.i.+…….is she not the Young Miss of Zhennan w.a.n.g Residence?"

Ji Xiaoli, who did not understand what was happening, smiled and nodded to Minister Chu.  "That's right!  My Father is Zhennan w.a.n.g!"

Chu Haoran's expression began to turn dreamy again…….It turned out that it is not the case of 'A rich Gongzi meeting with a poor girl and a sorrowful love that ends bitterly'……but 'Minister Chu's only Son marrying the Young Miss from a Royal Residence, a suitable match made in Heaven, flying side by side' ! !

The background scenery could even be upgraded a bit more…….with his white robes giving a suave romantic appearance, the view from the stage below would even be more delightful!

Minister Chu looked at the young girl with a loving gaze like he was looking at the mother of his grandchildren and said gently with a smile.  "Your Father, Zhennan w.a.n.g and I are both Officials in the Imperial Court and I have always admired him for his power and bravery.  I did not expect that Zhennan w.a.n.g is not only capable of commanding his army like G.o.d but he is also capable of educating his children so well!"

How would Ji Xiaoli know what was happening?  When someone talked to her in a pleasant tone, she felt very happy, so she smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Chu Haoran stood beside his Father and with tender affection, he looked at the young girl that was still alive.  Every moment he confirmed that she was still alive his love for her would increase a little bit more.

As Minister Chu's mouth was happily spouting words of flattery, he seemed to be seeing his Chu Family's big fat grandchildren running around in front of his eyes.

The three delighted people in the hall were intoxicated in their own thoughts.  Only the face of Lord Guos.h.i.+ was turning colder and colder every moment.  Inside the wide black ice silk sleeves, his fists were clenched tighter and tighter.

Finally, Minister Chu finished speaking his words of flattery and with the high-spirited feeling of 'the Chu Family now no longer has to worry about the future generations' he led the admirable and das.h.i.+ng Chu Gongzi away.  Every step Chu Gongzi took, he would turn his head to look back while he followed his Father to leave with reluctance.

After the father and son of the Chu Family had left, Wan Qian Hall quietened down.

s.h.i.+fu sat quietly without saying a word and Ji Xiaoli endured for a while.  After feeling bored, she came to stand in front of him and asked with great interest.  "s.h.i.+fu, what are you going to teach me today?"

Chen Yubai's eyes were like a vast snowfield and in silence, he stared fixedly at her.

Ji Xiaoli felt gooseb.u.mps rising on her skin when he stared at her.  She did not understand why he was looking at her in this way and only felt that he was unhappy.  She asked timidly.  "s.h.i.+fu, what is the matter?"

Chen Yubai's expression remained cold and as usual, he did not reply.  The dark look in his eyes kept changing rapidly.

The hairs on Ji Xiaoli's back stood on ends.  Gathering courage, she reached out her hand to pull the sleeve of her s.h.i.+fu but just as her finger touched the black ice silk, she was sent flying out of the hall with a strong force.

The young girl flew over more than half the length of Wan Qian Hall and landed on the ground with her b.u.t.t.  She fell in a chaotic mess and as she sat up, she cried in pain.

Since a child, she was loved by Zhennan w.a.n.g and his w.a.n.gfei, and pampered by Ji Dong, Ji Nan, Ji Si, and Ji Bei.  Although the momos from the Princess Niang Niang's courtyard would sometimes sneakily bully her, it would be just one or two sneak pinches or a push from them.  This is the first time she was. .h.i.t and thrown so far away.

She did not even know what to say and her mind was in a blank after the fall.  She sat on the ground near the door with tears streaming down her face and felt very sad.

From a distance, Chen Yubai looked at her crying with a complex feeling in his turbulent heart.  It was the same feeling he had as a child after being injured while learning martial arts…….the pain…..that he did not want anyone to know.

Why is this happening?  In shock, he asked himself silently…….she is crying but what has it to do with him?

What happened just now?  When Chu Haoran was holding her hand, why was there an urge to throw the teacup cover over to knock Chu Haoran's arm?

Although Chen Yubai's face was still cold and without expression, his heart was boiling furiously.

Even though he knew he no longer involved himself in worldly matters, he was aware that at this moment, it was related to his emotions.  No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless he is, Chen Yubai could not deny that his feelings had been stirred.

The young Lord Guos.h.i.+ did not dare and was unwilling to think about this anymore.  His anger peaked as he glared at the crying young girl with a gaze that was overflowing with killing intent!

"Get out!"  He coldly and angrily ordered.

As Ji Xiaoli cried, she raised her head to look at him with eyes that were filled with tears and feelings of doubt, fear, and sadness……..

"Scram!"  Chen Yubai seemed to have been scorched by her gaze.  With a swing of his sleeve, he threw out a force that pushed the young girl who was crawling to escape even further away.

She quickly rolled out of the hall and with a 'peng' she knocked her head on the door.  Her body felt painful, her heart felt afraid and she could not help but burst into loud tearful cries.


Ever since Ji Xiaoli came to Guos.h.i.+ Residence to learn divine cultivation, the quiet Guos.h.i.+ Residence would often break out with such dynamic commotions and the old Housekeeper and the servants have all become used to it since it was nothing strange.  Therefore when Lord Guos.h.i.+'s angry roar rang out, the servant who was sweeping the floor continued to sweep the floor and the servant who was watering the plants continued to water the plants.

At this time, the old Housekeeper was watching Xiao Tian wipe a valuable jade teacup and when the Master's angry roar sounded, Xiao Tian's fingers did not even show the slightest shake.

The 'Idiot' that was as fat as a chicken in the cage that was hung under the verandah was presently having a sweet and peaceful sleep with its little head tucked under its wings.

