Edward Barry Part 3

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"Here I am, you see, Mr. Watson, just in time for a yarn and smoke before I leave. Will you give me your key, please?"

"Aye, aye, sonny," said the rumbling-voiced mate, taking it from his pocket. "Hurry up. Welsh rarebit in five minutes."

Hastily changing his borrowed clothes Barry then went into his own room and packed his one bag, which he at once carried downstairs.

Fortunately he owed the landlord nothing, and though he had but three s.h.i.+llings in the world, his face indicated nothing but a supreme content when he rejoined the old mate and his companions.

The Welsh rarebit and its liquid concomitants having been duly disposed of, Barry rose and told his friends that as he must be on board his new s.h.i.+p by midnight, and then had to write a letter, he must leave them.

Then he shook hands all round, each man wis.h.i.+ng him luck.

Watson came to the door with him. "Got all you want, sonny? Anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, come into the side parlour here, and I'll tell you my yarn before I write that letter. I've a full hour, and I can do both in that time."

"Aye, aye," said Watson in his deep voice, as he seated himself.

"Well, here it is--the yarn I mean. I came out here to Sydney two years ago, chief officer on the _Maid of Judah_. There were a lot of pa.s.sengers. One family--an old gentleman, his wife and daughter and myself got pretty thick."

"'Count of the daughter?"

Barry nodded. "Yes. The skipper was a lardy-da sort of a beast, and fell foul of me on account of talking to her too much--so he told the girl's mother--who was a silly, brainless sort of a woman, and thought him a perfect gentleman--I knew him to be a beast. Between the two of them they made trouble enough for me, though the old gentleman stuck to me, and didn't believe in the skipper. And anyway the girl liked me best, you see."

The old mate nodded. "I've seen a lot of skippers like that. The way women--married women travellin' alone especially--takes to such swabs is agin Natur'. _I_ don't understand it--never could."

"Well," resumed Barry, "one day, after we reached Sydney, the skipper and I came to blows--over the girl. I asked for leave--told him I was going ash.o.r.e to see the Maynards. He said something foul about the girl, and so I dropped it into him--knocked him off the break of the p.o.o.p on to the main deck. He was nearly killed. I got two months'


Rumbling voice nodded again. "An' o' course the gal wouldn't recognise you again. Don't tell me. _I_ know something about women."

Barry smiled. "But _she_ isn't one of that sort, Mr. Watson. Both she and her father used to come and see me--the mother hated me. Of course, when I came out, the owners of the _Maid of Judah_ wouldn't have anything to do with me after spoiling the beauty of their curly-headed pet skipper, and so I was stranded for a bit. But I soon got a berth as mate on a brig called the _Tawera_, trading between Tahiti, Valparaiso, and Sydney. Used to write to the girl (whose mother had died meantime) and was putting by money. Then I got into another mess."

"Women?" queried Watson, puffing solemnly at his pipe.

"No," answered Barry hotly; "didn't I tell you that I used to write to _her_? I'm not one of that sort."

"Beg pardon, sonny. I'm an old fool. But what was the mess?"

"I left the _Tawera_--like a blind fool--at Tahiti, and sailed for the Paumotu Group on a pearl-sh.e.l.ling cruise in a cutter. We ran ash.o.r.e on a reef off Ahunui, and lost nearly everything of course--I was half-owner--and lived on the Paumotus for nearly a year before I could get away to Auckland. Then I came to Sydney--best place for another s.h.i.+p, you know--but couldn't get one. Had to p.a.w.n all my gear to keep myself going. Didn't care to go and see her--you know, under the circs--afraid of the old woman, who I didn't know was dead. So I booted it around trying to get a s.h.i.+p. And now comes the curious part of my yarn; I had hardly got a s.h.i.+p, when I--just after I left you this evening--met Mr. Maynard. He's broke, lost all his money in a mine or something. She--the girl I mean, had to take a berth in a draper's shop. But I've seen her, and everything's all right, and I'm as happy as a sandboy. Let's have something to drink. I must hurry off aboard, and write a letter to her."

"Steady, boy. Steady about drinks," and the old man put his hand on Barry's knee. "I'll have a drink with you with pleasure, but I'll pay for them. I don't suppose you got much of an advance, did you now?

And how much have you left?"

Barry laughed, and then told the old mate his story in detail, and confessed to having but three s.h.i.+llings left.

