Zeppelin Part 10

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Actual construction work was discontinued early in 1920. The Allied Powers so interpreted the Treaty of Versailles that the German aircraft industry was not able to produce s.h.i.+ps or planes having the least possible military value. Further restrictions were defined in the London Ultimatum. They have been enforced by the Allied Control Commission.

Research and Development Work Continues

Notwithstanding this severe handicap, the Zeppelin organizations have been kept intact. There has been sufficient work on motor cars, motor boats, motors, gears, aluminum foundry work, etc. to keep the workmen occupied. Where some of the plants have been closed, the entire personnel has been transferred into the other active organizations. In each branch of the Zeppelin organization design and research work on airs.h.i.+ps and aerial navigation have continued and progressed.

Zeppelin Able to Produce All Types

Luftschiffbau-Zeppelin has been particularly active in developing as far as possible the many ideas and inventions originating before and during the war. Many of their new airs.h.i.+p designs have been completed, others partly finished. It is now possible to produce quickly any type of commercial airs.h.i.+p from of 700,000 to 7,000,000 cubic feet (20,000 to 2,000,000 cubic meters) capacity.

[PLATE 54: 100,000 Cubic Meter Fast Commercial Zeppelin.

Trans-Atlantic mail and express service.


For ZEPPELIN AIRs.h.i.+P Entw. 270]

Some of the types for which specifications have been completed and the performance of which are guaranteed and further, backed by more than twenty-five years of experience, include:

Plate 51 1-A 20,000 to 30,000 cubic meter fast pa.s.senger Zeppelin, based on the =Bodensee= performance.

Plate 52 2-A 50,000 cubic meter pa.s.senger Zeppelin for medium distances and training purposes.

Plate 53 3-A 60,000 cubic meter fast pa.s.senger Zeppelin for medium distances.

Plate 53-54 4-A 100,000 cubic meter trans-atlantic mail-carrying Zeppelin.

Plate 55 5-A 135,000 cubic meter long distance pa.s.senger Zeppelin.

Airs.h.i.+ps for national defense are available, such as scouting, long distance patrol s.h.i.+ps and others for mine spotting and short radius patrol.

Guaranteed Performance Based on Actual Experience

From actual experience during the war Luftschiffbau-Zeppelin is able to build and guarantee the performance of airplane carrying airs.h.i.+ps which permit large or small planes being launched or taken aboard while in flight.

Bombing and raiding airs.h.i.+ps have been developed; but on the other hand the military development is considered of secondary importance to the vast amount of knowledge and experience acquired for commercial airs.h.i.+p operations.

[PLATE 55: 135,000 Cubic Meter Fast Pa.s.senger Zeppelin.

For long distance pa.s.senger and mail service.]

Complete Airs.h.i.+p Navigation Data Now Available

The Zeppelin Operating Company ("DELAG") have collaborated in a.s.sembling all possible data relative to the operation and navigation of the great rigids, with a view toward having it available for immediate use and the instruction of other personnel when and wherever circ.u.mstances permit or require.

Aerial transport requirements of the future have been the subject of exhaustive study and research. Many new inventions have resulted from this knowledge of what is necessary to realize even part of the almost limitless possibilities in airs.h.i.+p communication. Innumerable ideas have been created and pa.s.sed upon by experts who have decided finally as to their practicability and financial worth.

The "DELAG," which it will be noted, is the navigating company of the Zeppelin organization, has retained all of its 1919 personnel and has added to it such forces as the outlook for the future seems to warrant.

The "DELAG" has about all of the qualified airs.h.i.+p personnel in Central Europe.

Zeppelin Organization Equipped for New Conditions

The parent company, Luftschiffbau-Zeppelin, has so arranged its organization that it can handle any development arising from the new situation both politically and economically.

Heretofore the management was under Director-General Alfred Colsman alone. Today it is divided into three divisions, operating, constructing and financial. Mr. Colsman handles the financial divisions and various subsidiary companies. Dr. Ludwig Durr the construction, and Dr. Hugo Eckener the operating division which includes also the technical phases and all outside relations, domestic and foreign. Dr. Eckener, meanwhile, retains his position as managing Director of the "DELAG" and as one of the Directors of the Zeppelin endowment.

[PLATE 56: 135,000 Cubic Meter Fast Pa.s.senger Zeppelin Drawing Room.

135,000 Cubic Meter Fast Pa.s.senger Zeppelin-Stateroom.]

Considered from all angles, due to the present development and knowledge of the science of lighter-than-air, it is possible today to provide satisfactory airs.h.i.+p service for any route contemplated or which may be planned for the future.

Two and a Half Days Trans-Atlantic Service Possible

Carefully prepared calculations on some 600 flights made up and carried out from daily weather maps of the north Atlantic on methodically selected periods, have convinced the Zeppelin officials that a two and a half day Zeppelin service could be maintained between Europe and America.

Zeppelin engineers worked incessantly making the North Atlantic flights across the weather maps. When they had completed their 600 theoretical trips they knew as much about what actually could be done, as if they had flown such a service for two or three years. With the exception of a few details, easily worked out in a brief experimental period, the Zeppelin organization could put such a service in operation at once, if permitted.

New York-Chicago Route Difficult but Practicable

There has been considerable speculation relative to the New York-Chicago route. Several announcements have been made that either an airplane or airs.h.i.+p service was about to be started. The Zeppelin engineers came to the United States not long ago and made a preliminary survey of that route. They based their report on a thorough examination of daily weather maps and reports for the last thirty years and stated that a New York-Chicago route could be operated successfully. It was pointed out that the New York-Chicago line would a.s.sume more responsibility for the fair name of commercial airs.h.i.+p transport than anywhere on earth, more so, even than the trans-atlantic route which, technically, is far less difficult.

[PLATE 57: The "DELAG" Pa.s.senger Zeppelin "Bodensee".

The new palace at Potsdam as seen enroute.

The "DELAG" Pa.s.senger Zeppelin "Bodensee."

View of Reichstag Building and Unter den Linden, Berlin.]

When asked to cooperate in a New York-Chicago airs.h.i.+p line, the Zeppelin organization has consistently pointed out the many problems to be met.

Their preliminary survey shows that they can maintain a twelve hour schedule, with almost 100% regularity in summer, from 80 to 90% in winter, or an average yearly performance of from 93 to 96%.

Many Engineering Problems Solved

In addition, the Zeppelin organization supports its conclusion with a fund of engineering data. Considerable research work has resulted in solving many problems including pa.s.senger accommodations and the structure of larger airs.h.i.+ps, improvement of the gasoline engine, the steam turbine and the Diesel engine. They have provided for the safety of gas containers, eliminating fire and lightning risk, even producing a nitrogen mantle.

Gearings, reversible propellers and modern methods of ballast recovery have been perfected or improved.

Various devices for launching s.h.i.+ps, rotary sheds accommodating two giant Zeppelins yet revolving under light power from electric motors, and many other docking facilities are primarily of Zeppelin origin.

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Zeppelin Part 10 summary

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