The Betrothal Part 13

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_A Ballroom in the Fairy's Palace_

(_All that remains standing is the columns and aisles forming the portico of an immense, luminous room, which might have been hewn and carved out of a mountain of amber. Under the dazzling arches_ THE SIX GIRLS _move about, arrayed in resplendent, trailing gowns, with their feet encased in gilt sandals, their hair hanging loose and their hands filled with flowers. They joyously beckon to_ TYLTYL, _who, at first dumbfounded, rushes towards them and joins in their games and dances_. THE VEILED GIRL _alone stands on one side, leaning against the column_.)


(_Observing_ DESTINY, _draped in a long black cape, with a broad-brimmed Spanish sombrero on his head_.) I say, there's Destiny!... She has dressed him like the villain in a play!... (_Clapping her hands_.) Come, children, it is time to be starting.... All this doesn't count: the real work is about to begin....




_Before the Curtain representing Rocks_

(_Enter_ TYLTYL _and_ LIGHT.)


(_Out of breath, dropping on to a boulder_.) They live a long way up, the Ancestors!... Aren't you tired?


No, I was born in the mountains.


(_Bending over a crevice_.) You're not like Destiny, who has almost given out.... He's still at the bottom of the last precipice, with my little friends.... He stumbles at every step and is limping badly....

They won't be here yet awhile; and I am very glad to have a moment alone with you, before they come, for I have a lot of things to ask you....


Ask me anything you like, dear; I will do my best to answer.


What do you think of these little friends of mine?... If you had to choose, which would you take?...


I like them all, but it is not for me to choose; no one but yourself can tell which one you love best.


Ah, that's not so easy!... You see, I love them all!... For instance, I love little Jalline, the beggar's daughter: she is so gentle and sweet, such a darling!...


Yes, she is very attractive: a pretty little creature, with a pure and simple mind....


But I also love the Mayor's daughter, Rosarelle.... She is really very beautiful, not a bit conceited and much better-educated than the others.... And then think of what she has done: she has left everything to go with me....


Yes, that is the proof of a real love....


But I also love Roselle, the inn-keeper's daughter, who is a very pretty girl, so healthy and strong and frank and brave and cheerful and amusing: you can't think how kind and affectionate she is....


Yes, she has qualities; and I too find her very sympathetic....


But I also love the wood-cutter's daughter, Milette.... She has such beautiful eyes and hair!... At first she seems a little awkward, a little shy; but it's quite different when you know her: she is really very playful and full of fun.... And then, have you noticed her mouth and her teeth?


Yes, I've noticed them....


But I also love Belline, the butcher's daughter.... To begin with, she's my cousin; and one always loves one's cousins. And then there's something about her dark beautiful eyes that frightens me rather. I adore that.... But she's not unkind, not at all.... Have you noticed her smile? One can never tell exactly what it means....


Yes, she has a strange smile....


But I also love the miller's daughter, Aimette.... To begin with, she's also my cousin.... She keeps her eyes lowered under her long, curling eyelashes; she blushes when you look at her and weeps when you speak to her.... She looks a little silly; well, she's not that at all. She's quite different when you know her a bit.... She's very bright and very jolly and whispers such nice, sweet things to you that you at once want to kiss her....


I can see that the choice will not be easy.


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The Betrothal Part 13 summary

You're reading The Betrothal. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Maurice Maeterlinck. Already has 518 views.

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