"Mr. Barry, you're a gentleman. I hope the girl is one of the right----"

"She is one----" began Barry.

"There, that'll do, my boy. I'm sure she is; a girl who sticks to her father in that way will make the two ends and bight of a good wife.

Now, look here. I've a hundred or two in the Bank of Australasia here, and if you want a tenner--aye, or two--you can have it straight away; the landlord will cash a cheque for me."

Barry gripped the old sailor's hand.

"You're a 'white man' as they say here in Australia, a white man to the backbone! And I thank you sincerely, very sincerely, but I don't want it. But I'd like you to know Miss Maynard. Here is the address, I'm writing to her to-night, as soon as I get aboard, and I'll let her know you are coming. I had no time to tell her a heap of things--all about our being cast away on the Paumotus, and all the rest of it. Now I must be off--it's past eleven, and I have promised to be on board at twelve. We sail at daylight." Then he gave his friend some particulars about the brig.

Watson shook the young man's hand warmly, and they parted.

Half an hour later Barry was standing on the wharf hailing the brig. A boat at once pushed off from her side and pulled in. The wind by this time had already decreased in violence, but it was still blowing strongly, though the sky was fairly clear, and a few stars were showing.

Jumping into the boat, which was manned by four native sailors, and steered by a thick-set, powerful white man, who was wrapped up in a heavy coat, and who bade Barry a gruff "good evening," she was quickly slewed round, and in a few minutes was alongside again. No lights were visible on deck, but Captain Rawlings was standing in the waist smoking a cigar.

"Ha, here you are, Mr. Barry," he said pleasantly, shaking hands with his new officer; "come below with me, please. Mr. Barradas, hoist in the boat as quickly as possible. Mr. Barry, this is Mr. Barradas, my second mate."

Following the captain, Barry entered the cabin, which was large and well lighted. A native steward was in attendance; at a sign from Rawlings he brought decanters of spirits and two, and placed them on the table.

"Take a drink, Mr. Barry. Let us drink success to our voyage."

"Thank you," said Barry, and Rawlings clinked his own gla.s.s against his in a friendly fas.h.i.+on. Then as he set his gla.s.s down the captain, still smiling in a pleasant manner, said, "That is your cabin there, Mr. Barry; the steward will put your things in. And now you'll be surprised to hear that I've decided to get under weigh at once, instead of waiting for daylight. Steward, tell Mr. Barradas to get ready to heave up."

Barry's face expressed his astonishment and disappointment--astonishment that the captain should choose a dark and boisterous night to take his departure, and disappointment at his thus being prevented from writing to Rose Maynard and sending his letter ash.o.r.e. Rawlings was quick to note the change in his face, and his own features, too, underwent a sudden transformation.

"I expect my orders not to be questioned, Mr. Barry," he said, in a sharp, imperious tone.

"Certainly not," a.s.sented Barry, "I am merely disappointed at being unable to write a very important letter. That is all, sir."

The captain's smile was back in an instant.

"Can you do it in a quarter of an hour?" he asked.

"Less than that--ten, five minutes will do. I can scribble a few lines at once if you will allow me. But how can I get it ash.o.r.e?"

"Oh, the Custom House fellow--the tide-waiter will take it for you.

I'll put him ash.o.r.e in the dinghy as soon as we begin to heave up. Be as quick as you can, please. Steward, bring writing gear for Mr.

Barry, quick."

Whilst Barry hurriedly scribbled a few lines to Rose telling her that the brig was putting to sea at that moment, and that he would write her fully at the first available opportunity, Captain Rawlings paced to and fro in the main cabin, waiting.

"Ah, finished already. The tide-waiter is asleep in his cabin, and I said I would not disturb him till the last moment. But I'll wake him now."

"Thank you," said Barry, handing him the letter. "Shall I go for'ard now, sir?"

"If you please," answered Rawlings politely.

The moment Barry left the cabin the captain opened the letter, read it, smiled contemptuously, and closed it again. Then he too went on deck, and walked aft.

"Are you ready, bos'un?" he said to a man who with two others was standing by the dinghy davits on the port side.

"Yes, sir."

"Then lower away. And, here, put this letter in his pocket. Take him well up into the middle of the wharf, and lie him down somewhere under shelter."

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Edward Barry Part 3 summary

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