An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius Part 15

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_Die_ is the middle of the Pedestals, _viz._ that which is between their _Basis_ and their _Cornice_. It's so called, because it's for the most part of a Cubit form, as _Die's_ are that are used in play.

_Dentils_, or Teeth, is a Member of the _Jonick_ Cornice, which is square, and cut out at convenient distances, which gives it the form of a Set or Gang of Teeth.

_Diastyle_, from [Greek: dia] and [Greek: stylos]: _Columna_ is a sort of Edifice where the Pillars are distanced one from another the breadth of 3 Diameters of the Pillar.

_Diptere_, from [Greek: dis] and [Greek: pteron]: _Ala_ signifies that which has a double Isle or Wing; the Ancients called so the Temples, which were surrounded with two Ranges of Pillars, for there two _Ranges_ made two _Portico's_, which they called _Wings_, we _Isles_, from the French word _Ailes_, which signifies _Wings_, because as Wings are on the sides of Birds, so these of Edifices.


_Echinus_, from [Greek: apo tou echinou] a _Hedg-hog_; it is a Member of Architecture, which we call a _Quarter-round_; it has its name from the roughness of its Carving, resembling the p.r.i.c.kly Rhind of the Chesnut, and not unlike the Hedg-hog; it's commonly next to the _Abacus_, and carved with Ovals and Darts, sometimes called Eggs and Anchors, because these pretended Chesnuts are cut in an Oval form.

_Entablature_ signifies properly the Flooring or Lofting with Boards; it comes from the Latin word _Tabulatum_. In Architecture it's that part which is composed of the _Architrave_, _Frise_, and _Cornice_, for in effect this part is the extream part of the Flooring, which is supported by Pillars, or by a Wall if it have no Pillars.

_Eye_ is the middle of the _Jonick_ Volute, which is cut in the form of a little Rose.

_Eurythmie_, from [Greek: eu] _bene_, and [Greek: arithmos]

_numera_: it signifies Proportion; it's taken in its general signification in _Architecture_; for in its particular signification it signifies the true measure that is observed in Dancing after Musick.

_Eustyle_, from [Greek: _eu_] _bene_, and [Greek: stylos] a _Pillar_; its the Order where Pillars are rightly placed, the Intercolumniations being two Diameters and a quarter.


_Face_ is a Member of Architecture, which has a great Breadth and a small Projecture; it's in _Architraves_.

_Filet_ is a little square streight Member.

_Fresco_, and to paint in _Fresco_ or _Freth_, is an Italian Phrase, and it signifies the Painting which is made upon the Plaistering before it be dry.

_Frise_ is that part which is between the _Architrave_ and the _Cornice_.


_Gnomonick_ is the Art of making Sun-dials; it's derived from the Greek [Greek: gnomon], which signifies that which shews a thing, as the c.o.c.k or Pin of the Dyal shews what a clock it is.

_Gorge_, or the _Gule_ or _Neck_, is the narrowest part of the _Dorick Capital_, which is between the _Astragal_, above the Shaft of the Pillar and the Annulets.

_Gutte_, or _Drops_, are little parts, which to the number of six are put below every _Triglyph_ in the _Architrave_ of the _Dorick Order_.


_Hydraulick_, from the Greek [Greek: hydor]; which signifies Water, is an Engine that plays by the help of Water, especially where there are Pipes and Flutes.

_Hypethre_, from [Greek: hyposuo], and [Greek: aither]

aether; signifies a Building whose inside is exposed to the Rain and open Air. The Ancients called so all Temples that had no Roof.

_Hyperthyron_, for [Greek: hyper] _super_, and [Greek: thyra] _Janua_, a Gate or Door: It signifies that which is above the Gate; it's a large Table, which is upon the _Dorick_ Gates in the manner of a _Frise_.


_Ichnographie_, from [Greek: iknos] _vestigium_, and [Greek: grapha] _Scribo_, or _Insculpo_; which properly signifies the Figure that the Plane of the Foot impresses upon the Earth. By it in Architecture is understood that which is commonly called the _Plan_ of the _Edifice_.


_Lacuner_, or Platfond, is the _Flooring_ or _Planching_ above the _Portico's_.

_Laconic.u.m_ was a dry Stove to sweat in: It was so called, because it was much used by the _Lacedemonians_.

_Larmier_ or _Drip_, vide _Corona_.


_Metope_, from [Greek: meti] and [Greek: hope], _foramen_, _intervallum_. Signifies the Front; it's the Name of the empty s.p.a.ces in _Freeze_ of the _Dorick Order_, between the Triglyphs.

_Modillion_ signifies in _Italian_ a little Model, a little Measure: It's that part which is so often repeated in the _Corinthian_ and _Compound Cornice_, which supports the Projecture of the _Larmier_ or _Drip_. This part is called the little _Model_ in respect of the great Model, which is the Diameter of the Pillar; for as the Proportion of an Edifice depends on the _Diameter_ of the _Pillar_, so the greatness of the Modellians, their number, and their s.p.a.ce or distances, must have a just Proportion or true Relation to the whole Fabrick.

_Module_ or _Model_ is a measure that is made use of to regulate all the Proportion of the _Fabrick_: In the _Dorick Order_ it's half the _Diameter_ of the Pillar; in other Orders the Module is the whole _Diameter_.

_Monoptere_, from [Greek: monos] _solus_, and [Greek: pteron] _ala_; is that which has but one Wing or Isle; it was a sort of a round Temple, whose Roof was supported by Pillars only.

_Mutuli_, from [Greek: mytilos], which signifies defect, as being made thinner, and more abated above than below.

It's a sort of a Modellion in the Cornice of the _Dorick_ Order.


_Noyan_ is the middle part of the Flooring of the Ancients.

They made it with Ciment, which they put betwixt a Lay or Bed of Pibbles, cimented with Mortar made of Lime and Sand.


_Orchestra_, from [Greek: orcheomai] _salto_; signified the place where they danced; it was the lowest place in the Theatre, which was between the _scene_, _viz._ the place where the Players acted, and the Seats where the Spectators sate. It was in this place where the Greek Comedians were wont to dance.

_Order_, those Fabricks are said to be of different Orders, when the Proportion which is between the thickness of the _Pillars_ and their height, with all other things which are required to this Proportion, are different.

_Ornaments_, _Vitruvius_ so calls the _Architrave_, _Frise_, and _Cornice_.

_Oval_, vide _Echinus_.


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An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius Part 15 summary

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