After a short while, the faint cries of the little girl were heard.

Instantly the broom stopped moving, the water was splashed sideways and the jade teacup nearly from the hands of the shock Xiao Tian!

'Idiot' raised its head fiercely and could not believe its ears as it let out sounds of 'gu-gu'.

The old Housekeeper anxiously rushed to the front of Wan Qian Hall.

The door of Wan Qian Hall was closed and a heavy chill was emitting from the crack in the door.  When the old Housekeeper approached the hall, he s.h.i.+vered involuntarily and hurriedly instructed Xiao Tian to go up and help the young girl who was crying in front of the door to stand up.

"What's the matter?"  The old Housekeeper asked the young girl in surprise.

Ji Xiaoli's face was streaming with tears and while sobbing and sniffling, she said.  "s.h.i.+fu.….. s.h.i.+fu……..he, wu, wu, wu……….."

Sometimes she would do something that would make other people feel helpless but she has a happy disposition and whoever sees her would involuntarily feel happy too.  At this moment, she is crying so pitifully, and when her sad voice called out the word 's.h.i.+fu' it made the old Housekeeper recalled the time when the old Lord Guos.h.i.+ pa.s.sed away……

Little Master was only ten years old at that time. Without any sleep or rest, the Little Master had stayed in the funeral hall for five days six nights without showing a teardrop.  On the day of the funeral, in the early hours of the morning, after enduring for so many days…….when the tired servants were all drowsy and even he could not bear it any longer, he heard a very faint small voice called out 's.h.i.+fu…….".   He snuck a look over and saw a thin boy in mourning clothes full of filial piety with a heavy black iron scepter at his waist.  His little hands were placed on the tall huge coffin with his forehead resting on it and he was slowly……slowly…… closing his eyes.

Ever since then, the Little Master only wore black robes and he had never seen the Little Master reveal a smile.

When the old Housekeeper recalled this, sorrow rose from his heart and at that moment, tears fell from his eyes.

Frightened by Ji Xiaoli's tears, Xiao Tian whispered a few words to console her but he was uncertain about the right thing to do.  Just as he turned around to seek advice from the old Housekeeper, the next instant he was startled by the tears streaming down that old face.  The young boy looked at the old man and then took a look at the young girl then he flattened his mouth and started to cry as well.

The door of Wan Qian Hall remained closed.  Outside the door, the three people were crying but it remained silent inside the hall.


From that day onwards, Chen Yubai refused to see Ji Xiaoli.

During the first two days, Ji Xiaoli felt angry at him for throwing her out but after feeling angry for two days, she forgot about the whole matter.  Once again, she ran around the place to look for fun things to play.  She did not take the earlier matter to heart and also ran to look for her s.h.i.+fu to practice divine cultivation.

But her s.h.i.+fu refused to see her at all.

Chen Yubai truly did not want to see her and he even did not require the young boy to stand guard.  He just set up a formation in the front and back of Guan Xing Pavilion to trap her in the formation and let her wander around for the whole morning unable to find her way out.

Finally, she felt so tired that she sat down on the floor.

Chanting a few words, Xiao Tian jumped into the formation.  In his hand was a small tray with a pot of tea and teacup.  He was worried that he would forget the chant and get trapped like her, so he kept muttering the words without a waver to his eyes.

Ji Xiaoli was struck with an idea and she quickly stood up to follow him.  She saw him successfully walked straight to the door, gave it a push, and then entered.  In front of her, a curtain of darkness. .h.i.t her and she b.u.mped into that big tree again.

Xiao Tian looked back at her with sympathy and unable to do anything,  he walked into Guan Xing Pavilion.

It was a bit cold in Guan Xing Pavilion.  As soon as he walked in, it was like the summer day had frosted over with chilly air blowing in.  Xiao Tian held his breath and carefully placed the tray down on the table.  He asked in a light voice.  "Does my Lord want some snacks?"

The person holding the book with a frosty expression shook his head slightly.

Xiao Tian recalled the words the old Housekeeper said to him before he came and gathering courage he continued to ask.  "Then……should Miss Xiaoli be given some snacks?  She has already been trapped in the formation for several hours."

"You can take her away.  Don't allow her to come again."

Xiao Tian became silent for a while and then he said cautiously.  "Miss Xiaoli had said that if you refuse to see her, she would rather be trapped in the formation.  It is said that……' One day as a s.h.i.+fu, forever a Father*……"

(One day as a s.h.i.+fu, forever a Father is an idiom that means even if the teacher is to teach for a day, he should be respected as a father for the rest of his life.)

Instantly, a book was thrown at him and the young boy was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

"Then don't stop her and let her die!"  The man who will be 'forever a Father' roared angrily and the look on his face became even scarier.

The young boy did not know what he had said wrong and did not dare to talk too much anymore.  After picking up the book, he left silently.

"Yi?"  When he opened the door, he was caught by surprise.  He stood there and muttered to himself.  "Why did Miss Xiaoli climb up the tree?  The eye of this formation is not even on the treetop."

Just as the words left his lips, he felt a strong cold wind churned up beside him.  Involuntarily, the boy turned his head to look back and saw the man who was originally lying on the couch had already jumped up.  Then a black shadow like an arrow shot down from the upper-level.

After the Guos.h.i.+ Residence had fallen into a few peacefully quiet days, once again the air erupted with the angry roar of Lord Guos.h.i.+.

"Ji Xiaoli!  You're not allowed to jump!"

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White Calculation Chapter 22 summary

You're reading White Calculation. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Big Grey Wolf With Wings,长着翅膀的大灰狼. Already has 542 views.

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